Drink Kevon
Wow, what a busy week we had! Last week we were ripping the cabinets out of our new house to get our new cabinets!! And might I say they are BEAUTIFUL!! They came Friday night thanks to Ryan and Amanda who brought them, and a big fat thank you to MarKay Cabinets in Poulsbo, they did amazing!! Kevon and Meghan came saturday late morning and so then it began! Us girls got some painting done, we were having more fun talking, running errands and just hanging out! Got most of the cabinets in, I guess everyone is coming back in a couple weeks to finish! Go here if you want to see the befores and afters: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=362245&id=553525323&l=4f746a2438 i cant believe the difference! The boys came home on Sunday from being at gmas while we did all this work, and Bear just didnt feel good, so that night he was up until 4am, Don called in to work cause he was so exhausted and i went to work, jared was down all day, night and all day yesterday as well. I didnt work yesterday cause his fever just wouldnt stay away. So we have been home all week, I'm hoping his fever is gone forever and feels 100 percent better, im pretty sure his ear drum ruptured (sp) last night so he is feeling better, yay! I need to go grocery shopping so badly so maybe tonight.