I got this poem from my cousin Karen, it made me cry, but its so true!
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
When tomorrow starts without me
and I'm not there to see
if the sun should rise to find your eyes
all filled with tears for me
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
the way you did today
while thinking of the many things
you didn't get to say
I know how much you loved me
as much as I love you
and each time that you think of me
I know I'll miss you too
But when tomorrow starts without me
please try to understand
that an angel came and called my name
and took me by the hand
He said my place was ready
in Heaven far above
and that I'd have to leave behind
all those I dearly love
So when tomorrow starts without me
don't think we're far apart
for every time you think of me
I'm right here in your heart..
~author unknown~
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I know, I know, its been forever!

WOW, what a week, some of it I wish hadn't happened, but the end of the week helped me through the hard part of the week! As most of you know my grandma went to be with Jesus on wednesday, although that was very hard for me and my sweet husband just held me while I cried, I am so happy she is not in any pain and that I WILL see her again! Thursday started our D fest here in Odessa. It was so much fun!! Friday Amber came and set up her clothing booth in my yard, so all weekend we had people in and out. Since our house is across the street from everything going on everyone used our house as a base kind of, so we were never alone and always at least 14 kids, it was a blast! I had to work the youth garden for the preschool, then the Pop booth, they were both fun, not as bad as I thought. My mama finally got home so they came saturday to watch the parade and take the boys home with them so Don and I could go out to the beer garden. Adam came and we walked over with Rochelle, Trisha and Rochelles cousin. We had SOOOO much fun, we danced and danced and danced! Today we went and grabbed a bite to eat then headed to Eprhata to get the boys and go shopping. The pictures are of Joshua winning the tractor races. He was pulling 60 pounds, it was 90 degrees out and he was sweating so badly, but he didn't give up! Tomorrow is my first paycheck! WooHoo!! Work is going good, I like it!! Well I'm going to bed now!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Half way through

Ok, so Josh started school on Monday, he looked SO cute and so big! He loved it so much. I started my job on monday, not as good as his day lol. It started early, I work from 730-1130 each day and when I was getting ready to take Josh to school he had a major accident and pee'd in his boots, on his shorts and socks. I had clothes but not shoes for him, so I called Jessi and asked her to go to my house and grab his shoes for me and she did, she rocks so he walked into school with no shoes. It just seems like that was the setting for my day. Yesterday was tons better! Josh had school today, it was picture day. I didnt have to work until 1015 b/c we didn't have any kids coming in, so I was able to walk him up there and then I went for a walk with Jessi and off to work. I was getting ready to go and Jared who was sitting on my lap threw up on me and all over the floor, so I got to mop that mess up, came home and he is sleeping. He seems to be ok, no fever or anything. Just one of those weeks! I did get asked at work if I would do the billing for the daycare since I have done billing in the past, I said sure. Work is good though, I have a cool boss and it goes fast! Here are some pictures of the first day of school and today, the boy sitting with Josh is his friend Brandon.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Almost Friday
What a week! For a couple of the days I was so stressed and frustrated, mainly because the little ones were not being so good. I'm over it now thanks to some chocolate cake =) The boys are loving school!! Josh keeps asking how many more days until he starts, he is pretty excited. I'm getting excited to start work on monday, I'm super happy its only part time, then I can still hang out with my friends eating bon bons in our bathrobes lol! Don has been working SO much crazy overtime, which is nice around paycheck time but I get overwhelmed sometimes when he isnt here. Tomorrow I have AIDS training then CPR on Monday night. Had a preschool meeting this week signed up for snacks. Me and the little ones washed Dons truck, I figured since I'm driving it alot I might as well make it look nice, what a freakin chore and a half, for those of you who have not seen his monster truck its huge! I have to use a 3 step ladder to get half of the hood of his truck, he has to do the other half, its a beast. So we got all but 1 side washed due to spilling of the bucket and moms nerves! Good thing hes driving it today. Its been SO cold in the mornings, it was 39 when the boys left for school yesterday =( Its getting dark by 7:30pm and all of this depresses me. I forgot to update on Helens surgery, it went wonderful and she actually got to come home the next day! Amazing!!! Mom has been over there almost everyday to visit, I'm sure that cheers Helen right up! We miss her here though! Also please pray for my family in Oklahoma, they are still getting hit so terribly, how much should 1 family suffer? Not this much thats for sure! Mr Noah has surgery tomorrow so please be praying for him, the Drs and his mommy and daddy!! Well I best get the boys up and going so we can get out of here!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dirt, dirt and more dirt

Ok, so now you see why I hate dirt so much lol! We were at Jeff and Ambers farm for a bbq and the boys had beyond a wonderful time there, obviously! Every place was filled with dirt, and I mean everyplace. Don and Leo got the floors done, yay!! Its looking really nice in there.
Yesterday we didn't do anything, well I did laundry and housework, but we didn't go anywhere until I took Patrick over to Nathans house to spend the night, visited for a while came home and watched tv with my sweetie. Today we are going to Spokane for a birthday party at Laser Quest, should be fun, the boys are really looking forward to it!
I did get the job at the daycare, woot me!!! Its part time about 20 hours a week and I will be off before the boys get out of school each day I work, which is what I wanted and my Jared gets to come with me, Josh too when he isn't in school. So I'm really looking forward to starting, which is on the 8th!! Well thats all for now! Just wanted to show this gross picture =)
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