Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving and Black Friday
Nope, this isnt our Christmas picture, but it sure is cute! Its at our new house. Not all the land in the background is ours, just a little bit! We had a great thanksgiving! SO much to be thankful for this year, and every year! We went to my mom and johns, the ham was SOOOOOOOOOOO good! Friday Tara and I woke up at 5am to get ready to head to Spokane. Mom got there and off we went! First we hit target, then ShopKo, and onto the mall, walmart was last! Got a few gifts and stocking stuffers, we ate at Chilis which was so yum-o! It was a great great day! We got home about 4:45 that night. Don and Brad went to the Brewery for a little while for a break =) It was nice to have my sissy over this weekend, why cant she move here? I know what your going to say, it would be easier for us to move over there, but that aint going to happen! Well today is a day of rest and cleaning!! Have a good weekend!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Its been 2,759 days since we fell in love!
I set out on a narrow way, many years ago

But I got lost a time or two wiped my brow and kept pushing through

I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are

Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars pointing me on my way into your loving arms

This much I know is true that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

But you just smile and take my hand you've been there, you understand

But now I'm just rolling home into my lover's arms

This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you!

Happy 7th Anniversary sweetie! Its been a rough first half of the year for us, but the second half has been the best we've ever had! We have had our ups and downs but there isnt anyone on this Earth I would rather go through any of it with than you! You are my world, my other half, my best friend! I was put on this Earth for you and the boys! I love you more than I ever have!

This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you!

Happy 7th Anniversary sweetie! Its been a rough first half of the year for us, but the second half has been the best we've ever had! We have had our ups and downs but there isnt anyone on this Earth I would rather go through any of it with than you! You are my world, my other half, my best friend! I was put on this Earth for you and the boys! I love you more than I ever have!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ok, here it is!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Football season again!
Well it started for us, football! Flag football that is. Patrick and Josh play and Don is Patricks coach. The weather has been so beautiful for it, really not wanting the cold to come =(
Its been busy here in Odessa. School, work, church, football, friends and of course laundry and our family. The boys are all doing great in school and they are all enjoying it alot. Don only has 2 more 3am-3pm shifts left then hes done! No more going to bed at 7pm! I am so excited, I'm sure he is too lol! Its about 3 more months until he gets saturdays AND sundays off! Life will be good!
The boys have been riding alot! Joshua is on a dirtbike now, he is amazing at it! Parker still doesnt want to try boy lol! Patrick is on a bigger one now and his favorite thing to do is jump, which of course stresses me out! Boys will be boys!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
School Pictures
I took the boys' pictures again this year, I think they turned out great! Helps to have such cute subjects! Click on the link to view them:
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Long time no blog!
So ALL my boys are in school right now! Jared started preschool today, Josh and the other two started Monday! I am listening to music updating my blog. I already did ALL my floors and dusted! I'm not sad at all. I'm excited cause I know how excited Jared was to go to school. My boys are growing up so fast!
We had a great summer! We went camping at Belfair and had the best time. It was very hard for us to come back, Don is still not wanting to be back at work. We were at Splash Zone alot, Silverwood and to the lake and lots of fun. It was a wonderful summer!
Well I'm going to go do nothing!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Weekend Re-cap!
It was a great weekend in all. Friday was rough. The boys were in rare form, so as soon as I knew Don was in town I left and went across the street to meet some girls for a couple drinks. I needed it so bad, not the drinks part, the not around children part. I love them SO much but man can they stress me out in under 2 minutes! So Saturday we woke up, this was our big shopping trip to Spokane for school clothes. We started at the dirt bike store, the picture above shows their new hats, Patrick got a new shirt. We were off to lunch at Chilies with Sheena and Kyle (dons sister) it was a lot of fun. I love visiting with her. I'm going to spend the day with her in a couple weeks. Chilies is attached to the mall so we just went right in. Sears was having a great sale, got parkers shoes and a bunch of shirts. I had a list of what everyone wanted and I actually stuck to it. Then we went into I dont know every store. We finally left the mall and we heading to Target, ooohh I so love target! But TJ Maxx was next to it, so we hit there first. I've never shopped in there before but there jeans were so nicely priced. So we walked out of there with 10 pairs for $110.00 so not bad at all! Then off to the shoe store where we got Jareds shoes. Big boy tie shoes, which he is learning to tie! Then off to target to get undies/socks, you know the leftovers! Came home ate and vegged the rest of the evening. It was a great day!! Today we are not doing anything...until later! We are going to meet our friends at Doxies in Wilbur for some dinner. I love it there! We are getting the trailer ready for our camping trip, we leave in 3 days and were SO excited. Got my bike rode last night to get use to it, its been a while since I've rode a bike! The boys were so excited! Now we get to go on bike rides! So I'm making lists of what we need to bring, grocery list and all that fun stuff! I dont work all week today! Well thats about it, I'm off to do nothing!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Rodeo and Joshuas 5th birthday!!

I cannot believe Joshua is 5 years old! That flew by so stinkin fast!! He has such a great heart. He is so much like Patrick, which is so much like me. He has brought nothing but joy to our lives. We had his party on Saturday at the bowling alley. It was fun, he had a good time! The cake was adorable. Sunday was his rodeo, his last one of the season. He had a bit of a lazy sheep, but thats ok, he rode to the buzzer! Today we didn't do much. He wanted Steak, noodles and green beans for his birthday dinner, it was actually good. So heres his video and some pictures! On another note, Jared is COMPLETLY potty trained! He is doing amazing at it!!
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