Well we got her early, like 12:00pm! The drive was really nice, it rained some of the time, but the boys did awesome! After we got here I opened up the back and noticed that Josh and Jareds bags were not here, I left them at home aaaahhhh!! So I had to go to walmart and buy them some new clothes. I was SO mad at myself, but I'm over it now. Tomorrow I think we are meeting up with the boys' grandma so I can give her my other cell phone since I dont have verizon anymore, plus the boys really enjoy spending time with her. Then were off to my dad and joyces for dinner.
So I forgot to post that I had gone to see my friend Tammy who just had a baby boy. He is SO sweet! Little Michael Ryan. I changed his diaper for her, I know what she is going through since she has c-sections and got her tubes tied like me! I never ever had to change a diaper in the hospital, Don always did it for me, such a sweetie! I already miss him alot, I wish he was here with us, but one day! Anyway, I'm going to bed now!! Have a good weekend!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
It has been a while since I've updated, we've had company from Tuesday until yesterday. Tina and the kids got here..we went to the park, walmart out to dinner and played outside. It was a nice visit with her. The boys always love it when she comes over.
Don got my oil change done for my trip. Today I'm just doing laundry and packing. I wish he could come with me, but such as life. He has to make me some money lol! The boys have been SO wonderful all week long. They really are great boys. I didn't walk for 2 days =() But I'm making up for it today. My trip is in 3.5 months, that's not long!! Well Jared's 1st birthday is on a Saturday this year so I think we will have a party for him here since Don has Saturdays off now, it keeps changing.
Josh was SO worn out yesterday he took a 4 hour nap. Of course getting him to bed wasn't until after 10pm, but he needed the sleep yesterday. This week I am going to lay low. Were going to visit with my cousins and drop off some books to Karen from my mom. We'll go over to Joyces or she will come over to Taras not sure which one. Of course go to the mall and Target, I have to every time I'm over. I'm pretty sure that's about it! We have to leave earlier than I wanted to only because Parker has bball practice. He is SO excited about that.! Anyway, I'm off this thing so I can get stuff ready to go! Oh Jared is still just crawling everywhere, he did venture into the kitchen once and he is eating baby food like crazy!! Yay! Finally, so that is a huge relief! Yay Bear Bear!!
Don got my oil change done for my trip. Today I'm just doing laundry and packing. I wish he could come with me, but such as life. He has to make me some money lol! The boys have been SO wonderful all week long. They really are great boys. I didn't walk for 2 days =() But I'm making up for it today. My trip is in 3.5 months, that's not long!! Well Jared's 1st birthday is on a Saturday this year so I think we will have a party for him here since Don has Saturdays off now, it keeps changing.
Josh was SO worn out yesterday he took a 4 hour nap. Of course getting him to bed wasn't until after 10pm, but he needed the sleep yesterday. This week I am going to lay low. Were going to visit with my cousins and drop off some books to Karen from my mom. We'll go over to Joyces or she will come over to Taras not sure which one. Of course go to the mall and Target, I have to every time I'm over. I'm pretty sure that's about it! We have to leave earlier than I wanted to only because Parker has bball practice. He is SO excited about that.! Anyway, I'm off this thing so I can get stuff ready to go! Oh Jared is still just crawling everywhere, he did venture into the kitchen once and he is eating baby food like crazy!! Yay! Finally, so that is a huge relief! Yay Bear Bear!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Joke for your day:
Man, standing nude, looks in the bedroom mirror and Says to his wife, "I feel horrible, I look fat, ugly and out Of shape. Pay me a compliment"
The wife replies, "Your eyesight's near perfect."
Well Jared ate Sweet Potato's last night! And bananas today!! Finally he is eating! It sure will make life a lot easier! He is up to 4 oz of whole milk now. He is just a crawling fool! He wont go out of the living room yet, he is so funny. I ended up taking Parker to get new shoes last night, his toe popped out of his other ones. So he is in a 4 now! His coach called, who is also our accountant, too funny. He starts practice next Wednesday, so we will be leaving Tara's early that morning so we can make it. There opening ceremony is next month. He said we should be hearing from Patrick's coach soon as well. Parker is not in pitching machine anymore he is in real pitchers now. So he told Don that hey really have to practice! It rained ALL night long. Which I hate the rain because the dogs feet get all muddy and I just mopped my floor, that is why I hate white floors! Tina and the kids should be here before the boys get home so they will be excited about that! Well not much more on the agenda for today!! Have a great Tuesday
Man, standing nude, looks in the bedroom mirror and Says to his wife, "I feel horrible, I look fat, ugly and out Of shape. Pay me a compliment"
The wife replies, "Your eyesight's near perfect."
Well Jared ate Sweet Potato's last night! And bananas today!! Finally he is eating! It sure will make life a lot easier! He is up to 4 oz of whole milk now. He is just a crawling fool! He wont go out of the living room yet, he is so funny. I ended up taking Parker to get new shoes last night, his toe popped out of his other ones. So he is in a 4 now! His coach called, who is also our accountant, too funny. He starts practice next Wednesday, so we will be leaving Tara's early that morning so we can make it. There opening ceremony is next month. He said we should be hearing from Patrick's coach soon as well. Parker is not in pitching machine anymore he is in real pitchers now. So he told Don that hey really have to practice! It rained ALL night long. Which I hate the rain because the dogs feet get all muddy and I just mopped my floor, that is why I hate white floors! Tina and the kids should be here before the boys get home so they will be excited about that! Well not much more on the agenda for today!! Have a great Tuesday
Monday, March 26, 2007
Well the weekend is over now =( The boys had a great time at dinner and a movie. They loved the movie, then they went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Josh, Jared and I went up to Wal Mart and got Josh a new wheelbarrow and then we went to McDonalds for dinner.
Sunday, we went to Church, it was really good. I am SO excited for the womens retreat in May, the mens retreat is the weekend after and Dave Roever is the speaker. I really think Don is going to go, I told him that Dave is amazing, I'm pretty sure he will get a big blessing going. After Church we took Don some lunch, the boys always enjoy going to see dad at work. After that we came home and the fun started......NOT! Parker and Patrick were fighting ALL day long. I was SO frustrated. I told them I was going in my room and not to follow me. I came in cried, prayed and sat for a few minutes, then I was better. John came up and watched the 3 oldest while I went with my friend Trish to get her kids from their dad. I took Jared with me, he didn't make a peep the whole time! Last night was Dons late night, well not too late, he got home at 8:15pm, so we put all the kids in bed and we'll leave it at that lol!!
Today I mopped and am doing laundry. The boys and I went grocery shopping. I got Josh some new shoes yay!! He picked out Thomas the Tank! Kids and choochoos!!
So Parker was talking about when we go to The Grand Canyon, he told us he hopes he sees "Mule People" I said um what?? He said people on Mules taking mail to the secret town at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, that will for sure be a sight to see lol!!! That's about it for now!!
Sunday, we went to Church, it was really good. I am SO excited for the womens retreat in May, the mens retreat is the weekend after and Dave Roever is the speaker. I really think Don is going to go, I told him that Dave is amazing, I'm pretty sure he will get a big blessing going. After Church we took Don some lunch, the boys always enjoy going to see dad at work. After that we came home and the fun started......NOT! Parker and Patrick were fighting ALL day long. I was SO frustrated. I told them I was going in my room and not to follow me. I came in cried, prayed and sat for a few minutes, then I was better. John came up and watched the 3 oldest while I went with my friend Trish to get her kids from their dad. I took Jared with me, he didn't make a peep the whole time! Last night was Dons late night, well not too late, he got home at 8:15pm, so we put all the kids in bed and we'll leave it at that lol!!
Today I mopped and am doing laundry. The boys and I went grocery shopping. I got Josh some new shoes yay!! He picked out Thomas the Tank! Kids and choochoos!!
So Parker was talking about when we go to The Grand Canyon, he told us he hopes he sees "Mule People" I said um what?? He said people on Mules taking mail to the secret town at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, that will for sure be a sight to see lol!!! That's about it for now!!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Today has been a busy day! Don and Josh took off for Moses to get shingles for the shed, when they got back we started filling up the truck for the dump. We actually only had 2 loads, I thought we would have more. Because the boys helped so much Dad is taking them to TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles) they CANT wait! Then they are going to grab a bite to eat. I figured I would take the two little ones to Wal Mart and to Subway for dinner or something. Both little ones are down for a nap so I am going to wash a load of towels, but thats all the laundry I have YAY!! Don only gets 1 day off again this week and we are leaving next saturday. Thats about all going on in this side of the world. My mom made it to CO a couple bumps in the road, but made it yesterday!!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Crazy Hair Day
Today is crazy hair day at school. Parker didn't want to participate but Patrick wanted a mohawk! If I would of had some color I could get out after 1 wash I would of put that in.
Ok so here is a converstaion I had with Parker, let me set the story for you. They were having Sea Nuggets at school, Parker thought they were chicken nuggets in the shape of sea animals, so he gets home
Parker: Mom, sea nuggets were SO gross, I will never have them again, they actually had real live fish in them and I dont like fish.
Me (laughing): Well you love when I make fish sticks right?
Parker: yes, I love them
Me: Well hello that is made from real live fish too.
Parker: Oh gross, do I really like them?
My Parker is SO sweetly funny! He was completly grossed out that real live fish. Don is trying to get them to go to Skippers with him, so maybe this weekend for some real live fish lol!!
Ok so here is a converstaion I had with Parker, let me set the story for you. They were having Sea Nuggets at school, Parker thought they were chicken nuggets in the shape of sea animals, so he gets home
Parker: Mom, sea nuggets were SO gross, I will never have them again, they actually had real live fish in them and I dont like fish.
Me (laughing): Well you love when I make fish sticks right?
Parker: yes, I love them
Me: Well hello that is made from real live fish too.
Parker: Oh gross, do I really like them?
My Parker is SO sweetly funny! He was completly grossed out that real live fish. Don is trying to get them to go to Skippers with him, so maybe this weekend for some real live fish lol!!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Guess whos crawling......
You guessed it..JARED! He did it a little last night and then did it this am, I was able to catch it on video! About darn stinkin time!!
I started recording survivor on the WRONG channel last night =( I called Don on the way home and asked him if it was on the right channel, he said no so he fix'd it for me, I missed the first 15 mnutes, I know the most important time.
My mom and Lois left on their trip to CO. I am sad, but I know Amanda and Ryan are excited, so its ok. They came over for dinner last night, wasn't that good, I need to make dinners for us before I make them for other people lol!
I woke up and Don had emptied the dishwasher for me. Oh he is so sweet. I HATE unloading the dishwasher, I don't mind loading. So that was a nice suprise for me!!
It is starting to rain today =( So not much going on today, just laundry! Happy Thursday!
I started recording survivor on the WRONG channel last night =( I called Don on the way home and asked him if it was on the right channel, he said no so he fix'd it for me, I missed the first 15 mnutes, I know the most important time.
My mom and Lois left on their trip to CO. I am sad, but I know Amanda and Ryan are excited, so its ok. They came over for dinner last night, wasn't that good, I need to make dinners for us before I make them for other people lol!
I woke up and Don had emptied the dishwasher for me. Oh he is so sweet. I HATE unloading the dishwasher, I don't mind loading. So that was a nice suprise for me!!
It is starting to rain today =( So not much going on today, just laundry! Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
American Idol!!
So we LOVE American Idol. Anyone who knows me knows I cannot stand Sanjaya, I think he is an embarrassment to WA. But I have to say that last night he did really good. My favs of course are Lekisha and Melinda and Blake of course!!
Don't forget Survivor is on tonight instead of tomorrow, I will have to record it cause I will be at Royal Rangers.
Not too much today. My ex step sister is coming over today. I have not seen Tina in SO many years, it will be good to see her. So that means I have dishes and vacuuming to do. I just got done walking another 2 miles. I've been doing that all week and sleeping a little better at night! I've been drinking all 75 oz of water each day!!
Last night I made a dinner the boys didn't like (big shock)lol, so it was taking them a 1/2 hour to eat so Don said whoever finished in 5 minutes got $5.00, so of course my Parker who loves money right now did it! Patrick did finish his dinner but it took him an extra 25 minutes! Parker is saving up for a new Pokemon DS game, it doesn't come out until next month.
I still love my new bed, although its weird to not even touch Don at night, unless of course I hog most of the bed lol. Its really soft though, Josh likes it =()
Well I better go and jump in the shower. Happy late Bday to my Mom in law. It was yesterday, we called and sang, not that anyone could understand it =) But its the thought that counts...right??
I'm not sure if today is the first day of Spring or if it was yesterday, but Happy Day of Spring!!
Don't forget Survivor is on tonight instead of tomorrow, I will have to record it cause I will be at Royal Rangers.
Not too much today. My ex step sister is coming over today. I have not seen Tina in SO many years, it will be good to see her. So that means I have dishes and vacuuming to do. I just got done walking another 2 miles. I've been doing that all week and sleeping a little better at night! I've been drinking all 75 oz of water each day!!
Last night I made a dinner the boys didn't like (big shock)lol, so it was taking them a 1/2 hour to eat so Don said whoever finished in 5 minutes got $5.00, so of course my Parker who loves money right now did it! Patrick did finish his dinner but it took him an extra 25 minutes! Parker is saving up for a new Pokemon DS game, it doesn't come out until next month.
I still love my new bed, although its weird to not even touch Don at night, unless of course I hog most of the bed lol. Its really soft though, Josh likes it =()
Well I better go and jump in the shower. Happy late Bday to my Mom in law. It was yesterday, we called and sang, not that anyone could understand it =) But its the thought that counts...right??
I'm not sure if today is the first day of Spring or if it was yesterday, but Happy Day of Spring!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy St Patricks Day!!
I am glad its the weekend! This morning the boys woke up to green Leprechaun pee in the toilet! Patrick's face was SO funny! This is the day where I came up with Patricks name, ok Karla did, but I loved it! Thanks sis!! Today, were not doing much, going to wal mart to get dogfood and water and a few things so I can make my moms cake tonight! She will be coming over for a pre birthday dinner! Last night we met Don in Moses so we could buy a shed at Home Depot. So now we FINALLY have one and can rip down the bbq pit thing we have in our back yard. Then we went out for dinner.
The only food Jared will eat all day is baby cereal, so I've been giving it to him before he eats a bottle, but if I add fruit to it, he won't eat it! He will only hold one thing in his hands to eat and thats a toddler cookie, but after a while he just plays with it!
It is suppose to be nice today, so I think this afternoon we will go to the park. Don is working today and has tomorrow off, this is the first saturday he hasn't had off, kind of wierd! Well thats about it! Hope everyone has a good St Patricks Day and weekend!
The only food Jared will eat all day is baby cereal, so I've been giving it to him before he eats a bottle, but if I add fruit to it, he won't eat it! He will only hold one thing in his hands to eat and thats a toddler cookie, but after a while he just plays with it!
It is suppose to be nice today, so I think this afternoon we will go to the park. Don is working today and has tomorrow off, this is the first saturday he hasn't had off, kind of wierd! Well thats about it! Hope everyone has a good St Patricks Day and weekend!
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Well almost through another week, one week closer til Vacation!!! The picture of Patrick is with his Jr Joggers shirt he received. He got that for running 30 miles! His goal is 60 miles so he can get his last name on it like last year! Today Patrick cleaned the living room, Joshs bedroom and his bedroom, all on his own! It looks really good too! He is such my helper boy.
Today I bought 2 new King size pillows for our bed. I can't wait to use them, they are so soft and HUGE!
Jared has been quite a handful lately. I will take any advice from anyone as to how to get him to eat. He wont eat anything, except baby cereal, without fruit mind you. He just wont eat, and he will be 1 next month and I'm beyond frustrated about it...HELP!! Plus he has a tooth coming in and he has made life a little hard right now!
Don now only has Sunday off =( But at least we get to go to Church together, then Adam is taking our other bed! I'm going to have my mom over Saturday night for dinner for her birthday, so that should be fun!! Anyway, thats about it for now!!
Today I bought 2 new King size pillows for our bed. I can't wait to use them, they are so soft and HUGE!
Jared has been quite a handful lately. I will take any advice from anyone as to how to get him to eat. He wont eat anything, except baby cereal, without fruit mind you. He just wont eat, and he will be 1 next month and I'm beyond frustrated about it...HELP!! Plus he has a tooth coming in and he has made life a little hard right now!
Don now only has Sunday off =( But at least we get to go to Church together, then Adam is taking our other bed! I'm going to have my mom over Saturday night for dinner for her birthday, so that should be fun!! Anyway, thats about it for now!!
Survey Time
6Name: Heather
Birthdate: Oct 19, 1976
Birthplace: Bremerton, WA
Current Location: Ephrata, WA
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'3
Piercings: Ears
Tatoos: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Husband-Don
Overused Phraze: LOL
Food: Italian
Candy: Junior mints
Number: 7
Color: Black
Animal: My doggie
Drink: Diet Pepsi
Alcohol Drink: Pina Colada
Bagel: Sure
Letter: H
Body Part on Opposite sex: Dons eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: I like both
Summer or Winter: Summer for sure
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Both
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: 10pm
Most Missed Memory: None
Best phyiscal feature: Smile
First Thought Waking Up: I don't want to get up
Goal for this year: Get down to the weight I want to
Best Friends: I have about 6 best friends
Weakness: Food
Fears: Something happening to my babies
Heritage: A whole lot of stuff
Longest relationship: Probably Chris at almost 6 years
Ever Drank: Yes
Ever Smoked: Nope
Pot: Yes
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been beaten up: Nope
Ever beaten someone up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: I think a candy bar or something like that
Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Duh
Been Dumped Lately: Nope
Favorite Eye Color: Dons baby blues
Favorite Hair Color: Short
Short or Long: See above
Height: 5'10
Style: Comfortable
Looks or Personality: Personality, with a little looks
Hot or Cute Both
Drugs and Alcohol: Nope
Muscular or Really Skinny: In the middle
Number of Regrets in the Past: only a few
What country do you want to Visit: Australia or Ireland
How do you want to Die: In my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: about a month ago
Do you like Thunderstorms: Nope
Get along with your Parents: Yes
Health Freak: Nope
Do you think your Attractive: Sometimes, not very often
Believe in Yourself: Sometimes
Want to go to College: YES!!
Do you Smoke: Nope
Do you Drink: On occasion
Shower Daily: Yes
Been in Love: Yes
Do you Sing: Yes
Want to get Married: I am
Do you want Children: I have 4
Have your future kids names planned out: They are already picked out
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: no need to go there
Hate anyone: Not hate, but dislike VERY much!
Birthdate: Oct 19, 1976
Birthplace: Bremerton, WA
Current Location: Ephrata, WA
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'3
Piercings: Ears
Tatoos: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Husband-Don
Overused Phraze: LOL
Food: Italian
Candy: Junior mints
Number: 7
Color: Black
Animal: My doggie
Drink: Diet Pepsi
Alcohol Drink: Pina Colada
Bagel: Sure
Letter: H
Body Part on Opposite sex: Dons eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: I like both
Summer or Winter: Summer for sure
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Both
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: 10pm
Most Missed Memory: None
Best phyiscal feature: Smile
First Thought Waking Up: I don't want to get up
Goal for this year: Get down to the weight I want to
Best Friends: I have about 6 best friends
Weakness: Food
Fears: Something happening to my babies
Heritage: A whole lot of stuff
Longest relationship: Probably Chris at almost 6 years
Ever Drank: Yes
Ever Smoked: Nope
Pot: Yes
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been beaten up: Nope
Ever beaten someone up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: I think a candy bar or something like that
Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Duh
Been Dumped Lately: Nope
Favorite Eye Color: Dons baby blues
Favorite Hair Color: Short
Short or Long: See above
Height: 5'10
Style: Comfortable
Looks or Personality: Personality, with a little looks
Hot or Cute Both
Drugs and Alcohol: Nope
Muscular or Really Skinny: In the middle
Number of Regrets in the Past: only a few
What country do you want to Visit: Australia or Ireland
How do you want to Die: In my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: about a month ago
Do you like Thunderstorms: Nope
Get along with your Parents: Yes
Health Freak: Nope
Do you think your Attractive: Sometimes, not very often
Believe in Yourself: Sometimes
Want to go to College: YES!!
Do you Smoke: Nope
Do you Drink: On occasion
Shower Daily: Yes
Been in Love: Yes
Do you Sing: Yes
Want to get Married: I am
Do you want Children: I have 4
Have your future kids names planned out: They are already picked out
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: no need to go there
Hate anyone: Not hate, but dislike VERY much!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Well not much has been going on. I wish I could say I sleep SO much better with my new bed, but I don't. Its SO much more comfy and its wonderful but I seem to go through this phase where I will wake up at 1am and start thinking about anything and everything and I cannot go back to sleep. Normally I fall back asleep at 5am ggrr. It does suck!
The weather has been nice, not warm, but in the low 50's and sunny. Flip flop weather for sure!
Well we should be getting our new cell phones today, no worries we have the same number but were going through cingular. We just don't get any service with verizon, so we switched! I'm excited to be able to talk inside my house.
The boys only have 2 more weeks until spring break, they are SO excited. We will be going over the pass for a few days.
Yesterday I had my friends Jolene and Trish over with their kids,that was fun. I made us adults a chef salad and the kids had mac and cheese, they played and played and we talked and talked. I have really enjoyed becoming friends with them. Looks like at the womens retreat in May we will all be going!!! That will be a blast!
We had the guy come and give us an estimate on Central air and heat. It will be about $8000.00 SO worth it though! We will know tonight hopefully if we can do it, plus our new yard and fence, I am SO hoping we can do it.
Anyway, that's about it for now! Happy Wednesday!
The weather has been nice, not warm, but in the low 50's and sunny. Flip flop weather for sure!
Well we should be getting our new cell phones today, no worries we have the same number but were going through cingular. We just don't get any service with verizon, so we switched! I'm excited to be able to talk inside my house.
The boys only have 2 more weeks until spring break, they are SO excited. We will be going over the pass for a few days.
Yesterday I had my friends Jolene and Trish over with their kids,that was fun. I made us adults a chef salad and the kids had mac and cheese, they played and played and we talked and talked. I have really enjoyed becoming friends with them. Looks like at the womens retreat in May we will all be going!!! That will be a blast!
We had the guy come and give us an estimate on Central air and heat. It will be about $8000.00 SO worth it though! We will know tonight hopefully if we can do it, plus our new yard and fence, I am SO hoping we can do it.
Anyway, that's about it for now! Happy Wednesday!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Comfy beds and warm breezes!
Well its been a really fun weekend. Saturday we left at 7am to head on over to Spokane. Don had rented a u-haul trailer to fit the bed cause he knew it wouldn't fit in his truck. So we stopped an got gas and breakfast and headed out. It was a really fun trip over and back, I love to spend time with him. We actually didn't set the bed up until yesterday, but I LOVE IT! It is so comfy, its a pillow top mattress. It fits in our room really good, which is good cause I didn't want to switch bedrooms with the boys yet, Jared is too small still. We spent a couple hours with the boys playing kick ball and just being outside and then we left again. We went to Incas (Mexican resturant) and bowling with Trish and Adam. It was SO much fun! We got pulled over twice on our way home lol! For a headlight out. Then yesterday it was 73!!! I was SOOOO excited!! We were going to go to Church but Josh woke up with a really runny nose and a cough. So we went to Moses to buy a bed frame and went to a power sports store to look at 4 wheelers, they were trying to get us to buy some so bad, if we had the money we would of, but we need to save our for our trip.
Today, I am just cleaning up from yesterday and doing laundry. The guy is coming at 4 today to give us a quote on central air and heat. That's about all were doing. I'm going to go to my moms and finally do my slide show for my myspace!
Parker and Patrick are doing a lot better in school! Patrick got his t-shirt for jr joggers, he is SO excited about that, I will post a pic when he brings it home! Happy Monday!
Today, I am just cleaning up from yesterday and doing laundry. The guy is coming at 4 today to give us a quote on central air and heat. That's about all were doing. I'm going to go to my moms and finally do my slide show for my myspace!
Parker and Patrick are doing a lot better in school! Patrick got his t-shirt for jr joggers, he is SO excited about that, I will post a pic when he brings it home! Happy Monday!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Sunny Days!

It is SO beautiful today! So I packed up the boys and took them to the park. The older two didn't have school today, it was wonderful outside. After we went to Mickey D's and got some milkshakes and took them over to grandmas house. Here are a few pics of the park, Jareds first swinging, he loved it! I have more pics of the park but am going to put them on my myspace slide show (when I do it this weekend).The sweatshirt that Josh is wearing, well Patrick wore that same sweatshirt when he was Joshs age. Makes me sad! And Josh's age is the age Patrick was when we met Don. This year marks year 3 since Don adopted the boys, its amazing how time flies. We leave really early tomorrow to head to Spokane to get our new bed. I think Adam is going to take our old one, but dont know what to do with our frame/headboard. Want me to save it for you Amanda?? Other than that not much else going on, did the dishes and mopped and of course did a couple loads of laundry! I am going to go and clean my van out when Jared lays down, too nice to stay inside. Have a good weekend!!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
WooHOO!! So Saturday morning we are driving to Spokane to get our new KING size bed! I can't wait! We are getting it for a steal!! Brand spanking new! I am so excited about it! Now I just have to get sheets, my comforter and bed skirt are already king size.
Don just went to get us some dinner. I thought I had sloppy Joe sauce, but I don't, guess its time to go shopping!
The boys don't have school tomorrow so we can sleep in yay!! Saturday is a busy day for us, now were going to pick up our bed, plus we have a double date were going on Saturday night. The boys want to switch rooms with us. Jared would go into Joshuas room, Parker would have the little room and Patrick would take our bedroom since he has the pool table, then Don and I would go into the big bedroom! Not sure if were going to do it yet, but if we do it will be this weekend. Patrick wants to paint his room blue, not sure about Parker yet.
I hope everyone that is sick is feeling better soon!
Don just went to get us some dinner. I thought I had sloppy Joe sauce, but I don't, guess its time to go shopping!
The boys don't have school tomorrow so we can sleep in yay!! Saturday is a busy day for us, now were going to pick up our bed, plus we have a double date were going on Saturday night. The boys want to switch rooms with us. Jared would go into Joshuas room, Parker would have the little room and Patrick would take our bedroom since he has the pool table, then Don and I would go into the big bedroom! Not sure if were going to do it yet, but if we do it will be this weekend. Patrick wants to paint his room blue, not sure about Parker yet.
I hope everyone that is sick is feeling better soon!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Happy Hump Day

Here is a much anticipated picture of Jared FINALLY holding his own bottle!! That should make life while we travel a bit easier!! And another sweet picture of him. I can't believe how big he is getting!! I plan on taking a picture of all 4 boys as soon as I can get them to cooperate!
I talked to my friend Christy, I have not spoken to her in years, besides on myspace. It was SO good to talk to her! I have missed her alot. She is up in Bellingham, but said she may come down while were over for Spring Break..YAY!!
Well yesterday was a beautiful day but it was windy, so that makes it cold, unlike you warm people whos temp got up to 67! YOU SUCK!! Last night I made Crispy salsa chicken for dinner, it turned out yummy!!! If you go to this site it will give you a menu and a shopping guide for the whole week, you can choose from 11 weeks, its really good! The first night I made sausage Rotini, then I made sausage on a bun (dont use Hot sausage) it about killed us lol!!
anyway, today is my conference with Parks teacher, just to go over some questions that I ahve she has been out with back injury for a couple months. Don is feeling better, his throat is really sore, but doing a little better. Last night was fun, after dinner all the boys entertained us, you would of thought I had a house full of girls! Well tonight is Royal Rangers, that's about it!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I keep thinking its Monday. Lets see, Sunday was a good day, sortof. We went to little Ethans birthday party, that was fun except my 2 little children. They were both really tired and cranky!! When we left I got in the van and cried! Oh I hate it when I get that stressed! But we went and got Don an iced mocha and took that and some medicine to him at work, he was horribly sick, looked awful, my Mom and John actually went and picked him up and brought his truck home cause he was not doing well. He didn't go to work yesterday and slept most of the day, so far this little flu thing has hit everyone, except me *crossing my fingers* Jared has a cold, I think its his teeth, but who knows. Don will probably come home early today, he was doing better this am but still feeling like poo. I got the whole house cleaned this weekend, rugs, mopping, everything! I love it when the house is clean. I know it wont last too long lol! My dad and Joyce are flying home from Durango today, everyone down there is sick except Amanda, God must know that moms cant be sick! I cant believe how beautiful it is outside! The sun is SOOO bright and its suppose to be in the upper 50's. I think a nice walk is in order today! Patrick stayed home again yesterday, not like him but he had another sore throat and headache, he is at school today. Well thats about it for our Tuesday. Hope everyone has a great week!!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Well Jared had a fever yesterday, not sure if its cause he is getting 2 more teeth, or becauase of this little flu going around. He is doing great today! Were suppose to go to little Ethans birthday party today, the boys are excited about that. We went bowling with them yesterday and had a lot of fun. I love getting to know new people. After we came home and I went to Wal Mart and the Movie Gallery and rented the movie with Leo, I'm completly blank on it, oh well. Have not watched it yet. Talked to Don this am and he is not feeling well =(
You know I learned something today. Its weird how people talk about you even when you have nothing to do with them or dont even talk about them. I sometimes wonder when people are going to grow up and just live their own lives. Its sad how people live in the past and cant move on. I think I have done a great job moving on, remembering the past, because its how I got here, but certainly not dwell on it or make hideous remarks about other people, although I could, it would be SO easy, but then I would be no better than them!
Well I think we may take Don a mocha before the birthday party, that always makes him feel better!! Have a super Sunday!!
You know I learned something today. Its weird how people talk about you even when you have nothing to do with them or dont even talk about them. I sometimes wonder when people are going to grow up and just live their own lives. Its sad how people live in the past and cant move on. I think I have done a great job moving on, remembering the past, because its how I got here, but certainly not dwell on it or make hideous remarks about other people, although I could, it would be SO easy, but then I would be no better than them!
Well I think we may take Don a mocha before the birthday party, that always makes him feel better!! Have a super Sunday!!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Ok I fix'd it so anyone can leave a message, I thought it was on that setting but it wasnt' so now everyone can!!!
Race Cars, snow and warm weather

Parkers big race was last night, it started off with Parker winning the first door prize, which was a ranger hat and water bottle, he was SOO excited about that, which is good because his car came in last place =( He said it was ok though because he already won something. We ate dinner at KFC/A&W it was good, its been a couple years since we've been there. We got home and everything was once again covered in snow, thank goodness its melting now, but I am so over this whole snow thing. This week it is suppose to get up to the 60's, hello!! Lovin life!!
Everyone is sick free in our household right now! The little bug passed I guess. Today we are going bowling with Trish and her 3 little ones, it will be fun, whats funner than bowling? Thats about it for now, tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to after church! I've been doing a lot of cleaning, seems like it never gets done, or when it does get done you have to start all over again! The boys have been in rare form today, I guess they are just being brothers but it urks me very fast! They are suppose to go to their friends house when we get back, they always look forward to that. Well crying baby..gotta jet!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Thursday, Friday Happy Days!
Parker is home today, his temp last night was 102. so I kept him home. He is doing so much better, I guess its just a 24 hour fever with aches. All 3 big boys have had it so now I guess its Jareds turn, I pray he doesn't get a turn! I lysoled everything yesterday and opened all the doors to air it out, and I will be doing it again today! Its beautiful here today! Don is chilled about the car, we are going to get it fix'd, probably not until we get back from our trip, but we are going to fix it so he can drive it this fall/winter. Today not much is going on, I have to mop and do laundry and go grocery shopping, thats always fun! I'm having a couple friends over with their kids on Tuesday so I'm trying to think of what to make, I think I will go on the foodnetwork and see what cool recipes I can come up with. I did another survey, this one was kind of fun!
1. Hi, my name is:Heather
2. Never in my life have I:Been sane
3. The one person who can drive me nuts is?How about 1 small group-my kids!
4. High school:12 years ago
5. When I'm nervous:I get a bad stomach ache
6. The last time I cried was:a couple days ago watching a TV show
7. If I were to get married right now my wedding party would be:telling me that I am already married and I should move to Utah if I want to be married to more than one person at a time!
8. My hair is:growing and need of another dye job!
9. When I was 5:I was shorter than I am now
10. Last Christmas:Was a wonderful Christmas
11. I should be:thinner, I am a skinny woman trapped in a fat womans body!
12. When I look down I see:my boobs
13. The craziest recent event was:So far 3 of my kids have been sick this week
14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be:Monica....again skinny woman trapped in a fat body!
15. By this time next year:I will have a new body
16. My current worry is:I actually have no worries!
17. I have a hard time understanding:foreign languages
18. There's this guy I know who:is living a lie
19. You know I like you when:I add you to my top 24 friends lol!! Seriously, when I talk to you!
20. If I won an award, the first person I'd tell is:Don and my boys
21. Take my advice:Marriage is everyday work
22. My most wanted item is:a new body
23. If you visited the place I was born:It would be pretty boring since its Bremerton
24. I plan to visit:Grand Canyon and New Mexico this year!!!
25. If you spend the night at my house while my parents are gone: Well, my I dont live with my parents.
26. I'd stop my wedding if:I would of never stopped my wedding, I had to get him to say I do before he changed his mind =)
27. The world could do without:Children being abused and killed
28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:eat dog poo
29. Most recent thing I've bought myself:I can't tell you, but it was for Don and my over night trip!
30. Most recent thing someone else bought me:A lighthouse clock
31. My favorite blonde is:Tina
32. My favorite brunette is:Everyone else I know =)
33. My favorite redhead is:Christine, or Jareds girlfriend Ashley =)
34. My middle name(s) is:Lynn
35. This morning I:Woke up early and walked on my treadmill!
36. The animals I would like to see flying besides a bird:No more flying animals, they die on the front of my van and I hate cleaning them off
37. Once, at a party:Lets just keep it at that
38. Last night was:American Idol and tonight too!!!
39. There's this other guy I know who:Is a wonderful father and husband-that would be my Don
40. I don't know:multiplication very well, Parker beats me unless I have a calculator!
41. A better name for me would be:There is no better name than a flower!
42. Tomorrow I am:Going to Parkers Pine wood derby
43. My birthday is:october 19th
44. What I really wanted for Valentine's Day was:Whatever my men got me, and it was a beautiful Lighthouse clock
1. Hi, my name is:Heather
2. Never in my life have I:Been sane
3. The one person who can drive me nuts is?How about 1 small group-my kids!
4. High school:12 years ago
5. When I'm nervous:I get a bad stomach ache
6. The last time I cried was:a couple days ago watching a TV show
7. If I were to get married right now my wedding party would be:telling me that I am already married and I should move to Utah if I want to be married to more than one person at a time!
8. My hair is:growing and need of another dye job!
9. When I was 5:I was shorter than I am now
10. Last Christmas:Was a wonderful Christmas
11. I should be:thinner, I am a skinny woman trapped in a fat womans body!
12. When I look down I see:my boobs
13. The craziest recent event was:So far 3 of my kids have been sick this week
14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be:Monica....again skinny woman trapped in a fat body!
15. By this time next year:I will have a new body
16. My current worry is:I actually have no worries!
17. I have a hard time understanding:foreign languages
18. There's this guy I know who:is living a lie
19. You know I like you when:I add you to my top 24 friends lol!! Seriously, when I talk to you!
20. If I won an award, the first person I'd tell is:Don and my boys
21. Take my advice:Marriage is everyday work
22. My most wanted item is:a new body
23. If you visited the place I was born:It would be pretty boring since its Bremerton
24. I plan to visit:Grand Canyon and New Mexico this year!!!
25. If you spend the night at my house while my parents are gone: Well, my I dont live with my parents.
26. I'd stop my wedding if:I would of never stopped my wedding, I had to get him to say I do before he changed his mind =)
27. The world could do without:Children being abused and killed
28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than:eat dog poo
29. Most recent thing I've bought myself:I can't tell you, but it was for Don and my over night trip!
30. Most recent thing someone else bought me:A lighthouse clock
31. My favorite blonde is:Tina
32. My favorite brunette is:Everyone else I know =)
33. My favorite redhead is:Christine, or Jareds girlfriend Ashley =)
34. My middle name(s) is:Lynn
35. This morning I:Woke up early and walked on my treadmill!
36. The animals I would like to see flying besides a bird:No more flying animals, they die on the front of my van and I hate cleaning them off
37. Once, at a party:Lets just keep it at that
38. Last night was:American Idol and tonight too!!!
39. There's this other guy I know who:Is a wonderful father and husband-that would be my Don
40. I don't know:multiplication very well, Parker beats me unless I have a calculator!
41. A better name for me would be:There is no better name than a flower!
42. Tomorrow I am:Going to Parkers Pine wood derby
43. My birthday is:october 19th
44. What I really wanted for Valentine's Day was:Whatever my men got me, and it was a beautiful Lighthouse clock
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