Whew, what a weekend. Friday, Parker didn't go to school. He was up coughing so much the night before, I think he was just really tired. So my mom came up so I could go shopping, normally I would just take the little ones but with Park being home I didn't want to take him out. That was a nice peaceful time lol I went and washed my van and cleaned the inside of it. We later got company, and that was a nice visit. I made biscuits and gravy, it was really good.
Saturday was the boys' opening ceremony. Those are always kind of boring, but so much fun to watch them. I didn't get a picture of them together, but will at their next game this week. Parker had his first game, he did really good. He struck out the first time and then they walked him the next 2 times. He got home once! After the game he said "it doesn't matter to me if we win (they lost) it only matters if I have fun" Oh that Parker! We went to Burger King after. After our company left, then we went to check out a motorcycle track. Since we are going to put sod down there is NO way they are riding that dirt bike on it, so Don found a place over in Royal City. It looks really cool, so the 4 guys are going to go and try it out next weekend. Patrick cant stop talking about it!
Today, not much going on, have not decided if were going to church, I can't get rid of this stomach ache so not sure if we'll make it. Its Dons long day at work today =( I am in desperate need of laundry to be done, so I guess that's one thing I'm doing. Josh is still sleeping, wish Jared would of slept in today, I'm not a fan of getting up at 6;30am on the weekends! Hope everyone had a good weekend. I will post pictures of the game this week!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I'm pretty sure its giong to start pouring any minute. Don and the boys are at the school practicing baseball. Parker likes to swing at the ones that are about 5 feet over his head, and he likes to play in the dirt during practice, so their going to shape him up! Patrick went just so he can play more ball.
Everyone has me thinking of signs to do to other drivers. Probably wont be a good example if I flip them off Adam lol!
Today was a good day, both boys were really good today. Jared is trying to change his schedule on us, so he is trying to take later naps, which doesn't work for me. I like him going to bed by 8pm and if he takes later naps then I dont get him down until closer to 9pm. Me and Don have to have some alone time!
So Idol last night was so good. I cried through alot of it, especially Carrie Underwood. It breaks my heart so much that children live like that, if I could take them all home I would.
The boys can't wait for Saturday, well Patrick doesn't play until next week, but he is still excited for the opening ceramony.
Have to go to wal mart when Don gets back for milk and stuff. Seems like I'm always there. But good news is NO MORE FORMULA!! That will save $80.00 a month! Cant complain!! Be nice when I'm done with diapers too!!
Oh well, thats about it for now!! 2 weeks FROM TODAY UNTIL MY RETREAT!!!!
Everyone has me thinking of signs to do to other drivers. Probably wont be a good example if I flip them off Adam lol!
Today was a good day, both boys were really good today. Jared is trying to change his schedule on us, so he is trying to take later naps, which doesn't work for me. I like him going to bed by 8pm and if he takes later naps then I dont get him down until closer to 9pm. Me and Don have to have some alone time!
So Idol last night was so good. I cried through alot of it, especially Carrie Underwood. It breaks my heart so much that children live like that, if I could take them all home I would.
The boys can't wait for Saturday, well Patrick doesn't play until next week, but he is still excited for the opening ceramony.
Have to go to wal mart when Don gets back for milk and stuff. Seems like I'm always there. But good news is NO MORE FORMULA!! That will save $80.00 a month! Cant complain!! Be nice when I'm done with diapers too!!
Oh well, thats about it for now!! 2 weeks FROM TODAY UNTIL MY RETREAT!!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Motorcycle Lingo??
Ok, so I've followed Don a few times on his bike and I notice that every time another motorcycle goes by he puts his hand down by his thigh and gives a sideways peace sign. So when I'm done laughing I ask him what the heck that is. He said, thats just something they do. I guess the "older ones" do a hang loose sign, some give a thumbs up. I didn't know they had their own language lol!!
No practice today at all!! Parkers got switched to tomorrow which is Patricks also, good thing its at the same field. Don is feeling better, just has a head cold now and stuffed up. I had Bible Study last night, it was fun and really eye opening, I hate that lol! 2 MORE WEEKS UNTIL MY RETEAT!!! I will miss one of the boys' games but Don will be there. He is taking Friday off so he'll have fri and sat off so he can be with the boys. They will have fun, not as much fun as me that is!! =))))))
Anyway, not much going on today, just Royal Rangers tonight, and I think we have to grab Dons bike tonight after work!! Patrick lost another tooth at school yesterday. That would be3 teeth between the two of them in the last week. Darn tooth ferry is really having to come up with some money lol!! $2.00 a pop, it starts to add up!! Have a great Wednesday!
No practice today at all!! Parkers got switched to tomorrow which is Patricks also, good thing its at the same field. Don is feeling better, just has a head cold now and stuffed up. I had Bible Study last night, it was fun and really eye opening, I hate that lol! 2 MORE WEEKS UNTIL MY RETEAT!!! I will miss one of the boys' games but Don will be there. He is taking Friday off so he'll have fri and sat off so he can be with the boys. They will have fun, not as much fun as me that is!! =))))))
Anyway, not much going on today, just Royal Rangers tonight, and I think we have to grab Dons bike tonight after work!! Patrick lost another tooth at school yesterday. That would be3 teeth between the two of them in the last week. Darn tooth ferry is really having to come up with some money lol!! $2.00 a pop, it starts to add up!! Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Well the weekend is over! Sunday, Tara and the girls left =( Don didn't get home from work until 8:00pm. Yesterday was an uneventful day. Parker had practice after school, Patrick didn't have boy scouts. I had to make appointments for hair cuts and Jareds 1 year check up! Since turning 1 he has kept me on my toes, he throws more fits and cries if I don't hold him and so on and so on. I got Parkers schedule and him and Patrick have games on the same day and same time, almost every single game. No weekend games, except this weekend. I will not post when their games are until after they had them, then I will post a picture. We really have not been up to too much lately, just hanging out. Tonight I have Bible Study and Don is really sick with a cold. Of course he had to work at 3am today =( Today We have to take his motorcycle in when he gets home to get something done cause he has driven it 1000 miles, I really have no clue about it. Josh has his hair cut appt in an hour, he always does SO good, just sits there. Jared LOVES being turned around in his car seat! He got to watch a movie yesterday while we were driving! Anyway, that's about it!!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Jareds 1st birthday!

Today was a good day. Jared woke up SO cranky. He must of known today was about him. We went to walmart to get some stuff and so I could get his gift, almost forgot it again! I swear my brain isnt working. Went and got the cake at Safeway, oh yea the entire cake, except decoration was wrong, wrong, wrong! I could of screamed! It was suppose to be a cupcake cake, with chocolate cake and white frosting. So we got a normal cake with half choc/half vanilla cake with fresh strawberries, I was so angy, so they gave me my next cake free. He loved ALL his gifts. Well, I must say Josh loves them a little more than Jared right now. He is hiding Jareds riding toy next to his bed lol! All the kids were so extra good. As you can tell Jared loved his cake! He was SO messy! After they all went to bed Tara and I went shopping at walmart, I had to go grocery shopping, it was alot of fun! It was raining when we got outside. I am about ready for bed, but wanted to post a couple pictures of my sweet boy! He is truly a wonderful little guy. He for sure has been a bit harder than the others, but that smile can melt anyones heart!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Barfing, birthdays and new beginnings!
So Patrick is sick, like throwing up sick =( Poor guy, he is so sad that he didn't get to go to Justices after school with his brother. He feels really bad if Jordy doesn't get to come over, I told him it was ok, they'll be over again. I am going to go to Wenatchee with my friend Trish so she can do a little shopping. Mom is watching the boys, Patrick is happy he is in his own room (moms spare room) with a tv, water and a barf bowl. Jared is feeling better, just a runny nose now. His big 1st birthday is tomorrow. He is going to wear an outfit that Auntie Amanda sent him. He will look SO cute! Don is working so much overtime right now. I barely see him =( Tomorrow is his day off and he gets to make one trip to the dump and thats it, yay!! Yesterday was a good day, well half of it was an emotionally hard day, but it turned into a good day. Well thats about it for now. Oh yes, got the boys' report cards. Patrick went up in everything and his teacher said he is doing so much better listening and not being distracted. So now onto Parker, the complete opposite. He didn't go down in everything, just a couple things, he did go up in Math which is good. So we made a bet, that if he goes up in everything and pays attention we will buy him a new DS game. He said "You got a deal" and we shook on it! So we'll see. Both their teachers have said summer school, so they are both going =( which kind of sucks, but I need them to be caught up and ready to go into 5th and 3rd grades. They will start after we get back from camping and end the day before our trip. Thats about it for now! Happy Friday. I will post some pictures of my big 1 year old tomorrow =(
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I know its been a few days, but I've had a sick baby at home and you know that is never easy. Little Jared has been battling a bad cold, which sucks cause his birthday is Saturday. We went to Church on Sunday, Josh is in his own class now, no more nursery. He cried at first but then did really good, he even colored a picture that he was SO proud of. We did not go and see Don at work cause he was really busy. Sunday was a really rough day, all the boys were in rare form and Don of course doesn't get home until 8:30pm, so I was in tears that night! Monday was better. Parker had baseball practice, today as well. Patrick had cubbies last night, he got his new badge! My mom took him for us cause I started my Bible Studay last night. Its about prayer, I'm really looking forward to it. Tonight is Royal Rangers and Report cards!! Their last ones were really bad, so if they are good, then they get to go out for dinner! Works for me, one more night I dont have to cook lol! I am happy happy to report, I am 3 pounds away from what I was when I got pregnant with Jared! I've lost 3 pounds this week. I'm really working hard at it, at least 1 salad a day and LOTS of water, I've been doing my treadmill 2 miles a day, so I'm quite proud of myself, when I make it to my goal of 3 more pounds (Thats just my first goal) then I'm going to get a pedicure!! Then I get to start on my Parker and Patrick weight. Its 9 months to put it on and 9 YEARS to get it off right???? lol! Patrick has practice tomorrow, then Friday Tara and the girls are coming, they wanted to be hear for Jareds 1st birthday, besides my mom I dont have any family over here, so it means alot that she is coming. I decided to do his party at the park, then I dont have to clean my house! Plus our backyard is really getting torn up so its easier for kids to play at a playground! Well thats about it for now, I have got to get kids in bed!! I'll update again soon!!!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Wenatchee was fun. We went to the mall, got my ring cleaned, walked around our small little tiny mall, went into Bath, Bed and beyond, I really like that store. We went to lunch at Red Robin, then off to Old Navy and Target. Got some really cute outfits for Bethany at Old Navy, she is having a boy in July (our hair dresser). I found shirts there that I so wanted to get for the boys, they said "I love my mom" Parker said he probably wouldn't of worn it to school, little stinker! Then Parker and Patrick spent the night at Justice and Deckards house. They were SOOO excited about their first sleepover! They had a lot of fun. We met Don at Incas in Moses for dinner. The boys were really good, and so was the food. On the way home it rained SOOOOO hard, poor Don was on his bike so he was soaked! After we got home and he changed his clothes we went and rented Blood Diamonds. SO intense and so good. We are almost done with it. We got the boys Happy Feet. This am Don got up and went and grabbed Adam and they got the u haul trailer and started with the rocks. We did 3 loads, and FYI rocks are not free anymore. So hello expensive! We have about 1 more load next weekend. I went and got all the boys/men lunch. I have to go grocery shopping after Don gets home. Tomorrow is Church and then home to do laundry. Have a good Saturday.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Busy days and Birthdays
Well it is beginning our busy season! We have Boy scouts, Royal Rangers and each boy practicing 2 nights a week, of course not on the same nights! So looks like I will be crock potting it 4 nights a week!
Please keep my Pastor in your prayers, he is back in the hospital with a collapsed lung, fluid and pneumonia. He is an amazing man. I hope its not his time to go meet the Lord =)
The boys have been leaking like hoses at night. Josh only 1 night, but Jared ALL the time. I think 4 times in 2 days, even during the day. SO I went and got him different diapers. I was trying to use the same diapers for Josh and Jared, but that isnt working. Jared is doing good on eating, he is almost done with formula!! With them leaking I have been doing laundry NON stop all week long.
I have been debating on what day to go to Wenatchee. I have to go and get my ring cleaned to keep up on the warranty, so maybe tomorrow, there isnt practice or anything.
The weather has been better with the winds gone. Don and Adam are going to rent a dump truck to haul all the rocks/bricks to the dump. We have SO many, good thing the dump doesn't charge for that.
Anyway, that's about it! Today is Joyces birthday..Happy birthday!!!
Please keep my Pastor in your prayers, he is back in the hospital with a collapsed lung, fluid and pneumonia. He is an amazing man. I hope its not his time to go meet the Lord =)
The boys have been leaking like hoses at night. Josh only 1 night, but Jared ALL the time. I think 4 times in 2 days, even during the day. SO I went and got him different diapers. I was trying to use the same diapers for Josh and Jared, but that isnt working. Jared is doing good on eating, he is almost done with formula!! With them leaking I have been doing laundry NON stop all week long.
I have been debating on what day to go to Wenatchee. I have to go and get my ring cleaned to keep up on the warranty, so maybe tomorrow, there isnt practice or anything.
The weather has been better with the winds gone. Don and Adam are going to rent a dump truck to haul all the rocks/bricks to the dump. We have SO many, good thing the dump doesn't charge for that.
Anyway, that's about it! Today is Joyces birthday..Happy birthday!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Ponderas man, really Ponderas!

Amanda totally got that song stuck in my head, thanks man! So here is a picture I took today off ALL the boys smiling!! That is no easy task. Today was a mellow day. The two little ones and I went to walmart to get tylenol and chicken stripes for our salad tonight. We have to go back to get Patrick cleats tonight. Just been doing laundry and mopping and cleaning toilets like normal! Its SO windy here, my swing outside blew over....again. I can't wait for the wind to stop! Tomorrow is Parkers practice and royal rangers, their play dates are on hold for a while until after baseball, cant do everything. Womens bible study is starting tonight and I was thinking about doing it, we'll see!! Happy Tuesday!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Yesterday was a good Easter Day. We went to Church, our Pastor wasn't there..he had surgery on his heart, the same thing that happened to John Ritter he is lucky to be alive. But it is a God thing for sure!! It wasn't his time! After Church we went and had lunch with Don, that is always fun. After we got home we played outside for a while, Jared drove the monster truck by himself!! Of course when Patrick wasn't in there with him. I got some cleaning done after Tara and them left. Then I went with Trish to pick up her kiddos, its always nice to visit with her she is a wonderful person!! Today is a busy day. We have to take Mona in at 9am so she can get bathed, clipped and all that girl stuff lol, go and get some stuff at Wal Mart while she is doing that. Then after school I have to drop Patrick off at Boy scouts and take Parker to practice, then at 4pm go get Patrick from Boy scouts and go back to Parkers practice until Don gets there, then I can come home and make dinner!! So I think I will be ready for bed tonight! I think this is how its going to be until Baseball is over, on top of that Patrick will be practicing soon too!
So Don got a new motorcycle. He loves it and it is really nice. Its a n 06 Shadow! It is going to save us SO much money a month on gas! I will post a picture. Well thats about it for now, better get this day going!!
So Don got a new motorcycle. He loves it and it is really nice. Its a n 06 Shadow! It is going to save us SO much money a month on gas! I will post a picture. Well thats about it for now, better get this day going!!
Saturday, April 7, 2007

Here are some pictures of the weekend. We had our Easter today and boy was it fun! Don and Brad got the shed ripped down, it makes our back yard look SO much bigger. We had a nice dinner, company and fun with the kids. They were outside the entire day, they should all sleep good tonight! Tomorrow the boys and I are off to Chruch and then we'll take Don some lunch!! Happy Easter!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Its been a while
Its been a while since I've updated. We had a great time on the other side of the mountains. I went and bought the boys some new clothes at Target and Walmart. We went to the mall and walked around then met up with the boys' grandma, so they got to visit with her for a while. Sunday night we went to my dad and joyces for dinner..Tacos of course. They were beyond yummy. We had a nice visit with them and the kids played outside!! Monday we didn't do anything at all! Carrie came over and visited with us, always fun to visit with her. Tuesday we went over to my dad and Joyces for a little birthday party for Jared. Renee, Emma and Marcey came, the kids played outside and had a ball! It was really nice to visit with everyone! We left early Wednesday, well like 9:30 but we made it home by 1pm. Hello gas prices over there SUCK! We are still in the 70's, well probably not anymore, but we were!
Normally when I get home Don has cleaned the house a little better than how I left it, well not this time! I was a bit frustrated about that, but he did work a lot and did outside stuff, so I forgave him. Brad and Don are ripping down the fire pit/shed thing so we can start on our grass, I cannot wait. I will post pictures before and after when we do it. I stole Jordan and she came home with us. I have not really seen them at all, they were outside most of the entire day yesterday. Parker had his practice last night. He actually did really good for not playing for the last 2 years. His coach is really nice and he is excited about playing this year. Don met us there, so I took Jared, Patrick and Jord home with me to finish cleaning and stuff. Don stopped and got subway for dinner. I have got to go shopping tonight after he gets home...ALONE!! Well we have to go to the store and get dinner tonight, but that's easy. I am making a recipe my friend Greta emailed me Cresent Chicken Casserole doesn't it sound yummy?? Tara, Brad and Riley are coming over tomorrow for the weekend. We emailed the Easter bunny and asked if he could make a special trip and do the eggs for us on Saturday since the Burdyshaws have to leave early on Sunday, he said yes, so the kids are excited! I have to go get their Easter basket stuff tonight. Don has Saturday off so him, John and Brad are going golfing in the am, he'll get to use his new clubs from Ryan!
Well I better go and get ready to go to walmart! Have a great Thursday!! My mama comes home today!!
Normally when I get home Don has cleaned the house a little better than how I left it, well not this time! I was a bit frustrated about that, but he did work a lot and did outside stuff, so I forgave him. Brad and Don are ripping down the fire pit/shed thing so we can start on our grass, I cannot wait. I will post pictures before and after when we do it. I stole Jordan and she came home with us. I have not really seen them at all, they were outside most of the entire day yesterday. Parker had his practice last night. He actually did really good for not playing for the last 2 years. His coach is really nice and he is excited about playing this year. Don met us there, so I took Jared, Patrick and Jord home with me to finish cleaning and stuff. Don stopped and got subway for dinner. I have got to go shopping tonight after he gets home...ALONE!! Well we have to go to the store and get dinner tonight, but that's easy. I am making a recipe my friend Greta emailed me Cresent Chicken Casserole doesn't it sound yummy?? Tara, Brad and Riley are coming over tomorrow for the weekend. We emailed the Easter bunny and asked if he could make a special trip and do the eggs for us on Saturday since the Burdyshaws have to leave early on Sunday, he said yes, so the kids are excited! I have to go get their Easter basket stuff tonight. Don has Saturday off so him, John and Brad are going golfing in the am, he'll get to use his new clubs from Ryan!
Well I better go and get ready to go to walmart! Have a great Thursday!! My mama comes home today!!
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