Thursday, October 25, 2007

Punkin patch, punkin patch, this is our punkin patch

So today we found out that my grandma goes in Monday for surgery, where they will remove most of her stomach , she will be in the Hospital for up to 10 days, she will have a feeding tube until she eats, but if they get it all it will prolong her life for years!! I am so hopeful about this! She will beat this, I know it! Thank you all so much for praying!! Keep em coming!! Tonight we are carving pumpkins! Should be fun. Tuesday we had movie night where we watched Meet The Robinsons, cute movie, the boys liked it, but I think Don liked it more lol! He watched it again last night. He is still coughing, not as bad though, I bought Delsyum and it seems to work pretty good, which is good cause the night before he kept me up all night long =( Last night was Patrick and Jared I swear just one night I'd like to sleep. Jared has had SUCH bad diarreah, he leaked twice last night so thats 2 sets of jammies, sheets and blankets. He seems to be doing better today. My house smells SO bad, I think its just because its in my nose, but I hate the smell of poop, but I guess I dont know to many people that like it lol. Don is the boss right now at work while his boss is hunting. We close in 6 days! We move 2 weeks from today! I cannot wait, Im extra excited because Ryan, Amanda and the kiddos are moving into my house in Ephrata when we move out!! They will be so close. The boys almost peed their pants, well not really but they were SO excited. They've already made plans of spending the night at each others houses every weekend! Parker told us he is no longer collecting Pokemon, I know faint shock! Now he is into Naruto, so him and Andrew are so excited about that since Andrew is into it as well! Last night Parker told me "Mom I'm so glad that my new bedroom only has room for 1 person" lololol! He wants his OWN room so badly. Well I have to go break up yet another fight! Never a dull moment! Please continue to pray for my grandma and family please!! Thank you guys!!

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