Friday, April 20, 2007

Barfing, birthdays and new beginnings!

So Patrick is sick, like throwing up sick =( Poor guy, he is so sad that he didn't get to go to Justices after school with his brother. He feels really bad if Jordy doesn't get to come over, I told him it was ok, they'll be over again. I am going to go to Wenatchee with my friend Trish so she can do a little shopping. Mom is watching the boys, Patrick is happy he is in his own room (moms spare room) with a tv, water and a barf bowl. Jared is feeling better, just a runny nose now. His big 1st birthday is tomorrow. He is going to wear an outfit that Auntie Amanda sent him. He will look SO cute! Don is working so much overtime right now. I barely see him =( Tomorrow is his day off and he gets to make one trip to the dump and thats it, yay!! Yesterday was a good day, well half of it was an emotionally hard day, but it turned into a good day. Well thats about it for now. Oh yes, got the boys' report cards. Patrick went up in everything and his teacher said he is doing so much better listening and not being distracted. So now onto Parker, the complete opposite. He didn't go down in everything, just a couple things, he did go up in Math which is good. So we made a bet, that if he goes up in everything and pays attention we will buy him a new DS game. He said "You got a deal" and we shook on it! So we'll see. Both their teachers have said summer school, so they are both going =( which kind of sucks, but I need them to be caught up and ready to go into 5th and 3rd grades. They will start after we get back from camping and end the day before our trip. Thats about it for now! Happy Friday. I will post some pictures of my big 1 year old tomorrow =(

1 comment:

Karla said...

Happy birthday to Jared!! I hope patrick feels better soon!