i know it has been forever! we are all moved in aaahhh finally! we love it out there of course we have had our issues ie: re-doing pipe, no dishwasher, cable line getting cut and the smell of sewer hence the re-doing of pipe. the boys are in complete heaven and spend their days outside of course when its not raining, which lets be honest is sooo much! Joshua graduated pre-k and starts kindergarten in the fall Jared moves up to pre-k, Patrick goes to 5th and Parker to 8th, wow where has time gone? we have great renters in our town home but will be putting it up for sale this summer, no more owning 2 homes at once, i know i know i said that before but this time i mean it! I'm still working 2 days a week i still like it. we have started going to a church in odessa which is a little hard for me only b/c i love the worship music and this church lacks it, but the boys love it and really that's all that matters right Parker is really involved in the youth group so its worth it! I'm in a new bunco group and our first bunco was at my new house last week, it was so much fun!! Josh and Jared are doing mutton busting and their first rodeo is the 20th in ritzville, so cute!! well that's about it for now