Monday, January 26, 2009
Manic Monday
What a day! My poor boss has the flu, so I went in at my normal time of 715 and stayed until 445pm, it was actually a really good day, the kids were good. Parker was sick with a sore throat, he is feeling better, but not so good today. He didn't make bball practice, Patrick did though. Don had to go to bed early b/c he has to get up at 12:30am to go to work =( His last time doing it for a few weeks, so I'm glad about that. I dont know how people can work full time, get home, put dinner on the table, clean up, bathe kids, get them ready for bed, all within 3 hours! I'm so thankful I dont have to work full time, I dont know if I could do it! With my boys growing up so fast, I would miss out on so much and emotionally I dont think I could handle that. Tomorrow I dont have to go in until 8:30, my wonderful Kim is going in early for me since I have to work until 3pm. I told her I would bring her a mocha before I came in =) Josh went to bed at 545 tonight, guess he was tired lol! He is trying to fight off this cold that he is starting to get, so I think he was really needing some sleep! Well I'm going to bed, I'm really tired, but I do get to sleep in until 6:45 tomorrow!! I know, you wish you were me =)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Old blogs and stuff!
He shoots he scores! Patrick making a basket!
Parker running
Patrick blocking
Both boys
So yesterday the boys had their basketball games. They both did amazing!! Patricks team finally won 14-6 and Patrick even scored 2 baskets! Parkers team did really really good, they lost, but not by much, it was 8-26, now mind you last weeks game was 4-62 so they did awesome! Patrick was a sub in Parkers game cause they didn't have enough players, they look so cute out there playing together! We went out for lunch after with some friends and came home to start the downstairs. We totally cleaned the game room out to make room for our weight set we bought from Brad. Its big, so we had to make room, the boys are SO excited to get it and start lifting weights with dad.
So I came across my old blog last night, the one on MSN. Oh my gosh! It was when Jared was a couple months old =( It made me so sad to read it, where has time gone? I was actually a really good blogger back then lol! I think I will print them and keep them, it was a really stressful time in our lives b/c Jared was colic, but when I read them, it doesnt seem so bad. How crazy is that? On one of my blogs it was the 2nd anniversary of Don adopting the boys, now were coming up on 5 years!
Well I downloaded a few pics of the last few days and basketball. Not sure what were doing today, we got invited to a bday party but I dont know if were going to make it, Parker has a sore throat now and Jared just isnt on his A game yet, so laundry is in the future I see!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Where does time go?

Wow, its been a while, I dont even know where to start. The boys have been enjoying baskeball for the most part. Parker isnt a fan of all the running, but he is still doing good. Patrick has made 3 baskets, they only have 3 more games, then we can have our saturdays back. Its been crazy at work, weird hours, lots of kids. My mom got in a wreck a couple days ago on her way to my house to watch my kids =( There was a herd of deer so she hit the brakes and hit the black ice, did some 360's and ran into a rock wall, she is ok, in pain, but ok. I went and got her and took her to the ER to get checked, came out good. Parker and Patrick are over there now taking care of her today, they didn't have school today. Don has been really busy at work, they fired someone he worked with so even more overtime now, dont get me wrong the money is nice but oh man, I do miss him! This week Jared has been sick with a cold, I cant wait until cold season is over! Well thats my quick update for now, I have laundry to do!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
We got the privilage of babysitting a 2 week old baby boy! Oh what a sweetie baby! NO it doesn't make me want another one, it just makes my decision a right one to get fix'd! Jared LOVED him so much! He wanted to keep holding him! Parker smiled the entire time he held him! Patrick liked him more than he liked Josh thats for sure lol!! Josh and Jared both used that ant blanket from Carrie, I still have the outfit that goes with it!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Happy New Year!!
Me, Rochelle, Jessi and Becky!

I finally got around to updating this blog! I hope everyone had a great New Years, we sure did!! Parker and Patrick ended up spending the night at their friends house, so grandma and grampsie had the two little ones (thank you SOOOOOOOO much!!) Jessi and Leo came over and us girls went and picked up Rochelle and brought her back to my house, its nice to live right down town. We enjoyed a "duck fart" I actually really hate shots, but its New Years right?!? Then we headed down to Rolling Thunder Saloon where we met up with Becky and Carlin. Carlin and Don had so much fun doing kaoroke (sp) we didnt lol but they did! It was fun to watch them! We closed the place down then came back to our house until everyone was so completly tired they had to go home. By this point Don had already been up 25 hours b/c of the hours he had to work New Years Day, so he was beyond exhausted. He is so wonderful and such a good sport!! After we woke up at 9am (so sleeping in) we went and picked up the boys and went to walmart and subway, we had not eaten since dinner the night before so we were hungry.
The last couple mornings we have woken up to more freakin snow! Today it was -2 I hope it warms up b/c Parker and Patrick have their first basketball games this am, good thing its right up the road. Then I think we'll meet Don in Moses while he gets his new tires we can go shopping and stock up for the week. I will post pics later of the boys' games, they dont get their uniforms until next week. So thats about it for now!
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