Here is our new farm house! We LOVE IT!!! I have not said much about it until now only because we didnt want to jinx it. But we signed on friday! It needs some work upstairs so this week I'm starting to paint and all that fun stuff! Trying to pick colors is SOO freakin hard! I'm not good at that stuff, but good thing i have some great friends who are!! So unless our house in town sells anytime soon, we are looking at moving out there in the spring. Its on 4 acres, 5 bedroom 2 bath, I am so excited to get out there. Off the front porch you look out to nothing!! I cant wait to put my porch swing up there and just watch NOTHING!! So thats why I have been kind of MIA lately, alot going on all at once. The daycare that I worked at closed, so trying to finish up all that stuff has been dragging on, I started my new job at Chiefs, its a fam resturant here in town, 2 days a week, love it!! We had a Halloween party on friday. It was so much stinkin fun, but really thats all I'm going to say about that lol!! Flag football ended this last weekend, my birthday was last week where i got a really nice nice camera from Don and my mom/john. I love it!!! I've already been asked to take some family pictures for my friend!! So I hope you all forgive me, but thats my last couple weeks in a nutshell!!!