Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Ok so Parker is not feeling well now, poor little guy. He has the aches and is cold. Today was good. Joshua's fever went away early this am, we both slept on the couch until Don went to work, then we took over my bed. He is back to his normal self, although he wanted me to hold him most of the day. Jared has 4 teeth coming in at once and a couple more trying to come in, so he has been a bit of a bear. Patrick got $2.00 for his tooth that he flicked out yesterday. Ok, so Don took his car in to get it checked because it dies everytime he stops, so he called me and asked me if I really want to know whats wrong with it, so I said sure. Oh ya it needs all new spark plug wires (whatever that is) and a NEW TRANMISSION, those are only $3000.00 so the car is parked probably forever and he is back to driving the truck until it warms up and he can drive his motorcycle. So that was a bit of a downer. But today is my turtle boy Andrew's 11th birthday! I can't believe he is that old, I remember going down to San Diego with karla when he was 1 month old, aaahhh the days!! Well I best go, I think Don needs a drink lol!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Don got called to work at 2:30am! Yawn!! He is tired, and tonight has to get up at 1am to go to work, I feel bad for him! Today started good, walked on the treadmill and got ready to go to Trish's house to have lunch with her and Jolene. That was a lot of fun until Josh started getting warm, he had a fever so I gave him some tylenol and he is not feeling any better tonight. His tummy hurts =( so I think it will be a long night. Don got him some 7-up so he is sipping that and watching Over The Hedge. He loves that movie. Don got Parkers "mouse" car cut out and now he is painting it for his race. I took a picture of Jared grabbing his toys, he is so darn cute. He has a girlfriend now lol! Her name is Ashley and she is 9 days younger than him. They are very much alike and he just loved her today. She is a good christian girl so I approve =) Thats about it for a quick update, please pray for Josh, he isnt feeling well!! Thanks!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
My crush??
Ok so on the survey underneath this post is says "whos you crush" and I put Matt, well I thought it said who was your first crush, and yes that would be Matt, but my current crush of course is Don, so I just wanted to clear that one up whew! Anyway, Patrick is home today, he has had a headache since yesterday, he fell asleep before 7:30 last night on the couch. So today he is tormenting Joshua and vis versa. Don and I planned our trip! We are so excited!! Were leaving on July 14th and we'll be back around the 25th. We decided were going to go to the Grand Canyon also. It is going to be very fun!! Our first "trip" as a family!! Today I have to go to Wal Mart and get of course diapers and formula! Can't wait til they are both done with those items!! Don has to cut Parkers pine derby car out tonight since his race is Friday night! Anyway, thats about it for now!! Happy Monday People!!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I got this survey off of myspace, but since some of my readers dont belong to myspace I thought I would post one for you!!
Eye: Color Hazel
Hair: Color Brown
Height: 5'3
Favorite Color: Black
Screen Name: heatherfrk25
Favorite Band: I love so many Favorite
Movie: Same as above
Favorite TV Show: Survivor
Your Car: 06' Chevy Uplander
Your Hometown: Poulsbo
Your Present Town: Ephrata
Your Crush's First Name: Matt
Your Grade: been out of school for 11 years =(
Your Style: Comfortable
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop: No way, too scared
Kissed someone in the rain:
Yes Danced in a public place: Oh yes
Smiled for no reason: All the time
Laughed so hard you cried: All the time, yesterday in fact
Peed your pants after age 8: Yes, but I was pregnant
Written a song: No
Sang to someone for no reason: My boys all the time
Performed on a stage: Yes
Talked to someone you don't know: Yes
Made out in a theater: Yes
Gone roller skating since 8th grade: Yes
Been in love: Yes, I am
...Can You...
Write with both hands: Yes, left isnt as nice, but I can
Whistle: Nope
Blow a bubble: Yes
Roll your tongue: Yes
Cross your eyes: Yes
Touch your tongue to your nose: Nope
Dance: Yes
Speak a different language: A little spanish
Impersonate someone: Nope
Cook anything :I'm working on it
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... little thinner, I would like myself
I wish ... I will live to see my boys grow up to be happy and married
So many people don't know ... that I am very shy, and I have always wanted to be a wife and mommy
I am ... a very busy mommy and wife!
My heart is ... so full!
Eye: Color Hazel
Hair: Color Brown
Height: 5'3
Favorite Color: Black
Screen Name: heatherfrk25
Favorite Band: I love so many Favorite
Movie: Same as above
Favorite TV Show: Survivor
Your Car: 06' Chevy Uplander
Your Hometown: Poulsbo
Your Present Town: Ephrata
Your Crush's First Name: Matt
Your Grade: been out of school for 11 years =(
Your Style: Comfortable
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop: No way, too scared
Kissed someone in the rain:
Yes Danced in a public place: Oh yes
Smiled for no reason: All the time
Laughed so hard you cried: All the time, yesterday in fact
Peed your pants after age 8: Yes, but I was pregnant
Written a song: No
Sang to someone for no reason: My boys all the time
Performed on a stage: Yes
Talked to someone you don't know: Yes
Made out in a theater: Yes
Gone roller skating since 8th grade: Yes
Been in love: Yes, I am
...Can You...
Write with both hands: Yes, left isnt as nice, but I can
Whistle: Nope
Blow a bubble: Yes
Roll your tongue: Yes
Cross your eyes: Yes
Touch your tongue to your nose: Nope
Dance: Yes
Speak a different language: A little spanish
Impersonate someone: Nope
Cook anything :I'm working on it
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... little thinner, I would like myself
I wish ... I will live to see my boys grow up to be happy and married
So many people don't know ... that I am very shy, and I have always wanted to be a wife and mommy
I am ... a very busy mommy and wife!
My heart is ... so full!
Were Home!!

Well we made it home yesterday morning, despite ALL the snow, it finally stopped snowing last night, we got a few good inches! Don and I had alot of fun! We went out to "Dons resturant" it was alot of laughing and talking, was so nice to just visit and not worry about if the kids are being too loud. We were there almost 2 hours! I had a couple drinks so when I got up I was a little tipsy lol, good thing our little cabin was across the street. The cabin was SOO nice! Jaccuzi tub, it even had a baday (sp) nope, we didn't try it lol! We both woke up at 7AM! We dont even do that at home, so that kind of stunk, but I was up so much with the sickies anyway (women problems). So we decided to go out for breakfast and head home. With all the snow we decided to just do a family day. Don took the 3 older boys to wal mart where they bought a couple games and ALOT of snack food, we watched Barnyard and Flushed away and play a lot of Battleship, twister and pool. Of course next weekend is all re-matches. Parker said yesterday was the best day of his life! It was a lot of fun. Today we went to Church and had lunch with Don. Josh was being a stinker so he decided he was going to hang out with grandma and gramspsie today. They are bringing him home and picking up Parker and Patrick to take them to see "Bridge to Terabithia" not a movie for me, so she is taking them!! Jared is FINALLY eating! I have been stressing about it since he turns 1 in a couple months and will be eating all the time, but yesterday he ate his first little cookie, and today he is finally eating baby fruit!! YAY for Jared!!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Sorry about doing a new blog. I wanted to be able to put pictures on my blog instead of posting a bunch of pictures on a seperate page. I promise to keep this one for a long time! So tonight is date night. Don and I are staying at a little Cabin in Soap Lake for the night. My mom is going to come up and watch the boys..aaahh thank you mom!! I will post a couple pictures tomorrow after we get back! Patricks biopsy came back. Its what the Dr thought it was, which is a really long name, but were going to try some cream again and pray it works this time! He is such a trooper! Anyway, thats about all for right now.....
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