Saturday, August 11, 2007

We are home!

It was a good drive home, no traffic problems at all! Got home and Don had got me a new computer! I love it so much! Plus DSL, I'm not sure what I did to deserve it, but I'm not going to complain! So now I get to put all my email address in, which are in my old computer, not sure how that will work, but we'll figure it out! Yesterday was a good day. Karen, Marcy and Caitie came over, was so fun to visit with them. Tara and Brad got home last night, yay!! The girls were beside them selves with joy! Jared barely slept last nigh, which means I barely slept so I'm a bit tired today. We have to go grocery shopping because we have no food. Me and the boys have been home 1.5 days the last month! Murphy is SO huge! He is so darn cute. Mona has not left my side since I've gotten home, she missed her mommy! Well thats about it, Don is almost done with the kennel, its 6 ft high so Murp cant jump out of it. The boys are all so glad to be home, Jared just keeps playing with his toys!!


~*~Christine~*~ said...

I am so glad that your drive home went well. I know what it is like to be on the road all day...Willy built Shadow and Kahlua a kennel before he left and it is great for the girls. I feel like our lives are running together this week, no groceries, long drives and lack of sleep. I can completly understand. Have a restful Sunday. Talk soon!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you had a good trip home. Hopefully you get a good nights sleep in your own beds.
We had fun yesterday. Caitie had a good time playing with the kids.
Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

That is a long time to be away from home. I would miss being home too. I will try to hook up with you next time you are over. Just call or email me. Renee

Anonymous said...

I'm happy you made it home safe. We'll have to get together soon. When does school start for you guys? Ours is the 29th Aug. Just another couple of weeks. Maybe we can meet and go to moses lake aquatic center or something. Email me.

Happy your trip went well. Enjoy you're new computer and high speed. Now you'll never to able to go back to dial up