Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008
I'm feeling HOT HOT HOT!

WOW! Its hot here. Yesterday was 100 today as you can see from the attached photo, it got up to 105! I guess summer is here!! Yesterday we went and helped my Mom and John move all their stuff after Ryan and Amanda left, we helped them a little too, but they pretty much had it all done before we got there. Don helped John put in the AC units cause it was warm-o! The boys got really burnt from splash zone with their friends, they were there over 5 hours, their feet hurt too from the kind of flooring they have there. Tomorrow is the 30th which is the day Don proposed to me 6 years ago after the Mariner Game! Oh what a day, little did he know what he was getting into lol! Well thats all for now, its too hot to write!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thank goodness its friday
What a day! Actually wasn't too bad, just warm suppose to get hotter by tomorrow. Me and the two little ones went downstairs and went through everything for our dump run tomorrow, then Don got home and we went through our storage under the stairs and loaded the truck up and grabbed some dinner. We were all set to watch Rambo and he got called to work, so he had to leave for a few hours =( I've been trying to get my house organized, we have not lived here very long but we accumulate crap so fast that it gets ahead of me. So Don and I joined a co-ed softball team! We are so excited! I think we start the week after camping. Tomorrow we are headed to my moms house to help ryan and amanda, then my mom and john, suppose to be 100 tomorrow so not looking forward to it at all! Mom is making bbq for dinner so that will be nice! Well this update is short, but sweet =)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
So tired!
I didn't sleep very good at all last night, was sick most of the night, not throwing up, but not being able to breath, sucks when you cant do that. We got ready this morning and went for a walk around town with Rochelle while she delivered her Avon, Josh rode his bike so he was happy. We actually took a nap today, felt so nice! Woke up and met Don in Moses for dinner and to go get some things I forgot at the store, ggrr I hate it when I forget. I bought some bins so I can organize the boys' toys. I went for my walk with Jessi tonight, I LOVE the walks, we just sit and talk and talk and walk of course. I cut it a little short cause I was so tired, now I'm off to bed. Parker and Patrick are at their friends house and get to go swimming tomorrow so they are beyond excited! Well sleep good!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I know, I know its been forever. I cant seem to shake this cold/ allergy thing I have going on. I get on the computer everyday but dont really feel like typing. We've been busy lately. Don looked SO handsome in his tux for his friends wedding last weekend, that weekend was pretty much gone b/c of the wedding. During the days we normally spend them at the park or over at Jessi's house also Rochelles. I've met so many wonderful people here, I am happy to finally call this place home. Its really helped with my mood also, I am not moody or grouchy (I know hard to imagine), but its been nice, Don has really noticed a change lol. I've been walking almost everynight, not so much on the weekends unless we walk to the Post Office. The boys are at my moms house, Just Parker and Patrick, they are going to their friends house tomorrow for the night. Suppose to get up to 100 here this weekend =() Josh and Jared had a rare day today, not a fun rare one either, I was about ready to pull my hair out and I just spend alot of money on my hair =) I was happy to see Don and to walk out the door for my walk. The boys have been sleeping all night in their own beds knock on wood, its been nice, b/c i've actually been getting sleep. This weekend were helping Ryan and Amanda move their stuff out of storage then helping mom move her stuff from storage, suppose to be 95 outside argh. We found a place to go camping the week of the 9th over by Leavenworth, so were super excited about that. 5 days of no computer or phone, just us! Well I'm going to go cuddle Josh so I can go to bed!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hard to believe I have not updated since sunday..not lol! Anyway, we've been busy going to the park or to friends house. We went to Ephrata yesterday so I could pick up my pills and Masons gift and cards, then we met Cliff and Hillary for lunch, we have not seen them in so long, it was SOO good to see them, I miss them. Came home and went over to Jessis house so all the kids could play and we could "knit" hahaha! (inside joke) Don got home and he was beat from work, so I took Jared with me down to watch Rochelle play softball, I am so excited to join them next year! Then for my walk with Jessi. We've been trying to go everynight, its been nice to walk, knit and just visit =)Tonight we are heading to Spokane to get Dons tux for the wedding saturday, then off to the mall to get them a gift and out to dinner.
Yesterday was the 4th anniversary of the adoption. The boys got Don a cute card and were going to celebrate with dinner tonight. Its wierd to me that they dont remember it. I guess in some aspects thats good. Its gone really fast, which means Josh is going to be 4 soon =( Parkers next thought, the big 11!
My other niece Jordy is now on crutches, those girls I tell ya. Parker started praying for her last night and everyone he sees he asks to pray for his best friend =)
I was sick on tuesday, I have not been sick for a while, but I think it was a combo of allergies and a summer cold. I finally bought eye drops last night, thanks Karen for the idea, hadn't even thought of that one yet lol! Anyway, thats about it for this week!
Yesterday was the 4th anniversary of the adoption. The boys got Don a cute card and were going to celebrate with dinner tonight. Its wierd to me that they dont remember it. I guess in some aspects thats good. Its gone really fast, which means Josh is going to be 4 soon =( Parkers next thought, the big 11!
My other niece Jordy is now on crutches, those girls I tell ya. Parker started praying for her last night and everyone he sees he asks to pray for his best friend =)
I was sick on tuesday, I have not been sick for a while, but I think it was a combo of allergies and a summer cold. I finally bought eye drops last night, thanks Karen for the idea, hadn't even thought of that one yet lol! Anyway, thats about it for this week!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Class reunion
Well we had fun last night. It started at 5:30, that was "social hour" then we had an Italian dinner, which was so yummy, and dessert. They did some awards and then we went over to the Saloon. They had a dj and some dancing. We mainly just visited and got caught up on everyone. It was fun and Don had a blast. I went home at 11pm, he got home at 2AM, then up at 5am to go to work, he had a slight hangover, but now he is back on his A game. He has to work at 3am tonight/tomorrow morning, so early to bed for him. The boys did amazing with Mariah, she loved it, they loved it I want her to move in with us =)
Happy Fathers Day to all you dads. My dad, John and my dear sweet husband Don who is showing our boys how to be a daddy and husband, and might I say he is doing a damn good job. I wish I could be with my dad today, I miss him so much. I love you dad!!
Well thats about it, my eyes are KILLING me and my allergies are really acting up, I hate it because it makes me so tired, oh well!! Happy Sunday!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Ok, so this year is the worst year so far for my allergies. I cannot even wear my contacts, which sucks! The boys had their last day of school yesterday, so Parker is in 6th grade, Patrick is in 3rd and Joshua is in preschool. I cannot believe I have a middle schooler, wow time is flying! They got to spend the night at their friends house in Ephrata and go to splash zone, of course they had a lot of fun. Today I picked them up and went and got dons fathers day gift, a cordless weedeater (sp lol) he is going to be so excited, then took the boys to get their haircuts and I went to the eye doctor, got some new contacts which hopefully wont rip everytime I use them. Don met me there so I could go in with peace lol, after we went to Quincy so he could get some oil and a filter for his bike then off to McDonalds. When we got home he went across the street to help with the set up for his reunion, now they are all down at the bar hanging out. Tomorrow is suppose to be a nice day, we have not decided what were doing yet, I do need to go shopping, but I figure we would go do the parade in eprhata and the booths. We have a shock collar for mona, it works pretty good, but she likes pain so she still barks, just not as much. It has worked wonders for Charlie, he wont even bark when its off lol!! Well I am so tired so I'm hitting the ol' bed now! Happy saturday!! Oh and a big congrats to my little Maddie, she is officially a kindergardener, she graduated preschool today =)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Early Fathers Day
So Patrick gave Don his early fathers day gift that he made at school, it was a semi truck with candy and a card, the card says:" Daddy, Fun, cool, playing, farming, camping, you are MY best friend" Is that the cutest or what??
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Ok, so I thought I updated before this one, I guess I dreamt it lol. My allregies are officially kicking my butt, and Parkers too, good thing its raining today maybe they will settle down. I have not been able to wear my contacts b/c of my eyes, oh well such as life. Don got home safe on saturday, it was so good to see him. He had a lot of fun, which makes me so happy. Patricks party on saturday was good, all the kids had fun, they destroyed the pinata, bad! It was funny. I went on a walk last night around town with Jessi. She is so nice and I'm so happy that were going to walk everyday, well ok except for rainy days. I have met alot of wonderful people here in this town I call home. Friday night my mom and john took the boys to see the Panda movie, they all loved it, Don was gone so I went out on the big ol' town of Odessa with some girls. It was so much fun, we closed the bar down =) We play darts (which I won) and pool, which I didn't. No more baseball and only 1.5 days more of school! YAY!! I am so happy to be able to start sleeping in at least until 7am everyday!! Well thats all for now!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Well my Patricks 9th birthday was yesterday. He had a good day, started out rough. Don had written him a note and it talked about how he was so sorry that he wasnt going to be here for his birthday and then he wrote "I love you son, Love Dad" and Patrick just broke down and started crying. So I held him and he just cried and cried saying he wanted dad home and he missed him, broke my heart, but after I told him we would go out for dinner he was better lol! We picked up my mom and went to Burger King (yuk-o) but we met Justice and Deckard, the boys' friends and they ate and played their hearts out. Patrick took cookies to school and had a good day. He got $181.00 for his birthday, holy cow!!
Don landed safely and so far is having a great time. I miss him, but he so needs this break! Tomorrow my mom and john are taking the boys to see the Panda movie, they are so excited, I'm going to see what happens in vegas with Rochelle, my new friend. We went walking almost 3 miles today. Tonight my Riley girl graduated from preschool =( She is officially in Kindergarden, all the girls are, they are growing up WAY too fast! I'm going to mow the law tomorrow so Don doesn't have to when he gets home, I hope I can start it lol! Anyway, I'm going to fold some laundry and go to bed!!
Don landed safely and so far is having a great time. I miss him, but he so needs this break! Tomorrow my mom and john are taking the boys to see the Panda movie, they are so excited, I'm going to see what happens in vegas with Rochelle, my new friend. We went walking almost 3 miles today. Tonight my Riley girl graduated from preschool =( She is officially in Kindergarden, all the girls are, they are growing up WAY too fast! I'm going to mow the law tomorrow so Don doesn't have to when he gets home, I hope I can start it lol! Anyway, I'm going to fold some laundry and go to bed!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I know, 3 in one week, wow!! lol! Tonight Patricks last game got cancelled, good thing cause it is raining like a mad man. We still has his bbq at the seed warehouse. The boys had so much fun, there was dirt and mud, need I say more. We were going to celebrate Patricks birthday tonight so I took the cake and everyone sang happy birthday! Don is leaving tomorrow for New Mexico. I miss him already, but I am SO excited for him to meet his brother and spend time with his dad, I wish I was going with him. He comes back saturday and then were having Patricks party with his friends sat night at the park, I didn't want all of the kids at my house so we are taking a pinata to the park, fill em up with candy and send them home. I did not sleep last night, I dont know if its because I have so much on my mind or what, but man I wish I could sleep. Parker is writing a 500 word essay on how to act nice in band, some kids were being rude and mean so the teacher is making all the kids write it, he is on word 40 and wanting help, oh this is going to be a long night =) Anyway, I'm going to help Parker and go to bed! Have a good night!! Tomorrow is my Patricks 9th birthday!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Finally picked up the boys, it was really good to see them, today I started to miss them =) Got home and Don had beat us home and Natasha was here waiting for Patrick (she loves Patrick) then Levi came over and they all ate dinner. I guess our house is the hang out, which is good because then we know where our boys are. I get asked "is your house very big" ALL the time! So I respond and say Yes, its about 2400 square feet. People are so interested in our house for some reason, its the town mystery I guess lol! Went and got a cake mix for Patricks birthday cake, on his party this saturday were going to get him a cake, but for us I'm going make a cake, got some cookies for Patrick to take to class! Anway, going to put the boys in bed!!
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