Monday, December 10, 2007

Long time

OK, I know its been a whole week since I've updated, and I'm sorry! Its been a long emotional week and I wasn't wanting to write about anything, so now I do! I've been going back and forth with Patricks teacher, conferences, phone calls, we decided the best thing for Patrick is to put him back in 2nd grade =( I think I had the hardest time with this, I cried and cried. But I knew that its the best for him. He was struggling so badly with each subject and it wasn't fair to Patrick. He didn't want to go to school, he tried to call home everyday, he loves school, just not the work. Today was his first day of 2nd grade and he liked it. He said he got 100 on his spelling test. He is so much calmer, confident and less stressed. So it was so worth it. We got a progress report for Parker and he is doing so good. His teacher went to school with Don, he actually took her to the prom because her boyfriend broke up with her. What a sweetie. He likes all his classmates and teacher, also you get 2nds at lunch lol!!

Don had a very long week at work, so he took Thursday off with his already scheduled Friday off. I love when he is home. We got some shopping done, bought a couple christmas gifts, were doing the rest this friday. Then on Friday we went to the Odessa Christmas party. It was SOO much fun! We danced and danced and visited with people and had a good time. Ryan and Amanda went also, they had fun and I loved them being there. Don of course got called into work that night, so he had to leave at 2am to go to work, so no sleepy for him. He was SO tired, so when he got home on saturday he went right to bed. He had to work at 3am again sunday morning. He is such a hard worker. We were going to put our tree up tonight, but he isnt off work yet =( So it will have to be tomorrow night.

The boys sang at the community center for Christmas, well Patrick sang and Parker played the bells. The looked so darn cute! I have pictures I just have not downloaded them yet.

This week the boys (youngest 3) have stressed me out so badly. Jared is back to not liking sleep, Patrick is just like me, enough said and Joshua is really talking, enough said. So its been a very long long long week! I'm glad its the start of a new week. Well thats it for now, hopefully it wont be another week before I update again!!


~*~Christine~*~ said...

oh my, looks like you have had your hands full. I am so glad that you have a loving and supportive husband to help you through all these tough times!!! I think that you made the best decision for Patrick. In the long run he will do so much better in school, it will be worth it. I should have gone to summer school after having Mrs. Dillpickel (Dillenburg) in 4th grade. Do you remember how we NEVER did any work and played games all day??? I strugled with math for years after that, I wish I had a do-over. Have fun puting up your tree. I was so sad to put mine up without Claira, she is a good decorator. I was going to wait for her to get here but she insisted that it be up before she arrived...oh well...she can take it down :) Miss you, I will call soon!!!

Anonymous said...

We missed you! Glad you are feeling better, it is the right thing to do. He will be much happier next year when he is in the third grade.
How are the braces? Hope he is feeling better. Caitie got hers tightened today, so far no complaints. He did talk about in January when she goes back he may look at her tooth and get it pulled. Poor girl, she is so worried and he isn't even sure they will have to do it.
Have a good week and hope to see you next week. Let me know if you have a free moment.