Here is a much anticipated picture of Jared FINALLY holding his own bottle!! That should make life while we travel a bit easier!! And another sweet picture of him. I can't believe how big he is getting!! I plan on taking a picture of all 4 boys as soon as I can get them to cooperate!
I talked to my friend Christy, I have not spoken to her in years, besides on myspace. It was SO good to talk to her! I have missed her alot. She is up in Bellingham, but said she may come down while were over for Spring Break..YAY!!
Well yesterday was a beautiful day but it was windy, so that makes it cold, unlike you warm people whos temp got up to 67! YOU SUCK!! Last night I made Crispy salsa chicken for dinner, it turned out yummy!!! If you go to this site it will give you a menu and a shopping guide for the whole week, you can choose from 11 weeks, its really good! The first night I made sausage Rotini, then I made sausage on a bun (dont use Hot sausage) it about killed us lol!!
anyway, today is my conference with Parks teacher, just to go over some questions that I ahve she has been out with back injury for a couple months. Don is feeling better, his throat is really sore, but doing a little better. Last night was fun, after dinner all the boys entertained us, you would of thought I had a house full of girls! Well tonight is Royal Rangers, that's about it!
Dinner was so good. Thank you again!! The entertainment of your girls, I mean boys was so much fun. :)
Loved them wrestling all over the floor...pretty soon Jared is going to be in on all that....love the memories.
Hey there. If you go to that website and click on Food and Family and preview the magazine, at the end of the preview you can get a free subscription to their magazine. I get it and it's a really good magazine with lots of good ideas and recipes.
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