Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Thats right, my Jared walked today!! He walked from me to my bed, which was only about 2 steps, but he did it. I was able to get him on video for Don! He slept horrible last night, the most sleep I got was from 5:45am-7:15am =( So needless to say I am tired. But we did go for a really long walk so that gave me some energy. I even cleaned Park and Patricks room really good so I can clean the carpets tomorrow! Both boys are feeling better today, yesterday actually. The boys' have field day at school today so they are outside all day. Its suppose to get really warm today, so far its only 80, I think its hotter on the west side. Don didn't get home until 7pm so I missed Bible Study last night =( Amanda and the kids are leaving in the morning! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo excited to see them! I'm taking Patrick back to the Dr today. I will explain when I update later! Have a good wednesday. Tonight is Parks last game and Pizza party!! Patrick has a game also!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Well lets see, Thursday we met Don in Moses and went to Moses Lake Spring Fest. We got the boys coupons for rides, but they just wanted to play games, good thing you could use a coupon for games. Josh went on a couple rides and played a couple games as well. We were going to eat there, but it is just too hard with no tables and 4 kids! So we went over to Bobs cafe. Yum that place is good. Friday both boys had games, Parkers wasn't really a real game, they played an older team for fun, Patrick did good, Parker struck out, he is just scared of the ball, so all weekend Don and Patrick worked with him, so we'll see at his last game tomorrow, then they have a pizza party. Patrick has games for a couple more weeks, which is really cool cause Andrew gets to watch them. Saturday we just hung out, Don had to work, Sunday was the same thing, just hung out. Monday Don went golfing, then I had to call him and see if he would only golf 9 holes, Patrick had thrown up everywhere and Jared was screaming and so on and so on. Patrick is still sick with a fever, he hasn't thrown up anymore, but he isnt' feeling good =( Jared threw up last night, but seems to be doing fine. He was up until 12:30 last night and then got up at 5:30 this am, no rest for the wicked I guess! Patrick slept all night so that is good! I did get my bathroom bleached and cleaned and got my floors done and my bedroom done, so I guess I did do something this weekend besides laundry! Amanda and the kids wont be here until Friday, Cant hold Parker and Patrick off much longer! We are going to Chuck e cheese on Saturday. Its suppose to be in the 90's ALL weekend long WOOHOOOOO!! Since we really don't have a backyard right now, were going to set our water slide up in my moms backyard til we get our grass. Well I guess that's about it for now. I have not walked in 3 days and I'm really feeling it, I get grouchy if I don't walk, so when Don gets home I'm going for a walk. Happy Tuesday!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
A rose by any other name

These are some of my beautiful Roses. Well its been another fast week. Parker was not feeling well so he didn't play in his game on Wednesday, but did today. Struck out all 3 times =( But he has a lot of fun doing it! Patrick also played tonight and hit some awesome balls!! Yesterday the weather was beautiful, it was today as well, but it got pretty cold fast. Tomorrow we are taking my mom to the airport so she can fly to Durango. Don has to work all weekend and has Monday off after he gets back from golf, I'm hoping to get the rest of the yard done and ready for the sod! I'm sad all my shows are over =( But Hells kitchen, next foodnetwork star and Rescue Me are all starting next month so I'm glad about that! My Patricks 8th birthday is coming so fast. We are going to go to Chuck e cheese next weekend after Amanda and the kids get here, so that should be way fun, I wish Dyl didn't have a game =( We bought our tickets for our trip, so its official July 13-20th!
Both boys are doing really good in school. They are so glad to be almost out! Then I will have a 5th and 3rd grader =( Well that's about it for today, I'm really tired tonight, Jared has been getting up every single night for at least an hour, last night was better, but I'm hoping he sleeps ALL night long tonight, I'm too old for this stuff lol!!
Both boys are doing really good in school. They are so glad to be almost out! Then I will have a 5th and 3rd grader =( Well that's about it for today, I'm really tired tonight, Jared has been getting up every single night for at least an hour, last night was better, but I'm hoping he sleeps ALL night long tonight, I'm too old for this stuff lol!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Well I can't believe how excited I am to go on vacation! 7 more weeks! We are looking at leaving a couple days early on the 12th. We talked to Bryan and we don't need a rental car, he is going to drive us around or let us use his expedition! That will save us a lot of money. We talked about where were going to go and do and it is going to be SOOOO fun!!
Tonight is Patricks game. It is finally warming back up, so the boys and I went for a nice walk. Amanda and the kids will be here next week!! I am SO looking forward to that.
Yesterday Don got a truckload of dirt for the backyard to try and make it even, we will probably need 1 more load! Not much else going on. Been cleaning a lot and putting things where they belong, then of course do it all again the next day lol!! Bible Study tonight!!
Tonight is Patricks game. It is finally warming back up, so the boys and I went for a nice walk. Amanda and the kids will be here next week!! I am SO looking forward to that.
Yesterday Don got a truckload of dirt for the backyard to try and make it even, we will probably need 1 more load! Not much else going on. Been cleaning a lot and putting things where they belong, then of course do it all again the next day lol!! Bible Study tonight!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Weekend Review
What a long weekend. Friday night Parkers game got switched so we dropped the boys off with their friends to stay the night and we went grocery shopping with the little ones. They were really good. We went to the movie gallery but Stomp the Yard was all gone. Then we went next door to have sandwiches, they were really good. Saturday morning Don went and got the tiller. He did most of the backyard, were doing the other quarter after the big half is all done so the boys can have someplace to play. It looks SO weird back there now. We are hoping to order our sod this week. Don told the boys he would pay them $15.00 each to pick up rocks and roots from the tree. So they did for like 6 hours! So we went to walmart and Parker got Pokemon Diamond and Patrick got a Ben 10 toy and Josh got a big ball and some bubbles, so all in all everyone was happy. Today has been a pretty mellow day. Went down to moms for a couple hours, nice to get out of the house. Today was the first time I was not able to take the boys for a walk, way too cold. Then Mom called and they wanted to take the older 3 to see Shrek 3. They loved it, even Josh laughed! Big hit! Now we want to see it =) Don gets home at 8pm tonight, next weekend he gets off work at 3 on Sunday in stead of 7! But he has to work until next Monday before he gets a day off.
Well we switched out travel plans. We are flying now. It will actually be a little cheaper to fly then drive with gas prices going up. So we'll actually get to stay for a week instead of driving the whole time. So were doing a little research then I will probably book it this week. Cant wait to go! Today is Karla and Joels anniversary!! Happy Anniversary!! Anyway, that's about all for today!!
Well we switched out travel plans. We are flying now. It will actually be a little cheaper to fly then drive with gas prices going up. So we'll actually get to stay for a week instead of driving the whole time. So were doing a little research then I will probably book it this week. Cant wait to go! Today is Karla and Joels anniversary!! Happy Anniversary!! Anyway, that's about all for today!!
Thursday, May 17, 2007

I know its been a few days. I've been so tired lately, its like I cannot catch up on sleep or rest, I know you cannot catch up on sleep,but I would love to try. We had Patricks game last night. His nickname is slugger from his coaches! He did really good. Patrick has a game in Soap Lake tonight while Parker has one here. Parker wants dad to go to his so I will be going to Pats. Parker has a game tomorrow night, then they are staying the night at their friends house. Me and Mom and the two little ones are going to Moses today to go to Fashion Bug. I need some capris. Well thats about it for now. Its been SO beautiful out that I've been taking the boys for walks everyday instead of my treadmill, too hard with Jared now. So its been working out great! Have a great Thursday!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mothers Day!!
HAPP MOTHERS DAY!! I cannot believe how lucky I am to be the mom of the most wonderful boys on Earth. To think that God picked me to be their mom, it is such an honor. What an amazing weekend! I will start with Thursday. I got flowers delivered to me. So I opened the card and they were from Don for meeting my first goal! I was SO excited, they were beautiful of course! We left the Church at 5:30 and got up to Deer Park around 8:30. We kind of just said hello and hugged and went and sang and listened to our speaker, who is amazing! We didn't eat until 10:30pm! Yikes! We finally went to bed at 2am! I didn't sleep good at all, and I was SOO tired. So up at 6:30 to get ready for breakfast and the day. I wont go into everything she talked about cause you would be reading for days but the theme was Hawaii and the main lesson was "Lei your burdens at the Cross" And I did just that. It was such an wonderful, amazing and wonderful time. I got close to some really wonderful people. I cannot wait until next year. I called Don often to see how my boys are and make sure he is still alive lol. I wasn't worried in the least, he is a wonderful father. The boys had so much fun with him. We went out for dinner last night to celebrate Mothers Day since he works until 7pm tonight. The boys got me a great singing card, they laughed non stop while I was reading it, and of course My 90210 2nd season!! YAYAAYAYAY!! I cannot wait to watch it! We got our tree taken down in the backyard and Don got the sidewalk pulled up, he is so ready to till now. He is researching sprinkler systems, he thinks it would be easier, so we'll see how much that will be. My mom and John are coming over for dinner tonight, so that should be fun! Well I am off this thing, just wanted to update everyone on my weekend. I had a blast, but its good to be home with my men!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Well the tree guy is coming at 7am tomorrow to take down our big tree! I leave in 5.5 hours and I"m so excited! Parker asked me last night why I had to go and I told him I needed to recharge my battery so I can be a better mom and wife, his response "Thats your opionion, I think your a great mom" I said oh thank you Parker!! He is so sweet. I'm going to miss their game so I told them I would call them after their game is over. They are so looking forward to a guys weekend. Their going to rent movies eat pizza and popcorn, play baseball and do boy stuff! Don is really a great dad. Well not much else, this cold is still kicking my butt up and down! I have some tylenol cold nighttime, I'm hoping to really get some sleep since I haven't all week!! Well thats about it for now, I will check back in and post some pics of my trip on Saturday!! Take care and have a great weekend, I know I will!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I freakin did it, I lost ALL my Jared weight! That would be almost 40 pounds! WOOHOOO!! Now I get to go get my pedicure, just in time for my retreat! I have worked hard the last couple weeks, and now it paid off! Now, onto my Parker and Patrick weight lol! So in the pictures Parker is being Spiderman during his baseball game. He played second base last night, didn't get anyone out but he did good. He got a hit which looked like a bunt and HE MADE IT! Two times he has stole from first to second, but in the middle of the bases he went back to first. He is so silly. Patricks game last night, well like normal he did awesome. He got a home run! Of course I wasnt' there to see it =(((( I was at Bible Study. But I'm sure there is plenty more homeruns coming. Jared was playing peekaboo with my mom in the picture, how cute is that?
So today, I'm doing my laundry cause I have to take my luggage to church tonight so they can take it up in the am oh yea and I'm getting my pedicure!! Thats about it for now!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Well this will be short and sweet as I am fighing this cold with everything I have. I am way too busy this week to be sick. Tonight we have both games and I have Bible Study, tomorrow is Royal Rangers and then I leave on Thursday. Don got the swing set all done last night. It was his early night so he had to go to bed at 7:30 to be up at 1am =( I attempted to get laundry done yesterday but ran out of soap, so I have to go to wal mart this am and grab
Saturday, May 5, 2007

My favorite day of the week. Both boys slept ALL night long. I went to bed early (10pm) and woke up at 7am this am. I was so tired. Of course I instantly got a cold, so I'm downing Airborne my eyes hurt and I'm exahusted (sp) I wanted to go to bed but I wanted to download these pics of Patricks best day. Don took the 3 oldest boys to a MX park so they could ride the dirt bike. Patrick didn't want to go home! They all had a great day. Even Parker rode it by himself, of course he is getting so big for the bike. He is 78 pounds now! Patrick goes back and forth between a baseball player or being in the Supercross when he gets bigger. Baseball is alot safer =() Jared and I went to walmart to go grocery shopping, I got some really cute new curtains for the kitchen. Don got the new swing set put up tonight, so the boys will be anxious to play on it tomorrow, I will post pics. Thats about it for now. In the pictures, Patrick is wearing the chest protector, he looks like a pro when he rides, and Parker took the goofy picture of himself =)
Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ok I finally am getting them up. The close up of Parker is his nose injury. With 2 sick babies, I feel like I have no time to do anything! They both have games again tonight. They did really good on Tuesday, I had to leave early because Jared was so sick =( I'm hoping he will get through it tonight. Don has to work late =( I have had maybe 7 hours of sleep the last 2 nights. It starts to wear on your nerves after a while. My little guy is better today, a little bit, but its still stressful when they are sick. Tomorrow night Don and I are going to watch Spiderman 3. We cant wait!! The boys want to see it, but it looks a little darker than the others so were going to preview it first! Plus we just want a date night lol! We decided last night that we are taking the big tree down in our back yard before we lay the sod. Well were having someone come in and take it down, its huge! Its going to be an expensive backyard when were done with it =) But if you want to sell, you have to fix it up! Last night was Royal Rangers, I was so tired that Trish and I went to DQ instead of Church. It was fun, I always have fun with her. 1 more week until my retreat. Incase you cant notice I'm a bit excited!! Thats about it for now! Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Games Galore!
So tonight both boys have games at the same time same place. After school they are going down to get their hair cuts, then Patrick has batting practice from 4pm until his game. Then I have Bible Study tonight, so I will miss the last hour of Parks game =( I forgot to mention that last Friday Thursday, Don and the boys went up to the school to play ball and Parker closed his eyes on a pop fly and it came down and hit him on the bridge of the nose. I will post a picture later with the baseball pics, he looked funny for a few days, his nose was big! A little over a week until my retreat, I am so ready and so excited for it! Last night was a rough night! Jared was up SOOO much I thought he was a newborn. Don had to get up at 12:30 to go to work, so he unloaded the dishwasher for me. He is so sweet to me! So needless to say were all pretty tired today! Well I will be posting pictures later of big nose and the game!! Have a good Tuesday!!!
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