Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!
The boys are so excited and ready for tonight. Because its so cold were going to do a few houses and my moms and then head to church for the festival. It will be fun, they have cake walks, candy and games, oh yea and HEAT!! Yesterday the boys raked the leaves for $5.00 each. They still need to put them in the bag but they did good, I think I will mow the rest lol. Even Josh was out there helping with his little rake. I tried to get a picture of them all together but Jared wasn't having that, so I might have to try while Don is home, whenever that is. He has been the "boss" this week, I think the earliest he has gotten home is 8pm. The moneys nice, but I miss him. Joshua is talking good! He has one more speech class here and then he starts in Odessa. I said "butt hole" oh ya, he copied me, so now were back to not even saying butthole! The weather is beyond cold. It was 31 when I took the boys to school this morning. That should be illegal! I got my closet all packed up, I've been dreading that, but got rid of about 10 pairs of shoes! YAY me, now I get to go get more lol!! Well thats my update for today, I will post pictures of the boys in their costumes, if I can find Jareds =()
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sad Day
Monday, October 29, 2007
Oh Monday!!

We carved pumpkins on saturday, the boys had fun. Joshua opted for one that was already painted, but then when the boys starting gutting theirs Josh had to as well, so he gutted his baby one. We are closing Friday or Monday now, there was a problem with the lender, but our Mortgage guy Gary is working it out. He is amazing and such a hard worker!! The boys went to a halloween party at Karlas this weekend, they had SO Much fun! I went and saw The Heartbreak kid with Ben Stiller. OH MY FREAKIN GOSH!!! That was the funniest movie I have ever seen! You have got to see it! I packed up the boys' room this weekend while they were gone, works out good cause then I can throw things away and pack up everything else! Mom went with me to meet Tara with the boys yesterday in North Bend. We ate some lunch and had ice cream. It was fun, the boys cant wait to go over this weekend. I gave my Jordy girl a few options for her bit 1-0 birthday, I think she is going to chose a pedicure! I dont have a girl so I have to live through my nieces! I hope she picks that because I've never had one, only pedicures! Well today I'm just going to pack up my closet! Jared goes in on friday to get his first hair cut!! I will for sure post pictures!! Have a good monday!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Punkin patch, punkin patch, this is our punkin patch
So today we found out that my grandma goes in Monday for surgery, where they will remove most of her stomach , she will be in the Hospital for up to 10 days, she will have a feeding tube until she eats, but if they get it all it will prolong her life for years!! I am so hopeful about this! She will beat this, I know it! Thank you all so much for praying!! Keep em coming!! Tonight we are carving pumpkins! Should be fun. Tuesday we had movie night where we watched Meet The Robinsons, cute movie, the boys liked it, but I think Don liked it more lol! He watched it again last night. He is still coughing, not as bad though, I bought Delsyum and it seems to work pretty good, which is good cause the night before he kept me up all night long =( Last night was Patrick and Jared I swear just one night I'd like to sleep. Jared has had SUCH bad diarreah, he leaked twice last night so thats 2 sets of jammies, sheets and blankets. He seems to be doing better today. My house smells SO bad, I think its just because its in my nose, but I hate the smell of poop, but I guess I dont know to many people that like it lol. Don is the boss right now at work while his boss is hunting. We close in 6 days! We move 2 weeks from today! I cannot wait, Im extra excited because Ryan, Amanda and the kiddos are moving into my house in Ephrata when we move out!! They will be so close. The boys almost peed their pants, well not really but they were SO excited. They've already made plans of spending the night at each others houses every weekend! Parker told us he is no longer collecting Pokemon, I know faint shock! Now he is into Naruto, so him and Andrew are so excited about that since Andrew is into it as well! Last night Parker told me "Mom I'm so glad that my new bedroom only has room for 1 person" lololol! He wants his OWN room so badly. Well I have to go break up yet another fight! Never a dull moment! Please continue to pray for my grandma and family please!! Thank you guys!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Well its been a good week. The boys last football game was thursday, it was the hardest team they went against so far, they did win of course, but it was 7-6, it was close! Friday was the pizza party, the kids had SOO much fun! Don put together a dvd movie of their season, it turned out awesome and the kids and parents loved it! It was also my birthday, the big 31! After the pizza party we went home and my mom brought a carrot cake up, so we had that, then Trish and Adam came over cause we were going dancing. One of the assistant coaches is in a band called Road 20, they are AWESOME! So we had some drinks and Don and I danced. It was fun and everyone slept all night!! Saturday we went to the Fall Festival, it was ALOT of fun! The boys loved it! We went on Wagon rides, face painting, games, bouncy house, pumpkin painting and of course food! Then we went and searched for new furniture. I get to get some when we move!! Our couch now wont fit upstairs very easily, so it will go downstairs in the family room. I found some that I like, but were going to go search the other furniture stores today after Don gets home. I've never got to go and buy brand new furniture, so I am excited! Don is still sick, he probably has a sinus infection.If he isnt' feeling better he has to go in =( We finished going through our attic and getting rid of a bunch of things, and of course there is another dump run. Good thing its only $4.00 to go to the dump!! Looks like were still closing next week! We are SO excited to move! Don found out that he can join the ephrata grid kids (football) and have his teams in Odessa, they will just come to ephrata to play or vise versa. So he cant wait to get that started! Everything is falling into perfect place! God is good!! Well thats my update for today. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, it really was a great day!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Been a while

Ok, so let me explain the pictures. Our family picture, the boys and Don putting their rockets together, Josh watching, Josh and Jared, Dylan and Parker on a hill, and Parker with Mackenzie, a family friend.
Well its been a while, I've been so tired that I have not wanted to sit down and type, so here I am. Lets see, Karla and Dylan came over Friday night, I was SO happy they came, it was fun. We chatted, had pizza, root beer floats and sunday mornings. Adam came over to keep Don company. Saturday we headed for the game where they won again, 14-6. Then we went out for lunch and Karla and Dyl headed home and we headed to our family picture session. That was fun, Jared would NOT sit still, so it was interesting to say the least. Don and Jared have both been sick all week, I'm ready for summer lol! Don is feeling better, Jared is to, last night we had to take him into the Dr cause I couldn't get his fever under 103 =() Finally it came down, he has not really slept the last 2 nights, I am ready for sleep anytime now. Tonight is the last football practice, Don is really sad about that, he has had SO much fun doing it. Thursday is the last game of the season! Saturday is our pizza party, that should be fun! Well thats all I got for right now! Enjoy your week!!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Our Boys ROCK!!

We kicked butt yesterday. We won 32-0! I cannot beleive this is the same team from their 1st game! My dad and Joyce came over. That was SO wonderful to have them over. We went to Jack in the box after and then back to our house to visit before they left. It was a short visit, but were just so thankful they were over.
Don is working until 7pm tonight. So were going to take him some dinner. Our new house gets its new roof on Thursday!!! We close in like 3 weeks. I am so excited!!
The boys are feeling better. Jared still has his cold, but all the boys slept all night long last night. I was beyond tired so Me and Josh went to bed at 7:45 last night. Don put him in his bed when he came to bed. I must of needed it, I was of course up for a couple hours last night cause I couldn't sleep, but other than that I slept all night! The boys dont have school tomorrow, and then have half days all weeklong. It is 67 out right now! A cool crisp air, but I wont much lol!
Here are some pics of the game and other stuff!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
October already
I cannot believe that it is October already. Man time sure does fly! Well I had to go pick up Parker at school yesterday, he had a fever of 100 =( It went away in the middle of the night but he still stayed home today from school. Last night was Patricks game...AWESOME!! It was 20-6 they are just kickin butt! I hope they do this good on saturday when my Dad and Joyce come over. Amazing, 2 months ago we were not sure what was going on with my dad, and now he is coming over, truly a blessing! My camera died last night at the game, Im so sad about that, it was my last one. So now we'll have to buy one, but not for a while. Mom said I could use hers. All the boys except Jared got their hair cuts today, they look so handsome. I would post a picture, but cant! Next time they go in for cuts Jared is going to get his done =( Bye bye to all his curls! Its been a hard week, Jared has been sick with a bad cold so he wont sleep unless I'm holding him, so needless to say I'm lacking sleep. Joshua has school tomorrow, he is SO excited! He said "I love you" which is something I've wanted to hear from him for so long, but he can finally say it, oh I cried!! Survivor is on tonight and I'm so looking forward to it. Well I guess thats it for now, I will try and start updating more often, just have not been in the mood all week, maybe no sleep does that to me lol!!
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