Sunday, July 27, 2008
Long weekend!
So friday I handed in the paperwork for Joshua to go to preschool =( He is SOO excited. We played at the park a little bit them came home and took a nap, a 4 hour nap. We all needed it, the night before we had toe drama so no one really slept, except Don a little bit cause he was on the couch for half the night. When Don got home we took the boys to my mom and johns house for the weekend, the boys couldn't get me out the door fast enough. They had way alot of fun with grandma and grampsie, they worked, played the Wii and got spoiled. Don and I went and picked up my friend and met Adam at a resturant we've never been too. It was good, then we went and played pool and darts until 2am, man were we tired!! We got home at 3am from driving everyone home, then I was up at 6:30am to go garage saleing with Rochelle. That was a lot of fun, there were alot of really good ones. Came home and just kind of layed around. Don cooked a yummy red chili enchilada casserole that he learned from his dad and we watched Rambo. We both really liked it alot. Today I got up and cleaned really quick before heading out to get the boys. They were happy to see me and I was happy to see them. We stopped by Soap Lake and picked up Rochelles 2 oldest girls and brought them home so she wouldn't have to go all the way out there. They are such sweet girls. Joshua and Jared have been driving me nuts! They are fighting, not listening and whining, good thing Don is home now. No clue what is for dinner, I'm in my room all by myself trying to settle down a bit, its been an emotional afternoon. I miss Parker and Patrick and just want to go grab them, but I cant =( pity party is over!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Joshua's poor toe
So tuesday I took Josh and Jared over to my moms so I could take Jordy and the older two boys to the Sound, and I get all the way over there and my mom calls, Josh dropped a brick on his toe. So I called Don at work to see if he could get off early to take him in, just to make sure it wasn't broke, so he did, its not broke, but the nail is going to fall off, its getting pretty close, talk about totally gross! I dont handle stuff like that, I couldn't clean the umbilicial cord when they were born cause it grossed me out! Anyway, so yesterday we were in Walmart and he dropped a package of batteries on his toe, so the screaming started. I picked him up and took him to the van to watch his new Spongebob movie, that worked like a charm! He went to bed with Don last night at like 6:30pm (don had to work at 3am), he didnt get up until almost 8am this morning!
So the boys are having a blast over with their cousins and mam and papa. I think they will be there for a couple weeks, they wanted to go longer but they have swimming lessons so they cant be gone that long. While I was over for my quick trip, Tara, Amanda and I went to Red Robin for dinner, yum freakin o!! I woke up and left Taras house about 8:20am to get home and see my injured boy.
Today we went to the park, met Rochelle and Jessi down there, then we went to the Odessa Inn for lunch and then over to Jessis for the afternoon. The kids had fun, new toys to play with. Tonight is my walk with Jessi and some tv with my sweetie when the boys go down! Thats about it, tomorrow night we are going on a double date with Adam and Trish, I wish they would hook up already =) Were going to dinner and to see Dark Knight, I hope its good, I normally dont like the Batman/Robin movies, so we'll see. The little ones are going to my mom and johns for the night, no bricks mom lol!! Saturday were not sure what were going to do yet until we grab the boys!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sunday, Monday Happy Days!
Its a warm one today. So far its reached 95. Yesterday was a nice day, it was only in the high 80's with a little breeze. Me and my Mom took Jordy out to lunch and then we went to Fashion bug and bought her a really cute outfit and hoodie, then off to walmart to get milk of course. Got back to moms and the guys were almost done putting together the new swingset, the kids were busy playing the Wii that mom and john bought, now they are never going to want to leave their house. After we got home we went to a bbq at Jessi and Leos house, it was alot of fun, they are so wonderful! Then Jordy got hit with a rock on her collar bone and so we went home after that cause she wanted too, poor sweetie, but she is going to make it!!Today we went swimming at the pool again, and again Jared was a turd. He frustrated me SOO badly! Then we went out for ice cream after so I could "cool" off. Don is going to take the boys and girl to ride the 4 wheeler and motorcycle, they are all SO excited!! Tomorrow we are really not doing anything except laundry and packing if were meeting Tara on tuesday. Well thats it for right now!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Whew, what a week so far. We went to the Circus on Wednesday night, it was ok, some things were really cool, others not so much, the kids had fun though. We also finally went to the Odessa pool, we were actually forced by Jessi to go lol, but it was so much fun, the kids loved it, I loved it, well worth the wait =) Yesterday we went to Moses and went to a new park with Tami and her kiddos, and a few extra, then back to her house to visit. Last night was the Orthodontist swim party from 8pm-10pm, hello cold! It was really cold towards the end. So far today we've cleaned and I've mowed half the lawn before I broke the mower, oh Don will be so excited...NOT! We had to go to the store, so I told the boys..and girl since they have helped today we would go back to the pool this afternoon, so off to the pool we go. Tami, Matt and the kids are coming for dinner tonight, it will be fun, I love spending time with them, they are the first friends I made when I moved here over 6 years ago. Tomorrow we are going to the dump, then Don is taking my mom to walmart cause she bought a new swingset, its huge so they need a truck. Then us girls are off to Moses for our girls day! woohoo! Anyway, thats about it. Please pray for Helen, who is my moms bestest friend in the whole wide world, she has already had 2 brain anurisms (sp) and they said she is going to have another one so she is going to have to go back in for surgery, its a rough time for all involved so PLEASE pray!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So we woke up early this morning so we could get ready to go to North Bend. Got gas, dropped some shoes off for Rochelle and headed to Ephrata to get my mom. So far all the boys are good, get to North Bend and Jared had leaked SO badly that I had to change his clothes, but oh yes, I only had shorts for him, so I had to tuck his piss shirt into his shorts so my hand wouldn't get wet everytime I touched him. We went in and ate then got Jordy girl and headed home. For being in the car for like almost 5 hours the boys and girl were amazing! When we got to my moms they played and had a popsickle, then we left to go to the PO and the store then finally home. They were downstairs almost the whole time playing. I went for my walk after dinner, Rochelle was able to join us tonight so that was fun. Tomorrow night is the big circus in Odessa, the kids are SO excited about that. I am almost done with laundry, now I just have to fold about 5 loads, but its all washed, well until tomorrow night lol. So I'm going to go and fold my towels and go to bed!! Tomorrow I think we'll take Jordy to the park so she can see it and introduce her to some other girls that she might like to play with, if Parker lets her out of his sight lol! So today is the 1 year anniversary of my dads heart attack, how crazy is that that its been a year. Thank you Lord that you were not ready to take my daddy home, life wouldn't be the same. It is also a year ago we were in New Mexico, fun times!! Anyway, thats all for tonight, give your loved ones an extra hug tonight!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Well we went camping and it was alot of fun! The drive down was stressful b/c we stopped at 4 towns to eat lunch and none had resturants, oh I take that back, 1 place did but they are closed every thursday. We finally ate at a grocery store that made sandwiches. So we get there and its beautiful and not crowded at all. Get everything set up and head to the beach, which could use some help, they say they are fixing it up, but there is a lot of branches and logs and stuff, but the boys had fun. So we get to the first nights sleep, which sucked, but to make it worse Patrick threw up and Jared had a rough time sleeping. The morning was better, well not for Don, he didnt have coffee so we headed to Colfax to get a coffee maker, and he ended up getting instant coffee, which he liked. We came back and the boys rode bikes almost the whole time, Joshua learned to ride with no training wheels on, so now he is a biking fool! We went to WSU so the boys could see where the Cougs play. they were so excited! We went to the gift shop and they all got a little souvinier (sp). By saturday I was ready to come home, that was the hottest day there, it was so freakin hot! But the great thing was at night it really cooled down alot, so it was nice to just sit by the camp fire with Don and talk after the boys went to bed. We rented horse shoes and played some games, Patrick kicked all of our butts. Mona had a blast swimming and she was taken for SO many walks, she was in heaven! The morning we were going to come home Jared cried the entire time until he fell asleep in the truck, talk about stressful! He is a homebody and being gone for so long started to wear on him, and he started to wear on us lol! So were home, and doing so much laundry! We went to the park today and tomorrow were going to North Bend to pick up my Jordy girl! I'm so excited she is coming to stay with us for a while! I need a girl around!! Well thats it for now!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Going home
So tomorrow we are going home. Its been a fun trip, not hot at all so thats been nice. Today we went to the free movie (The Bee movie) which was so cute! Then we met Joyce, Andrew and Lauren at the park to play. Came back home and the boys spent an hour or so with their grandma, so they had fun at that. I packed up everything tonight so we can take off after we get up, so we can get home and pack for camping. Don has to work until 7pm tomorrow night then we have to finish packing the trailer so we can take off thursday morning. Well I'm beat so I'm going to bed, I will update with pictures when we get back from camping!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Parker

So today is my Parkers 11th birthday! Where has time gone. I remember when he was born, man was I tired, he finally arrived at 2:43AM so he was almost born on 4th of july! He is such a wonderful sweet hearted little man!
Last night was fun, and loud! All the kids except Dylan and Maddie stayed at dads house, finally got to sleep about 11pm, the fireworks stopped so that was nice! Today were just going to batting practice and Maddies birthday Party! Don had so much fun ath the M's game, he is going to be so tired today though! Well have a great day, I know I will!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!!
Ok, so its cold over here! We got here yesterday and finally it reached 70 degrees. When I went through Ephrata at 8 in the morning it was already 87 out! We made it over here about 12:15, we just kind of hung out. Today were going to my dad and joyces for a party for my Parker, who turns 11 tomorrow =( Then were staying the night there so we can watch the fireworks from Hansville, I think. Tomorrow is Maddies bday party and softball practice, I'm going to practice with the team over here, which is basically all my sibblings lol, will be fun though. Well thats it for now, have a safe and fun 4th!!
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