Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Almost school!!!!
Well they start school tomorrow morning...YAYAYAYAAYAY!!!! We picked out their outfits, went and met their teachers and saw their classrooms, pick up and drop off places, not to talk to strangers and their lunchables for lunch. We were busy lol! Tara and the girls got here so we went to Splash Zone for a couple hours, Jared slept on me the whole time. Mom bbq'd burgers and hot dogs, they were good. Don is offically Patricks head coach for football. Patrick was SOOOO excited about that. He thinks its so cool that dad is his coach. They start practice on Thursday!! Well tomorrow I will post pictures of the first day. I wont have one of them in their class because they want to go in by themsleves *sniff sniff sniff*
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Weekend Review!
Well Friday night Patrick got signed up for football. They had to special order his helmet cause his head is too small. He came home and instantly put on his shoulder pads and put the jersey dad gave him on. It was the jersey Don wore when he played football in highschool, it has VALVERDE on the back and its number 23. So Patrick is going to try and get that number for his jersey. He plays for 6 saturdays in a row starting the first weekend in September. He is so excited. We got up Saturday and drove to North Bend to drop off the Murph. He ate his leash on the way so when I openend the kennel it was in 2 pieces. Darn dog. Jared cried the ENTIRE way to NB. It was alot obnoxious, but he eventually fell asleep. Mona is so happy that Murph is gone. When I see a Golden I get sad, but its the best thing for him, and us. When we got home Don had a huge headache so he went and layed down before our BBQ at Matt and Tamis. It was SO much fun. We love to get together with them, so much that they are coming to dinner Friday. Don gave Matt his other motorcycle that is just sitting here, so they were both excited about that. Don and John took 3 truck loads of brick out of here so its almost gone so we can do the other 1/4 of the yard! My job today is to compare hotel prices and find one I want so we can book it. We were suppose to go to the airport to grab mom today, but her flight got changed so she isn't flying out until tomorrow. Which works SO much better for me cause now I dont have to take the boys. I will drop them off to Don when he gets off work and head out to Spokane!
Parker has a new saying, if he doesn't know the answer he says "I'm flat broke" Where do they come up with these things lol. Thats about it for now!!
Parker has a new saying, if he doesn't know the answer he says "I'm flat broke" Where do they come up with these things lol. Thats about it for now!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
So this morning we took Murph down to get handsome and he does, when we got back to the house he took off. So we hopped back into the van and followed him to the end of our street, openend the door and he jumped right in. What a pain in the..well I'll stop at there lol! Patrick has been counting the minutes down until dad gets home so he can practice football, then go to sign up. He is beyond excited. We picked Mona up today cause we miss her, she missed us too. Today has been a good day, the boys have all been really good. They have been outside most of the day playing. It is 88 here today, suppose to be this tomorrow, then drop down into the 70's for a while. My friend Trish called me today wanting to go out tonight, I said OF COURSE!! So were hitting the big ol' town of Moses Lake. Tomorrow after we get back from sending Murphy off then were going to a bbq at Matt and Tami's. It will be so much fun, they are totally fun people. I'm suppose to bring dessert so I've been pondering what to make. Oh well, I will probably just end up buying something lol! Anyway, thats about all for today. Have a great weekend!! Oh I forgot, so my digital camera that Don bought me 4 years ago is broke =((( I have another one that works great, but we lost the softwear a couple years ago so I cant hook it up to my computer to download pics, I will have to take my card in and get pictures made, scan and then put them on my puter. Well I better ask for one for my birthday!!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Football we come!
So tomorrow night we sign Patrick up for tackle football! He gets fitted for his shoulder pads and helmet. He is beyond excited. Right now him and dad are practicing outside. Don is going to see if they need an assistant coach. Football is his true love. Tomorrow Murph goes to get all handsome for his new owners. He has been doing so well, I am going to miss him, but she is going to email pictures to the boys once in a while, so they will like that. Today was a rough day. Emotionally rough. I get so overwhelmed sometimes so I went in my room and closed the door and cried for about 5 minutes, came out and all was better! Then Jared fell in the kitchen nose first, so out came a ton of blood =( He wasn't very happy about that, then a couple hours later Josh feel and hit his head. After Don got home I went grocery shopping, we were about out of everything. Then Don and I kicked the boys' butts in kickball. Patrick said they could beat us, well we proved them wrongo!! Well its getting close to getting them ready for bed, yay!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I hate nights where I can't sleep, oh ya thats everynight. Not sure why that is, but I hate it! Well I think we decided to stay at the Luxor in Vegas. Tara highly suggested it and Don likes the look of it.
We went to Parkers school last night for an informational meeting, he was bored but Justice was there, so life was perfect once again lol. They are coming over today to play for a few hours. Yesterday was a rough day. Josh woke up crabby and Jared was good, but had his moments. I think we all were tired. I took Mona down to my moms house until saturday =( Her and Murphy just cannot get along, so after that I took the boys to the park and played, got some energy out of them. Today we find out Patricks teacher, he is so excited.
Don and I actaully got to sleep in the bed alone last night. Joshua has been sick the last few nights so he has been in bed with us, it was nice to not get kicked lol!
Well Im going to go back to bed now!
We went to Parkers school last night for an informational meeting, he was bored but Justice was there, so life was perfect once again lol. They are coming over today to play for a few hours. Yesterday was a rough day. Josh woke up crabby and Jared was good, but had his moments. I think we all were tired. I took Mona down to my moms house until saturday =( Her and Murphy just cannot get along, so after that I took the boys to the park and played, got some energy out of them. Today we find out Patricks teacher, he is so excited.
Don and I actaully got to sleep in the bed alone last night. Joshua has been sick the last few nights so he has been in bed with us, it was nice to not get kicked lol!
Well Im going to go back to bed now!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Well Joshua has finally stopped having a fever, not sure if he is getting his 3 year old molars or what. He also said almost the whole alphabet! I've been working with him, so has Parker and Patrick and he is doing so much better! Jared is so much calmer now, he really has been a happy boy.....finally!! lol. If this is how he is at 1 I cant imagine 2 or 3's =()
We found a wonderful home for Murphy. He is for sure going to love it! They live by the off park dog park and have a house on the oregon coast so he can play all day in the water. The boys were sad about it, but Murph and Mona really got into in again this morning so they understand why Murph has to go =( He is such a sweet and cute dog, but the people taking him dont have any dogs so he will get all the attention. I am so happy about this decision, thank you Joyce!!
Well, we found out Parkers teacher, his best friend Justice isnt in his class, but he has a bunch of other friends in his class. Tonight is orientation for 5th graders, tomorrow we find out who Patricks teacher is. They start school next wednesday, not that I'm excited or anything lol!!
Last night I went to Moses (yes, by myself) and got some excersize pants. I haven't been able to excersize because I didnt have the pants. hahahahaha!!!
Anyway, thats about it for us, the sun is FINALLY out, suppose to get almost 80 here, good day to go to the park!!! Happy Tuesday!!
We found a wonderful home for Murphy. He is for sure going to love it! They live by the off park dog park and have a house on the oregon coast so he can play all day in the water. The boys were sad about it, but Murph and Mona really got into in again this morning so they understand why Murph has to go =( He is such a sweet and cute dog, but the people taking him dont have any dogs so he will get all the attention. I am so happy about this decision, thank you Joyce!!
Well, we found out Parkers teacher, his best friend Justice isnt in his class, but he has a bunch of other friends in his class. Tonight is orientation for 5th graders, tomorrow we find out who Patricks teacher is. They start school next wednesday, not that I'm excited or anything lol!!
Last night I went to Moses (yes, by myself) and got some excersize pants. I haven't been able to excersize because I didnt have the pants. hahahahaha!!!
Anyway, thats about it for us, the sun is FINALLY out, suppose to get almost 80 here, good day to go to the park!!! Happy Tuesday!!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Well the D Derby was fun. It started about 45 minutes late, ggrr, but we had a great time! Matt and Tammi some of our friends saved us seats, good thing to cause it was packed. It was about 100 degrees when we got there. None of my pictures turned out because of how fast the cars were and everything, but I tried. Jordy and Riley loved it, it was their first one. We went school shopping thursday, Parker stayed home cause he HATES to shop, it was fun of course, what isn't fun about shopping??
My dad is doing amazing! Thank you Lord! He looks wonderful too!
Well we decided to go to Vegas for our 5th! I am so excited, I've never been there, Don hasn't either, he has just been to Reno, so were really looking forward to that.
Tara and the girls left today. Riley has a party tomorrow so they wanted to get home and stuff
=( its quiet without them. Don had to go to bed early, they called him to be to work by 3am so up at 1am for him. Were going to take him some lunch tomorrow.
Anyway, thats about it for now, oh yea I forgot. Josh has an appt with the speech pathologist on the 27th for testing, I'm hoping he qualifys for the speech therapy, so he wont be in school just therapy appointments. So we'll see.
Have a good sunday!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
so the boys could play on it and we could start working on the other side of the yard. Its a warm one today, supose to get up to 98 today, but pour tomorrow. Here are a few pics from yesterday. Well Tara and the girls are going to be here any minute. Oh yes and we saw Wild Hogs last night, SOOOO funny!! Loved it! I think were going school shopping tomorrow after Don gets home, yay, that is always a fun time, unless your Parker who thinks fashion stinks lol!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Rather be boating
I love love love highspeed internet! Well today was a very long day. Crying kids, not so clean house, stress, stress, stress! As soon as Amanda got here we took off to wal mart and DK's for some ice cream. Ice Cream seems to help everything! They are leaving in the morning to go back home =( I dont like that much. Next time I see Andrew he will be in 7th grade, oh my gosh! And Lauren will be in kindergarten!! Crazy! My Murphy dog is going to take some getting use to. Anyone want a really cute golden retriever? We've been debating on wether we should keep him of give him away. He is just such a handful cause he is a puppy, but he is so darn cute. I just dont have the time and energy, we'll see I guess! Well I am so tired, Jared decided to not sleep again last night, stinker! While I was at Wal Mart, Don put all the clothes away and did the dishes and picked up the living room. he is so darn sweet! I think I'll keep him. Well I am going to go to bed!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
We are home!
It was a good drive home, no traffic problems at all! Got home and Don had got me a new computer! I love it so much! Plus DSL, I'm not sure what I did to deserve it, but I'm not going to complain! So now I get to put all my email address in, which are in my old computer, not sure how that will work, but we'll figure it out! Yesterday was a good day. Karen, Marcy and Caitie came over, was so fun to visit with them. Tara and Brad got home last night, yay!! The girls were beside them selves with joy! Jared barely slept last nigh, which means I barely slept so I'm a bit tired today. We have to go grocery shopping because we have no food. Me and the boys have been home 1.5 days the last month! Murphy is SO huge! He is so darn cute. Mona has not left my side since I've gotten home, she missed her mommy! Well thats about it, Don is almost done with the kennel, its 6 ft high so Murp cant jump out of it. The boys are all so glad to be home, Jared just keeps playing with his toys!!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
What a week!
Besides lack of sleep it has gone really good. I am thankful my tubes are tied though lol! Like a crazy women I told Don I wouldn't mind adopting a girl, not a baby but like around the age of 8 or 9, so he said talk to him in a couple years and we'll go from there, but after this week I dont know lol!! We went and saw dad for a short visit, good to see him looking so great! The boys' grandma came over tuesday and hung out for the day. Jordy and Riley went to their grandparents for about 5 hours so that was a nice break. They are there today as well. Then last night the boys went with Karen and Dewey out for dinner and to the park and to ice cream, thats always fun. Today Auntie Tina came over for a few hours Joshua had fun playing with Mason. Then tomorrow Karen and Caitie are coming over, not sure if Marcey is coming yet so that will be fun! Carrie has been coming over alot, bless her heart, she has been keeping me sane! My mom and Andrew and Lauren came last night. Today they went over to Karlas for the day to play. Tara and Brad have been having SO much fun!I cant wait until we go to Vegas. They are coming home tomorrow. I cleaned toilets, did laundry and just cleaned so she doesn't have to worry when she gets home. We are leaving as early as possible on saturday to head home. Jordy might be coming with me, we'll see. Don has saturday off so we'll get to spend the day with him, we all miss him so much! Well thats about it for my update! Have a good weekend, oh yes, my high speed internet will be hooked up tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 6, 2007
So my daddy got to come home today. I am so glad about that. This am I woke up and got the kids all ready and we went out there and I cleaned their house so they wouldn't have to worry about it. The kids played in the backyard and I did my stuff. Karla came over so we got to visit and fun stuff like that.
Don called, we are getting our high speed internet on Thursday!! I am SO excited about that one. I also got Don a myspace, so he is in the now...finally lol!! He is having fun on it so far, we'll see how long it lasts for him, I had to bump Adam down to #2 and I'm still crying about that lol!
The kids are being good for the most part. Tomorrow and Thursday the girls are going with their grandparents for the afternoon/early evening, that will give all the kids a break. We are going to my dads on Wednesday. He misses his grandbabies, so I figured we'd go over there for a little bit and visit.
Well thats about it for now. Brad and Tara are going to a show tonight, Carrot Top, she loves him. Tomorrow is her birthday woohoo!!
Don called, we are getting our high speed internet on Thursday!! I am SO excited about that one. I also got Don a myspace, so he is in the now...finally lol!! He is having fun on it so far, we'll see how long it lasts for him, I had to bump Adam down to #2 and I'm still crying about that lol!
The kids are being good for the most part. Tomorrow and Thursday the girls are going with their grandparents for the afternoon/early evening, that will give all the kids a break. We are going to my dads on Wednesday. He misses his grandbabies, so I figured we'd go over there for a little bit and visit.
Well thats about it for now. Brad and Tara are going to a show tonight, Carrot Top, she loves him. Tomorrow is her birthday woohoo!!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Happy Birthday Joshua

Today is Joshuas 3rd birthday! I cannot believe he is already 3! I think I say that with each of the boys lol. He reminds me such of Patrick, but with a little more of me in him. He loves to dance and do air guitar, he loves to pick on his brothers, play motorcycles and Thomas the Tank. He is a joy and a wonderful little guy.
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