So, yesterday we took the boys to my moms house cause she wanted them for the whole weekend, which actually came at a perfect time cause Don and I were really needing some 1 on 1 time. I hate when our lives get so hectic and crazy that we are not on the same page, so a weekend alone is just what the Dr ordered! We went and got Patricks birthday presents, he is so going to love them, then we met our friends Matt and Tami for dinner and then went and saw Indiana Jones. I liked it, the end was a bit odd, but it was good. I always have so much fun with Matt and Tami. We woke up, yes I actually got 6 hours sleep, not in a row, but the whole night was 6 hours woohoo! Anyway, we hopped on Dons bike and we went up to Wilbur to this diner place, it was SOO freakin good! The ride was fun and beautiful, of course his back seat is not made for someone with a BOB (big ol' butt). Of course we had to hit a dirt devil, which is basically a small little wind cyclone made out of DIRT! Ya, that one hurt. When we got to the resturant I noticed dead bugs all over my leg, GROSSSSSS!! It was so nice to just have my arms around Don, of course he couldn't breath when we first started cause I was holding on so tight lol, but it was so nice. There is a new store that opened up downtown that were going to go check out and then who knows what, I guess whatever we want =)
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Much needed update!

I know its been FOREVER!! Little Noah is doing good. He started chemo and is taking it good, hopefully it will shrink it enough to remove it, what a little fighter!!
We got back yesterday from the West side and our fence is done. I LOVE IT! My mom and john came over saturday to help Don, but they did such an awesome job!! Its nice to have a husband who can do things! Now the boys and dog stay in the yard!! Patrick has a game tonight, only 3 left, they only have 14 days of school left then summer. I always say I'm so excited for summer until like day 3 then I want them all back in school lol. This weekend we had a little party for Patrick at Taras, he got $60.00 and a game for the PS2. Then sunday we out for lunch and to the mall so I could get an outfit for Dons class reunion and another shirt the girls MADE me buy and a new bra and jewerly. I am set. Don liked the shirt that the girls made me buy a little too much I think lol! I missed him while we were gone, I always do but this time was different, hes great.
Been praying all weekend for Dave B, glad he is home now. I think our families are taking turns, but I'm pretty sure its ok if we stop now. And for my friend Sonja who lost her father, please keep them all in your prayers. Then my Riley girl who was on the trampoline and hurt her leg, she is in a brace, they go in today to see whats going on with it =(
Last week was a rough week. With little Noah and me, I dont know what was going on last week but it was an off week. I'm glad its over. Did find out that I'm very low in iron again, so back on the ol' iron pills. This week is so much better and I'm pretty sure all my men are happy about that. Looks like Parker will probably be getting braces in about 6 months. Don is leaving for NM on Patricks birthday next week =( I am so excited for him to meet his brother and spend time with Dad, hes a lucky dog! Anyway, thats it for now!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Ok, so my family is getting hit right now and we all need your prayers, especially those in Oklahoma. My cousin Beckys little boy Noah (10 months old) is in the hospital b/c they found 3 tumors on his liver. They are running tests to see if it has spread. Please pray for the family down there. Noah is such a beautiful wonderful little guy who I got very attached to when I was down there, he reminded me of my Jared so much in so many ways. He followed me around, probably because I spoiled him and held thim the whole time =) My heart hurts for Becky and Mike so much, so please pray!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I was reading your comments on my last post and I was wondering what you guys were talking about when you were talking about Parker and what a sweet boy he is, so I had to go back and re-read my blog cause I couldn't remember what I wrote lol. Patricks team lost last night, he did awesome though. Caught a pop fly then threw it to 2nd and got him out! He got on base everytime he got up, hit a really nice ball into the outfield. It rained most of the game, we were in Ritzville, thats where our game is tomorrow as well. Suppose to get up to the mid 90's this weekend, how much do you love it!!!!????!!!! We are going to Spokane on saturday so Don can get fitted for his tux. He is in his friend Shauns wedding next month. Don is going to New Mexico in the beginning of June. He is going from wed-sat. I think he needs the break, it will be nice for him to be with his dad and brother he has never met =) I'm going to the Dr tomorrow to find out why I'm so tired all the time, I'm guessing my iron is low again, always seems to happen. Today is our playdate at the park. Its nice to visit with other moms while the kids play. Well thats all thats going on here!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Manic Monday
What a week. We were so busy this last week. Hope everyone had a good Mothers day. After church we went over to my moms house for the day. Don and the boys got me 90210 4th season cause they didnt have 3rd season and a beautiful candle mirror and I get to go get my hair cut and colored! Friday Parker and I are going to Tri cities for a field trip. We leave at 7am and get back at 6pm, long day, but it will be alot of fun. I will bring my camera, just hope I remember to take pictures! Friday we went over to Matt and Tamis for dinner and so don could help matt get his bike going. Both were accomplished, it was a really nice time visiting. She is so wise and I love talking with Tami. Saturday morning Kevin came over, the boys new BFF. He is over all the time, the 4 guys went and rode dirt bikes and Parkers 4 wheeler. They all have a GREAT time and cant wait to go back this saturday. Jared, Me and my mom went grocery shopping and out to lunch. Jared was an angel the whole time. Parker has been really clingy to Don lately, Parker told me that b/c dad has so much hair he has a 50 percent chance of being hairy lol! Don said sorry bud but its probably alot more than 50 percent. Its funny to listen to Parker talk, he talks like Don is his real dad and he is going to be just like him, its cute! We started having our weekly play dates at the park. It was alot of fun. I'm getting to know alot of people in this little German town =) Dons class reunion is June 14th, a whoppin 10 years!! Its right across the street from our house at the community center. June is such a busy month for us. We did plan our Ocean trip for August, I am so excited! I think we are leaving on a tuesday and coming back saturday. We did some yard work this weekend, planted some grass seed on the parts that need it. hopefully in a couple weeks our yard will look so pretty! We got our money from the IRS, got and extra $600, we thought it was 600 per couple not per person woohoo!! We are using most of that to put our fence up!! Well have a good monday!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Retreat weekend!
So we left thursday and came home saturday. It was amazing!! I met some new wonderful friends and got to reconect with some oldies! The weather was beyond perfect! We went up past Deer Park which is North of Spokane. The first night I didnt' sleep. I was on the top bunk and it was smaller than a twin so I was scared to move lol. The s2nd night I was on the bottom and slept much better. I took my camera but didn't take any pictures lol! The speaker was amazing! We also were in small groups and my group was so wonderful. I love how we all were going through the same things. They really made me think alot about the way I see myself and how I feel about myself and for that I will be grateful forever! I think this is the first time in a long time I started to like myself, and I tell ya, it felt good =) We stopped by quiznos on the way home and ate, then I got home about 5:30pm. The boys were so excited to see me, well Don, Josh and Jared. The older ones are use to me leaving I guess lol. I missed my men alot. Yesterday was a very trying day. The boys were absolutly driving me crazy. So we took off and went to my moms so they could run around the back yard, and they did and did! We went and got some ice cream and headed home. We were going to plant our lawn seed but our outside water isnt running, something about a cap, so Don is going to have to fix that today so I can start watering, its driving me crazy not being able to water! We went and grabbed dinner at Chiefs last night and met the lady whos grandma lived in this house since it was built. She came over to see what we've done with it and you could tell she was getting a little emotional, in a good way. She is so nice, she lives in Switzerland right now but might move back next year. We have her grandmas old record player that we told her we would hang on to for when she moves back. Its beautiful and means alot to her, so I'm glad we we're able to hold onto it for her. Well today is another beautiful day. We have to run back to Ephrata, I keep forgetting dogfood and Mona is mad about that lolol! Plus mothers day cards so I can get them in the mail. I told Don I wanted my hair done for mothers day, cut and color, so we'll see!! Well I better get going so we can leave. Have a great Monday!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My kids ROCK!
Ok, so Patrick had his walk athon last sunday and let me tell you this boy is amazing! He walked 30 laps which is 7.5 miles in 2 hours! He won lots of prizes and had a good time. He also pitched at his game again. He is quite a little pitcher. Parker brought his science grade up from a D to a B!! He is so smart!! He finished the WASL's this week, thank goodness, add'd stress he doesn't need. Joshua has been reciting his ABC's all day everyday, he is so excited to get to school today so he can tell his teacher! Poor Jared went for his 2 year old check up and ended up having a double ear infection. He has been handling it like a trooper though. Josh moved back upstairs. I dont think he was ready to go down, maybe in a couple more years he'll be ready. I leave today for my retreat! I am so jazzed about it, I love this time of year with this group of ladies, they really are amazing, the place is wonderful and not to mention the food yum-o!! The weather has been windy and cold. Its been in the low to mid 50's all week, suppose to get to 60 this weekend. Crazy that it is May 1st and still so cold outside. Well thats about it for now, getting ready to take Josh to school. Have a great weekend, I know I will =)
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