I was tagged by everyone!!
"The rules are: once you've been tagged you must write a blog with 10 weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose ten people to be tagged and leave them a comment saying "You are tagged" and tell them to read your latest blog..."
1. I have to have the blankets perfect while I sleep, the sheet has to be folded over the comforter just right.
2. I can burp louder than most men =) Its an art, truly.
3. Most nights I am awake more than I am asleep. I am always worrying, thinking and trying to figure things out. Sometimes I have to write things down so I can deal with it in the morning.
4. I have a problem with chinning people. Not sure why I do it, but I love it!
5. I sing ALL the time, if you say a word it will click and I will start singing a song that has that word in it.
6. I have told alot of guys I loved them, but looking back, I didn't mean any of them until I said it to Don.
7. I sometimes dont think I can make it being a mother to 4, I get overwhelmed and cry alot =(
8. Durning the summer I will not wear shoes (unless I'm walking), I will only wear flip flops or sandles.
9. I hate my hair, it doesn't matter which way I have it, I hate it.
10. I dont like animals, but I love my Mona dog SO much that it makes me so completly sad when I think of losing her.
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