Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Update already
They are taking him in early because he is having chest pain, be praying!! Thank you!!!
Todays the day!!
Well were getting ready to go to the hospital so we can see dad before his surgery. I think he is pretty nervous, I prayed all night for him. It starts at 10am and who knows when it gets over, I would say around 7 hours, but since I'm not a Doctor lol! Thank you for praying and I will update later!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
Well we got here yesterday, was not a bad drive. Stopped at the Summit for lunch at the Family Pancake house, we were the only ones in there so it was nice. After we got here I got the kids settled I went to the Hospital to see my dad. He looks good, alot better today. He is eating better and just doing better, so I was extra glad about that. Today my mom left with Andrew and Lauren for a week or so, so I asked if Patrick could go with them to keep Andrew company, it was a go so he is in Ephrata and I am here. I miss him =( He is having dinner with Don tonight and it makes me sad that I'm not with them. After we got here last night Parker barfed all over, he is better after he did it, but he gets car sick, so that wasn't fun for Tara cause she cleaned it up. What would I do without her! Thank you everyone for your prayers. 3 more days until surgery!! Went to Costco and Wal Mart today, tomorrow were going to the mall, I need to get to Bath and Body. Well gotta get dinner out of the oven!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Well my dad has a UTI so surgery isnt until Monday now. So the question is do I go home or stay. I will be staying until August 11th if I stay, which is a long time to be away from home, but then if surgery is early or something than I will be here. We've gone in every day to visit him, he looks good, but very tired. He is going to his own room today which is good, there kind of strict in the ICU. Thats about it for now!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
New Mexico
SO a couple things I learned while I was down there. There is lighning every single night, its really beautiul, but scary. Also people down there dont like grass, everything is rock, and I HATE rock so much, so it kind of stressed me out about that =)
Well we came over to the west side a day early. My dad had another heart attack last night so I decided to come today. Don was so sweet and took 2 more days off from work so he could come over with me. He has to leave Monday, but were staying til friday because my dads surgery isnt until Wednesday. Ryan leaves tomorrow, it was SO good to see him. Today is their anniversary 11 years, WOW! Well I'm off to bed now, the rain is a nice change right now, just hopefully not too long!!
Well we came over to the west side a day early. My dad had another heart attack last night so I decided to come today. Don was so sweet and took 2 more days off from work so he could come over with me. He has to leave Monday, but were staying til friday because my dads surgery isnt until Wednesday. Ryan leaves tomorrow, it was SO good to see him. Today is their anniversary 11 years, WOW! Well I'm off to bed now, the rain is a nice change right now, just hopefully not too long!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Were HOME!!
We made it home today. We had an amazing time. All the flights were so great, the boys did awesome, every flight we had at least 5 people tell us how wonderful our boys are. We did so much stuff I dont even know where to start. I will post pictures after I label them, we took a ton! We went to Sandia Peak, which is the longest tram ride. We went up to 10,000 feet. It was 98 degrees at the bottom and 58 degrees on top. It was so cold! Jared didnt like it much cause he had to be held the whole time, so the next day we went out and bought a baby backpack, aahhh much nicer! We also bought him a playpen cause him sleeping with us, ya that wasn't working at all. The ride down the tram was a little scarier than the ride up, it went fast, my stomach sank! The boys loved it of course. We took off for The Gila (pronounced Hila) Cave Dwellings, which was like a 5 hour drive up the windiest road I've ever been on, talk about car sick =( That was called Emery pass, we even crossed the Continental divide. We stayed in a lodge for 2 nights there, the cave dwellings were amazing! It was a 1/2 hour hike up a hill, of course. Parker and Patrick were leading so it didn't take a 1/2 hour. They were really working us to the bone. Bryan had Josh on his shoulders, he kept grabbing his ear to hang on, his ear was pretty red. The caves were awesome. It was about 95 that day, but in the caves it was SO cool, like there was an air conditioner, crazy. After we left there we went to Deming to see his grandma. I'm so glad I finally got to meet her, after that off to Las Cruces to meet Grandpa and Cindy. I so enjoyed visiting with them all, I cant wait to go back when we have some more time to spend with them. We stayed in the nicest hotel that night. It had a great pool and since it was so warm we took the boys swimming at 8pm at night. Then we headed back to ABQ. My brother called me and asked to meet for lunch since he was flying out of ABQ, it was SOOO good to see him, it has been to long. After that we went to the hotel that we were staying at over by the airport, since we had to leave at 4am, and we thought it would be easier on his dad if we stayed there. They had an indoor pool. Me and Jared waited for the room service while the boys and don swam for an hour and a half! We all woke up at 2:30 am last night, or I guess this morning. Needless to say we have some tired boys! Josh and Jared want to go to bed right now, but its way to early! Well that was our trip in a nutshell, I will post pictures later. Got some bad news about my dad while we were on our trip so Sunday morning we are heading over to the west side to see him =( Depending on when he is having his surgery we will most likely leave friday morning. Well thats about it for now, I have a ton of laundry to do so I can pack up again tomorrow!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
First Family Vacation..Here we come!

I packed everything today. Man that's a lot of stuff to take for 6 people. We have 2 big suitcases and a medium one and 4 backpacks! Don is not feeling very well, his cold is kicking his butt, but were keeping him medicated! He is getting hair cut right now. Today was the boys' last day of school, they were pretty happy about that. Here is a couple pics, its hard to get all 4 to sit and smile at the same time, so I had to split it up! Do you love Joshs outfit? A tank and cowboy boots!! He wears them every single day! thanks Carrie, he loves them!! I guess I took alot of pictures of Jared this week! Well thats all for now! Talk with ya in a week!!! I will try to update my blog when I have access to a computer to let everyone know whats going on, or I'll call joyce and tell her what to write for me!! =)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
We Made it!!
We are alive lol! Last night/yesterday was the worst day of my life, sick wise. I was SO sick, I think I would of rather died. Not only did I have the cold, but the stomach flu to go along with that =( I didn't throw up, mine is a different kind as we all know lol! But this am I took a nice long hot shower and I feel SOOO much better. Now Don has a cold =( Patrick is feeling tons better as well. He slept a lot yesterday which was probably good, he needed it. Then there is my Parker Dean. He is such a sweet boy. All day long he kept getting me water bottles and asking if I wanted anything. Last night Don took the movies back and he told Parker that he was in charge of Patrick and I while he was gone. I was in my bed and Patrick was on the couch, so he made this big long rope out of jump ropes and Patrick and Dons white belts. He put one end with me and he had the other end so if I needed him I would just have to pull and he would come into the bedroom. He is a great nurse. He cooked me a piece of toast this morning. What would I do without him. He even said he would stay home from school so he could take care of us cause his mom and brother are more important than school lol, he calls himself the babysitter. I am doing laundry so I can pack tonight! WooHOO!! Don is taking tomorrow off so he can rest so he doesn't get sicker, plus they all have to get hair cuts, and we have to get a new sprinkler so we can set the timer to get that going. Anyway, thats about it for my update today, but yes we are still alive thank you for praying!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Well this week sucks! We are down to 3 more days until we leave and were SICK! I caught Jared's cold, it hit me fast and I've been dead for a couple days. Today I feel better, tired from being up with kids a lot but better. I broke my glasses so I either have to wear my contacts of nothing, and its really hard to see when your blind lol. Jared fell yesterday off Joshua's bed and ripped some skin in his mouth and its been bleeding, it finally has slowed down, but it was ugly there for a while. So he got up a couple times last night, the first time Don got up with him, then me, well of course for me he decides to stay up for an hour =( Then I get back in bed and in comes Patrick "I think I have to throw up" not a good thing to say to me at 4am. So on the couch he went with a barf bowl, which he has been using ALOT! So needless to say we need some prayers. The boys and Don are on airborne so at least they wont get the cold. I think what Patrick has is what Don and Josh had, if it is then it will be gone tonight/tomorrow am. I am washing Patrick's sheets and comforter and I am lysoling everything, what's not moving gets sprayed lol! Well I am going to get Parker out the door for school, my mom is going to take him for me! She watched the boys for about 5 hours yesterday so I could sleep, and I did =) I needed it SOOO bad! Becha glad you dont live here!! Happy birthday to Amanda!! Have a great day!! It is suppose to get up to 107 by the end of the week!!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
6 Days and counting!
Whew, its been a hot one! One day it was 105, then 100 and now today I'm not sure but its already 82. I went for a walk this morning, have not been able to all week with sick kids and stuff. Walked down to Charismas she is having a yard sale, didn't get anything, which Don was glad about lol. Him and Josh are washing the motorcycle right now and the other boys are playing. We are going to go down and clean the camper, someone wants to see it and if he wants it then we'll give it to him for free. Not really worth anything, but it was fun while we used it. Then we have to go to wal mart and get last minute things before we fly out, this is Dons last day off until we leave so we have to get it all done. I have such a nice tan going on, I've been wearing tanks as often as possible, I have already burned once so now I will only tan. Last night I told Don we needed a date night. So we took the boys to moms and went to dinner at Incas in Moses Lake. It was nice and really yummy. Then we went to Movie Gallery and rented Fly Boys and a game for the boys. Well I better go and put on some makeup and brush my hair! Have a good weekend!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Happy Birthday Parker!

Today is my Parkers birthday. I cannot believe he is 10! Lets tell ya about my Park. He was born at 2:39AM, everyone was there and very tired! He is very kind, has a great heart, he is funny when he is not trying to be. He likes to tell me that he is famished whenever we are somewhere and he needs a drink =) He is great with his little brothers, well him and Patrick do fight a lot but I'm pretty sure that's normal. Since he was my first I was very scared about being a mom. Its the only thing I ever wanted to do since I was little. I cried almost the whole first night. But look at him now, he has turned out wonderful!
Last night was fun. We actually only stayed at Trish's for a couple hours, Jared was a bear!! We did fireworks here and the boys loved them, well almost all of them. Jared would start shaking and crying, so I held him closer and he was better. We got to bed at 11pm. They did sleep ALL night! YAY!!! Well better get the boys off to school!!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Fireworks, hot days and barfing!
HAPPY 4TH!!! I love today, I think its because Parker was almost born on this day, he was 2.5 hours shy of being a 4th of July baby! I'm not sure how Jared is going to do with the fireworks this year, last year he was just a baby so he did fine, but at night he is such a light sleeper, even with his fan on, so maybe tonight we will have to put a bigger fan in there to block the noise out. We are going over to Trish's house so that will be fun. We have to bring chips and a salad. It is suppose to be 100 today, I think, it got up to 92 yesterday. Joshua was sick ALL day long yesterday, throwing up and stuff, he slept the entire day and night last night, he was up for about an hour yesterday, that's all! He is SO much better today. He leaked twice last night so he held his pee all day long until we were asleep, that was so nice of him lol! I did 6 loads of laundry yesterday and I have 3 more to do today! IT sucks getting behind in laundry! Well I best go move the sprinkler. I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!!
8 Days til we leave!!
8 Days til we leave!!
Monday, July 2, 2007
It got up to almost 90 today, only suppose to get hotter into the 100's this week. We went to Splash Zone again today, I'm going to be so tan! Took Patrick to the dermatologist today. It went really good. He told me everything I am doing is right, he also told me it takes a longer time to heal if he has dry skin, so he suggested Cetaphil lotion a few times a day. So I bought some and put it on tonight, hopefully it will go away fast. Tara and those guys are leaving tomorrow =( I enjoy it when people are over. We leave next Friday. How crazy is that? I have started buying little things for our flight and trip. We are going over to my friend Trish's house for the 4th. Her parents are having a big BBQ and swimming and fireworks, so it will be alot of fun! Were not sure where Parker wants to go for his birthday dinner yet, he said Burger King, but I think I talked him out of that, barf! I cannot believe he is going to be 10 =( Where does time go? Anyway, I'm very tired so I'm going to watch Hells Kitchen and go to bed!!
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