I was so happy today with the weather, it actually got up to 36, sunny and nice! We got our tree down and re-arranged the living room. We are going to move the computer out there so we totally have to re-do it. Anyone that has seen my living room knows what a feat this is to re-arrange.
Yesterday we took Kris to the bus station in Ephrata where she went home =( I cured that by going to Wal Mart and spending money on Christmas stuff for next year. Got some good deals! I had my cousin Mariah come over and watch the 3 boys while Don and I met Adam and Karen for dinner at Incas. It was yummy as usual! The boys love it when Mariah babysits, shes really good with them!
Today, Don worked and we did laundry, dishes and made cookies, thats the last of them for a while, we are cookied out! Well, I am going to go brush some boys' teeth and get them ready for bed so it can just be me and my sweetie!! Have a great night!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas is over!
Monas new bone!
I am so glad about that. I love the holiday, but always have a nice sigh after its over! Our Christmas was wonderful! The boys woke up around 6:45 and waited patiently for everyone to get up. They were so excited to start ripping into their gifts. We saved the big one for last (Wii). So we told the boys we got them a together gift, Patrick pipes up and says "its a Wii", well they opened it and it was the board game Clue. The disapointment on his face was perfect! Then we handed them the Wii and told them to open it, I think Patrick wet himself he was so excited! It was great!! I got a digital picture frame, cant wait to set it up and put all my pictures on it! The boys got me a massager to put on my chair or seat of my car, its really nice, even has heat! We then went over to my moms for dinner, well we didnt eat until 6pm, Kris and the two older boys went to see Marley and Me. They liked it, but dont think they want to see it again. We had fett alfredo, YUM-O it was so good!!
My friend Kim has guardian of her newborn grandson, she has only EVER had girls, so she had no clothes, so of course we had to go out to good will and get her a bunch of stuff, and to walmart to get her even more stuff! Thanks to my Momma, who helped get stuff too! What would I do without her?? So I cant wait to see little Brandon and hold him, he isnt even a week old!!
Well were taking Kris to the bus station in the morning, then taking down all our Christmas stuff. Thank goodness, get it out of here!
Thats about it for now! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Buy a Chevy Part 2
Ok, so Dons truck broke down on the way to work this morning. It ended up being the computer for the fuel thinger. So $1100.00 DOLLARS LATER! I swear, that damn Ford makes my head hurt!
We have been getting snow all day, and I mean all day long, since before I left for work at 7:10am. Got to walmart and got all the stocking stuffers and so were all the way set for Christmas!
We are suppose to get a big storm tomorrow, its actually suppose to warm up to 21. I know that doesn't seem warm to you all, but for us its a heat wave! I dont work until 12 noon tomorrow, so that will be nice to sleep in!
Well thats all for right now, I have to go kiss all our money goodbye lol!
We have been getting snow all day, and I mean all day long, since before I left for work at 7:10am. Got to walmart and got all the stocking stuffers and so were all the way set for Christmas!
We are suppose to get a big storm tomorrow, its actually suppose to warm up to 21. I know that doesn't seem warm to you all, but for us its a heat wave! I dont work until 12 noon tomorrow, so that will be nice to sleep in!
Well thats all for right now, I have to go kiss all our money goodbye lol!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Snow, Christmas and big boy beds
So we went to the West side to have Christmas at my dad and joyces. It was alot of fun, but as soon as the snow started everyone wanted to open gifts and get out of there, so it went fast. The boys got lots of cool toys and video games. We were planning on leaving Sunday but the pass was closed for a while, then the snow just came down, so we stayed another night. We met Dewey and Karen at McDonalds in Poulsbo for lunch and so they could give the boys' their gifts, which they all loved. We picked up Kris this morning and headed out. The roads were really good, they were better in the pass then in Odessa, go figure. We finally made it home, unpacked and watched WWE. Don put together Jareds big boy car bed, which he loves, almost as much as Josh does. Well we both have to work tomorrow. Then I have got to go get the rest of the stocking stuff before Christmas!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow snow go away
I'm about done with this snow! Its cold, wet and a bothersome! We are really wanting to come over, but if its bad then we cant and I will cry =(
The boys had their performance tonight, so cute! Santa came and gave each of the kids goodie bags, they liked that. Today I have just been doing TONS of laundry to get ready for this weekend, now hopefully it will happen, got everything wrapped and ready to go. Pray we can come!
Went to the Orthodontist yesterday. We are waiting another 6 months before we do braces on Parker, he was happy about that. But it will be soon. I've tried to imagine him with straight teeth, and its just not my Parker, but either way he will be so handsome!!
Just wanted to post a couple pics of the concert!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Buy a Chevy!
Ok, so last night I was making dinner, I had already talked with Don a few times b/c his truck wouldn't start. So finally about 5:30 he asks me to come get him. So dinner goes off, load up the boys and head to Warden, where there is NO snow at all and the roads are fine! They suck, anyway, so we sit there forever he jumps his truck with MY CHEVY VAN and it starts! Aaahh the gloating starts! It was so cold that his truck wouldn't start, so he is plugging it in at work now so he doesn't have this problem again. But of course he did have to take us out for dinner!
Today when I left for work it was -4, yes that would be NEGATIVE FOUR! It was pretty damn cold outside today, its up to 10 now, which is good cause I have to get the boys early and head to Ephrata for dentist appt, hair appt and shopping. We leave in 3 days and I'm really excited to start our christmas!
Ok, well I'm on the hunt for a cute basket so gotta jet!!
Today when I left for work it was -4, yes that would be NEGATIVE FOUR! It was pretty damn cold outside today, its up to 10 now, which is good cause I have to get the boys early and head to Ephrata for dentist appt, hair appt and shopping. We leave in 3 days and I'm really excited to start our christmas!
Ok, well I'm on the hunt for a cute basket so gotta jet!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
11 More days!
I am so excited for Christmas this year! I just cant wait to see the boys' open their gifts. We are having the boys' grandma over for Christmas again this year. They asked us and we said yes, which really helps me out b/c i will be working so I will take the two little ones with me and she will stay with the bigger ones and play games and all that fun stuff. Of course its weather permitting. Don didn't work yesterday so we did a whole lotta nothin! We actually played games downstairs and totally cleaned downstairs. Then we rented WWE Armagedon and watched it with pizza and pop. It rocked! Loved it!! Today it was 10 on my way to work, the older two came with me b/c they were 2 hours late. I got to work and shoveled the sidewalks and put down the stuff so no one falls. It was a quiet morning, not a lot of people wanting to go out in it, not that I blame them, with the wind chill it was -14, a little too cold for me! Tomorrow Josh and I have dentist appt and Jared is getting his hair cut. Thats about it on our homefront. Oh some good news is I found Jareds baby book, its been missing for a year, but I found it! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! I am so relieved and happy!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sugar High!
So today was our Christmas cookie/ornament party! It was so much fun!! We all brought home about 12 dozen cookies, boy is Dons work going to love him on monday! There was 15 ladies there, which was a perfect amount.
The snow started really coming down yesterday, but then it stopped. I heard the snow plows outside this early am and sure enough it was snowing so hard and so darn cold. I cant tell if its snowing or just the wind, but the wind is horrible! While I was at the party, Don took all the boys into Moses to get snow boots/pants and my christmas gift. Now I need to get some snow boots. Don said he would of gotten me some if he knew I needed them, I said I dont think so, I will pick them out myself, he said as long as they are warm and work who cares if they are ugly...I DO! lol! Men! They tried to put up the lights outside, but Jared wasn't having that. The moose kept blowing over so they had to deflate him.
Don is off tomorrow as well! Yay! I'm so excited to have him for a whole weekend! Were probably going to go to church and then Natalies birthday party at 2pm. Then just laze around until the Survivor Finale. I'm pretty sad that its going to be over!
Well I am going to do some laundry so we can find our bed to sleep in it lol!! Stay warm and safe!
The snow started really coming down yesterday, but then it stopped. I heard the snow plows outside this early am and sure enough it was snowing so hard and so darn cold. I cant tell if its snowing or just the wind, but the wind is horrible! While I was at the party, Don took all the boys into Moses to get snow boots/pants and my christmas gift. Now I need to get some snow boots. Don said he would of gotten me some if he knew I needed them, I said I dont think so, I will pick them out myself, he said as long as they are warm and work who cares if they are ugly...I DO! lol! Men! They tried to put up the lights outside, but Jared wasn't having that. The moose kept blowing over so they had to deflate him.
Don is off tomorrow as well! Yay! I'm so excited to have him for a whole weekend! Were probably going to go to church and then Natalies birthday party at 2pm. Then just laze around until the Survivor Finale. I'm pretty sad that its going to be over!
Well I am going to do some laundry so we can find our bed to sleep in it lol!! Stay warm and safe!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Our tree is up!
Finally, we decorated our tree, well the boys did, so from the middle down its full lol! Friday we went shopping in Spokane. We had SOO much fun. We met Dons sister Sheena and her boyfriend at Chilies and had dinner, was so good. Then we hit the mall. We stayed in a beautiful hotel and then woke up and started our major shopping, which most of it was at toys r us. We are DONE except for some stocking stuff. We had lunch with Dons mom and step dad. It was nice to visit with his mom. We also picked up our beef. We got $175.00 worth of free beef, so I would say were set for a while, we have beef and a half of a pig now, good thing we have a big stand up freezer. We did get a real christmas tree this year, it smells so yummy!! Don has been battling this cold, so far he isnt winning. The big cookie/ornament party is Saturday. I'm really excited for it! Still dont know what I'm making yet, better figure that one out. They say we are suppose to get snow today, not sure if its going to happen, but it means its coming soon =(
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Birthdays, Thanksgiving and broken pipes

So we started Wednesday off with Dons birthday. He turned the big 29! The boys didn't have school, I didn't have to work but of course Don did until 5pm. So we met him in Moses so we could take him out for dinner, he picked Pizza Hut over everything in Moses, he said its because he knew the boys would like it aaah so sweet. Anyway, had good food, came home put the boys in bed. We woke up and it was Thanksgiving. The boys called all their grandparents and we started cooking. My mom and john came over to put the turkey. My cousin Vickie and her girls along with her man Jeff came over and we ate and ate and ate. It was alot of fun!! But of course before dinner Patrick came running up and said "there is water everywhere" never a good sign when there are 8 kids downstairs and water. Don went running down there and the kids had thrown a innertube and burst a pipe. Oh yes, a pipe! So I grabbed towels, my mom grabbed a garbage can and Don turned off the water. Well nothing is open since its Thanksgiving, so Don called the owner of the hardware store and he sent his son down and opened it so Don could get the parts to fix it. SO thankful for a small town and nice people!! Got it all fix'd and ate. I went down during work yesterday and paid for the parts. AAHH never a dull moment in our house lol! I worked all day yesterday, and I mean all day from 730-530. Mom had the boys so they wouldn't have to sit in the daycare all day long. They of course had fun with grandma. She is going to bring them home today. Not much on the agenda today. Don is working and I'm done with all the housework wootwoot!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Yes, I know its been forever! I really have not felt like blogging lately. I've been crazy busy at work, kids have been sick, we've been sick, everyone and their mama has been sick lol! Its been really cold too, when I go to work its been 22 outside. Way too cold for me.
Some amazing praise is little baby Noah is in remission! PTL! I am so happy for everyone down there, what a huge relief it is.
Tomorrow is my sweeties birthday, the big 29! We are going to take him out for dinner, I have NO clue what to get him. Josh wants to get him a new chair lol probably so he can sit in it!
So at school Josh made a thankful turkey and they were cutting out pictures of what he was thankful for, well Josh put a picture of a black football player lol! Not a house or his dog, it was really cute!
Don sold his motorcycle last week. That is a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. The money we get to pocket were going to spend for Christmas. On the 5th Don and I are going to Spokane for the night to do all our shopping. I am so excited!!
Patrick and Josh both had ear infections last week, they are much better. I am fighting something, I've been so drained the last few days, but doing pretty good. I'm getting ready to go to bed in a few minutes! I dont work tomorrow or thursday, but all day on Friday, no shopping for me this year =(
Tara and the girls came over this last weekend. It was fun. We really didn't do anything except hang out, which was great! We did watch the "Survivor Series" for WWE, we ordered it on pay per view. It rocked. John Cena is BACK and he WON! Woot woot!!
Anyway, I'm off to bed so thats it for my update so far!!
Some amazing praise is little baby Noah is in remission! PTL! I am so happy for everyone down there, what a huge relief it is.
Tomorrow is my sweeties birthday, the big 29! We are going to take him out for dinner, I have NO clue what to get him. Josh wants to get him a new chair lol probably so he can sit in it!
So at school Josh made a thankful turkey and they were cutting out pictures of what he was thankful for, well Josh put a picture of a black football player lol! Not a house or his dog, it was really cute!
Don sold his motorcycle last week. That is a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. The money we get to pocket were going to spend for Christmas. On the 5th Don and I are going to Spokane for the night to do all our shopping. I am so excited!!
Patrick and Josh both had ear infections last week, they are much better. I am fighting something, I've been so drained the last few days, but doing pretty good. I'm getting ready to go to bed in a few minutes! I dont work tomorrow or thursday, but all day on Friday, no shopping for me this year =(
Tara and the girls came over this last weekend. It was fun. We really didn't do anything except hang out, which was great! We did watch the "Survivor Series" for WWE, we ordered it on pay per view. It rocked. John Cena is BACK and he WON! Woot woot!!
Anyway, I'm off to bed so thats it for my update so far!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Today was alot better than Monday and even yesterday. After hearing what happened to Sabrina Salo's family it was very important for us to do a fire drill. So we cleaned the whole downstairs, rearranged the boys' rooms and practiced over and over our fire drill. The boys did awesome, we are going to do a suprise one twice a month, its something that they can never get enough practice on. I felt SO much better after watching them jump out their window and run to the meeting place. Fire is so scary and such a horrible way to die, it breaks my heart that Sabrinas family is going through so much pain.
After work we went to goodwill and walmart with Jessi. WOW, all the kids were in rare form, if we were drinkers we would of been drunk before we left walmart. It was SO stressful, but we made it home and all the kids are still alive lol!
Today I picked up Josh and Brandon at school then went to Jessis for lunch and we did a couple odds and ends for the party on friday night. I am so excited for this halloween party! Tonight I am taking Parker back to Royal Rangers. He misses it and I miss the "heather" time after I drop him off, aahh to hear silence again, what bliss =)
After work we went to goodwill and walmart with Jessi. WOW, all the kids were in rare form, if we were drinkers we would of been drunk before we left walmart. It was SO stressful, but we made it home and all the kids are still alive lol!
Today I picked up Josh and Brandon at school then went to Jessis for lunch and we did a couple odds and ends for the party on friday night. I am so excited for this halloween party! Tonight I am taking Parker back to Royal Rangers. He misses it and I miss the "heather" time after I drop him off, aahh to hear silence again, what bliss =)
Monday, October 20, 2008
My birthday
My day was really good. We woke up and Don was hunting for a couple more hours, so I took a shower and got the boys ready. After Don got home he took a shower and then we headed to Moses with the Lish Family. We ate at the China Buffet 2 and although it was good, it didn't agree with 3 of the 12 people =( then we took off to Good Will so I could find some clothes for our scarecrow were going to make at work, even found a pair of overalls for Josh oh and my halloween costume for friday night, Don got the cape to his. Then we went to the Corn Maze in Quincy. It was confusing but the boys had a really good time. Then we went to my moms where she had prepared a yummy taco dinner, all the kids played outside until after dark, then we ate some yummy carrot cake and visited and went home. It was a really great day!
Today sucked! Joshua had a field trip to the pumpkin patch/dairy. My mom went with him and he wore his new overalls, so cute! It was cold and raining sometimes. Work was SO stressful. Alot of kids and none of them had ears to hear, even mine! I was so frustrated by the time I got off I just wanted to scream!! We went down and completly cleaned the downstairs and re-arranged the boys' room, it looks so nice down there, for today anyway lol. I am getting ready to head to bed early cause I'm over tired!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Almost a month!
Wow, I cant believe its been almost a month. Its been busy, emotional and draining. First I will say Happy Birthday to myself lol! Today I'm the big 32 woohoo!! We are going to take the boys to the corn maze, eat some dinner and head to my moms for some cake, that is when Don gets back from hunting a very sore subject for him lol. He has only seen 1 buck and it was little, while our friend Leo got his on the 2nd day. Don did go and help him drag the big mother out and we got to see it skinned, wow that was SO gross!
Lets try and go back as far as I can remember. The first thing which is sad is that my Cousin Donny commited suicide. What a void he left in our family. Please remember to pray for his mom and dad and sister, its such a hard time right now.
Patrick is doing AWESOME in flag football, he didn't know if he would like it because last year he did tackle but he does like it. Yesterday he caught the ball and ran it in for a touch down, then got the extra point, it was amazing!! He was on fire!! We get alot of complements on that boys athletic ability.
Work is going really good. I enjoy it alot. I get to play all day, visit with Katie, eat snack AND get paid for it, doesn't get much better than that!
The other boys are doing great, just chugging along. Next friday Jessi and I are having an adult Halloween party. We are SOO excited! So far there is about 20 people coming. We did alot of the decorating yesterday, it looks great! I cant wait to post some pictures of the night!
Well I'm going to close so I can take a shower!! I apologize for not updating sooner!
Lets try and go back as far as I can remember. The first thing which is sad is that my Cousin Donny commited suicide. What a void he left in our family. Please remember to pray for his mom and dad and sister, its such a hard time right now.
Patrick is doing AWESOME in flag football, he didn't know if he would like it because last year he did tackle but he does like it. Yesterday he caught the ball and ran it in for a touch down, then got the extra point, it was amazing!! He was on fire!! We get alot of complements on that boys athletic ability.
Work is going really good. I enjoy it alot. I get to play all day, visit with Katie, eat snack AND get paid for it, doesn't get much better than that!
The other boys are doing great, just chugging along. Next friday Jessi and I are having an adult Halloween party. We are SOO excited! So far there is about 20 people coming. We did alot of the decorating yesterday, it looks great! I cant wait to post some pictures of the night!
Well I'm going to close so I can take a shower!! I apologize for not updating sooner!
Friday, September 26, 2008
I got this poem from my cousin Karen, it made me cry, but its so true!
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
When tomorrow starts without me
and I'm not there to see
if the sun should rise to find your eyes
all filled with tears for me
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
the way you did today
while thinking of the many things
you didn't get to say
I know how much you loved me
as much as I love you
and each time that you think of me
I know I'll miss you too
But when tomorrow starts without me
please try to understand
that an angel came and called my name
and took me by the hand
He said my place was ready
in Heaven far above
and that I'd have to leave behind
all those I dearly love
So when tomorrow starts without me
don't think we're far apart
for every time you think of me
I'm right here in your heart..
~author unknown~
When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
When tomorrow starts without me
and I'm not there to see
if the sun should rise to find your eyes
all filled with tears for me
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
the way you did today
while thinking of the many things
you didn't get to say
I know how much you loved me
as much as I love you
and each time that you think of me
I know I'll miss you too
But when tomorrow starts without me
please try to understand
that an angel came and called my name
and took me by the hand
He said my place was ready
in Heaven far above
and that I'd have to leave behind
all those I dearly love
So when tomorrow starts without me
don't think we're far apart
for every time you think of me
I'm right here in your heart..
~author unknown~
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I know, I know, its been forever!

WOW, what a week, some of it I wish hadn't happened, but the end of the week helped me through the hard part of the week! As most of you know my grandma went to be with Jesus on wednesday, although that was very hard for me and my sweet husband just held me while I cried, I am so happy she is not in any pain and that I WILL see her again! Thursday started our D fest here in Odessa. It was so much fun!! Friday Amber came and set up her clothing booth in my yard, so all weekend we had people in and out. Since our house is across the street from everything going on everyone used our house as a base kind of, so we were never alone and always at least 14 kids, it was a blast! I had to work the youth garden for the preschool, then the Pop booth, they were both fun, not as bad as I thought. My mama finally got home so they came saturday to watch the parade and take the boys home with them so Don and I could go out to the beer garden. Adam came and we walked over with Rochelle, Trisha and Rochelles cousin. We had SOOOO much fun, we danced and danced and danced! Today we went and grabbed a bite to eat then headed to Eprhata to get the boys and go shopping. The pictures are of Joshua winning the tractor races. He was pulling 60 pounds, it was 90 degrees out and he was sweating so badly, but he didn't give up! Tomorrow is my first paycheck! WooHoo!! Work is going good, I like it!! Well I'm going to bed now!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Half way through

Ok, so Josh started school on Monday, he looked SO cute and so big! He loved it so much. I started my job on monday, not as good as his day lol. It started early, I work from 730-1130 each day and when I was getting ready to take Josh to school he had a major accident and pee'd in his boots, on his shorts and socks. I had clothes but not shoes for him, so I called Jessi and asked her to go to my house and grab his shoes for me and she did, she rocks so he walked into school with no shoes. It just seems like that was the setting for my day. Yesterday was tons better! Josh had school today, it was picture day. I didnt have to work until 1015 b/c we didn't have any kids coming in, so I was able to walk him up there and then I went for a walk with Jessi and off to work. I was getting ready to go and Jared who was sitting on my lap threw up on me and all over the floor, so I got to mop that mess up, came home and he is sleeping. He seems to be ok, no fever or anything. Just one of those weeks! I did get asked at work if I would do the billing for the daycare since I have done billing in the past, I said sure. Work is good though, I have a cool boss and it goes fast! Here are some pictures of the first day of school and today, the boy sitting with Josh is his friend Brandon.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Almost Friday
What a week! For a couple of the days I was so stressed and frustrated, mainly because the little ones were not being so good. I'm over it now thanks to some chocolate cake =) The boys are loving school!! Josh keeps asking how many more days until he starts, he is pretty excited. I'm getting excited to start work on monday, I'm super happy its only part time, then I can still hang out with my friends eating bon bons in our bathrobes lol! Don has been working SO much crazy overtime, which is nice around paycheck time but I get overwhelmed sometimes when he isnt here. Tomorrow I have AIDS training then CPR on Monday night. Had a preschool meeting this week signed up for snacks. Me and the little ones washed Dons truck, I figured since I'm driving it alot I might as well make it look nice, what a freakin chore and a half, for those of you who have not seen his monster truck its huge! I have to use a 3 step ladder to get half of the hood of his truck, he has to do the other half, its a beast. So we got all but 1 side washed due to spilling of the bucket and moms nerves! Good thing hes driving it today. Its been SO cold in the mornings, it was 39 when the boys left for school yesterday =( Its getting dark by 7:30pm and all of this depresses me. I forgot to update on Helens surgery, it went wonderful and she actually got to come home the next day! Amazing!!! Mom has been over there almost everyday to visit, I'm sure that cheers Helen right up! We miss her here though! Also please pray for my family in Oklahoma, they are still getting hit so terribly, how much should 1 family suffer? Not this much thats for sure! Mr Noah has surgery tomorrow so please be praying for him, the Drs and his mommy and daddy!! Well I best get the boys up and going so we can get out of here!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dirt, dirt and more dirt

Ok, so now you see why I hate dirt so much lol! We were at Jeff and Ambers farm for a bbq and the boys had beyond a wonderful time there, obviously! Every place was filled with dirt, and I mean everyplace. Don and Leo got the floors done, yay!! Its looking really nice in there.
Yesterday we didn't do anything, well I did laundry and housework, but we didn't go anywhere until I took Patrick over to Nathans house to spend the night, visited for a while came home and watched tv with my sweetie. Today we are going to Spokane for a birthday party at Laser Quest, should be fun, the boys are really looking forward to it!
I did get the job at the daycare, woot me!!! Its part time about 20 hours a week and I will be off before the boys get out of school each day I work, which is what I wanted and my Jared gets to come with me, Josh too when he isn't in school. So I'm really looking forward to starting, which is on the 8th!! Well thats all for now! Just wanted to show this gross picture =)
Friday, August 29, 2008
First day of school!!
So they had a GREAT day. They didnt want to go but when they got home they couldnt wait to go back! I'm so glad about that, I prayed all day for them to have a great day, and they did!! Parker gets 2 lockers, 1 for pe and the other for himself, so we are going to get him a lock this weekend, hes growing up so fast. Patrick loved his teacher!! He also has a girl that likes him, they are SOOO cute together! Her name is Beth and she is my friend Jessi's daughter so it works out good b/c we were going to arrange that marriage anyway lol!
We've been helping out our friends Jeff and Amber get their house ready to move in, Don is up putting in the hardwood floors right now. So we've been pretty busy. I have an interview at the daycare here in town tomorrow, which works out perfect if I get it because I can bring the boys, which is what I wanted. Were all going out for dinner tonight. I love the group of ladies that live in this town =)
Don is working all weekend, he was suppose to have Monday off, but not anymore =( So were just going to hang out this weekend and do laundry and all that fun stuff! It actually got up to 88 today so that was a nice suprise!! Anyway, thats it for now!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Coolin down
I'm not sure how I do the heat, I actually just go out and do what I need to then be thankful that I have A/C lol! The heat actually doesn't bother me like it use to, I'm sure I'm just use to it now, but thank goodness for today! It was only about 80 and it didn't reach that until late this afternoon, so it was a nice cool day. Last night we were over at Jessi and Leos when the power went out, so we decided to go home and we walked outside and it was pouring! I do not like rain at all, so we got home and the whole town was without power, i'm sure the big storm didn't help any. Josh was having a hard time going to sleep cause he was a little scared, so we just put em all in our bed, well of course as we were getting ready to sleep the power came back on, in the middle of the night I put Josh in his bed, but just left Jared and he slept all night, turd. Today we woke up and got ready and walked up to school so I could get Parkers class schedule =( He also got his locker and ordered him an ASB card so he can get into all the games and dances, yes I said dances! I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this whole jr high thing, hes too little. Josh and Jared were handfuls today, but were so happy when Daddy got home (not as happy as me lol) so Don got out the weeder and weeded and I mowed, with Josh following me with his mower, so now our yard looks pretty =) Not sure whats on the menu for tomorrow, suppose to go to the park with the girls but we'll see if it rains or not. I'm off to the nest!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Its still hot
WoW! It got up to 107 today! It was more muggy today than normal. Don worked from 3am-3pm, so he was pretty drained when he got home, but still managed to have a big water fight with the boys outside while I made cookies inside. Gotta love air conditioning! Tomorrow its only suppose to be 97, so a bit cooler, then I dont know what were going to do, they say its suppose to drop to the 70's, time to get the winter clothes out I guess. Today was the last day for the Odessa pool, its closed until next year, the boys went for a while, but it was too hot so they came home. 5 more days til Seattle!! Cant wait to party it up with the girls! Its going to be so much fun!! Tomorrow we dont have much on the agenda, maybe more laundry and all that fun stuff. Well thats about it, I'm off to bed!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Its hot!!
Wow, its hot here, but I guess its hot everywhere, suppose to be in the low 100's all weekend, today it hit 101. The boys finished swimming lessons. Parker and Patrick passed, but Josh didn't which we kind of expected, but he still got a sucker. I went to Post Falls, Idaho with Jessi on tuesday I think so she could pick up a cat. It was a fun ride. Tomorrow is pickle day, where we finish them, although it grosses me out I cant wait to do it and see whats its all about. I promise to take pictures!! Don has tomorrow off, sort of, he has to go to bed early so he can get up at 1am to go to work. On tuesday I have to take Parker to the school so he can get his class schedule
=( sniff sniff! I am not ready for a middle schooler!! In 4 years he will be driving =() Were just laying low this weekend and even into next week. I'm going to Seattle on Friday for Meghans bacholorette party, I'm really excited for that!! Then when I get home saturday were taking off to do school shopping stuff, my favorite time of year! Well I posted some pictures of the little ones swimming in our pool! Enjoy your weekend!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What a week! Started swim lessons yesterday, all the boys did really good, today Josh wouldn't go in, but tomorrow he said he will. It was really hot today, once it got up in the 100's. So I'll start with yesterday. We were on the other side of the fence watching lessons, Jessi and Me with all the kids and Parker pipes up and says "look there is a snake" well its not just a snake, its a baby rattler. So then of course it wouldn't be complete unless someone stepped on its head, not knowing he was there, I thought Jessi was going to have heart failure as it was her 4 year old son that stepped on its head. I went over and got a guy who is always there for lessons and he took a big rock and killed it, then tells us that the babies are worse than the big ones. After that fun time, I went and picked up Maple, Rochelles dog, we were doggie sitting for the day. Then Jessi came and got the two older boys and took them swimming with them and I watched Ambers 2 youngest. Last night was Joshuas open house for preschool. He got to see his classroom and I got to sign up for a bunch of stuff, oh joy! Today was lessons again, then rush to the store to get lunchables then across the street to the community center to help make pickels for D fest here in town next month. Interesting process, cant wait to finish it in a couple weeks. Then off to Ephrata to go to the dentist, which actually went really good and fast, love them there! After that I headed to Quincy to get Dons motorcycle tire, came back got the boys, mom took us out for dinner and headed home to start laundry and water the grass. Tomorrow is a little more calm, we only have swim and Joshuas 4 year old checkup. Tomorrow is my sissys birthday! They are coming over tomorrow- sunday so we have a lot of stuff planned.
My friend Amber has opened an Ebay store for cowgirl/cowboy /farming clothes, they are some of the CUTEST clothes! She also has some for sale in Odessa if you make it out here, but here is the link to her store, check it out and buy stuff!!!
Well thats it in a nutshell!! Have a good Thursday!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Cowboy baby!
Well Josh had a great birthday. We went to the Rodeo to watch some friends who were in it, they played, got dirty and had cupcakes for the birthday. It was fun! Last night Maleia and McKenna stayed the night and had cake and ice cream with us. They are such sweet girls. This morning they have been playing like crazy fools until Joshua started crying, his toenail is barely hanging on (insert me barfing) so I had the girls go home and finally calmed Josh down. My Aunt and cousins are on their way over. I'm so excited I have not seen Deanna for ever!! Then were going to moms house for a big taco dinner. Tomorrow starts swim lessons for the 3 older boys. Well I just wanted to post some pictures of my cowboys =)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I cant believe that my baby boy is 4! His actual birthday is the 3rd but were going to be busy tomorrow so I thought I would post tonight. He is so wonderful, so sweet, so cute, so loveable and SO much like Patrick! He truly is a joy to us!
On his birthday we are going to the Kids rodeo! They are so excited! We have some friends that have their kiddos doing the rodeo, so I am really excited to see it. So my WONDERFUL friends here in Odessa are putting together a birthday party for Josh at the rodeo. Jessi the perfect made a butt ton of dirt worm cupcakes and Amber the great is providing all the juice box's, I tell ya I lucked out here in this town and met the best women here!
Well just a quick update before I go to bed, have to get up early tomorrow!! Have a happy Sunday!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Long weekend!
So friday I handed in the paperwork for Joshua to go to preschool =( He is SOO excited. We played at the park a little bit them came home and took a nap, a 4 hour nap. We all needed it, the night before we had toe drama so no one really slept, except Don a little bit cause he was on the couch for half the night. When Don got home we took the boys to my mom and johns house for the weekend, the boys couldn't get me out the door fast enough. They had way alot of fun with grandma and grampsie, they worked, played the Wii and got spoiled. Don and I went and picked up my friend and met Adam at a resturant we've never been too. It was good, then we went and played pool and darts until 2am, man were we tired!! We got home at 3am from driving everyone home, then I was up at 6:30am to go garage saleing with Rochelle. That was a lot of fun, there were alot of really good ones. Came home and just kind of layed around. Don cooked a yummy red chili enchilada casserole that he learned from his dad and we watched Rambo. We both really liked it alot. Today I got up and cleaned really quick before heading out to get the boys. They were happy to see me and I was happy to see them. We stopped by Soap Lake and picked up Rochelles 2 oldest girls and brought them home so she wouldn't have to go all the way out there. They are such sweet girls. Joshua and Jared have been driving me nuts! They are fighting, not listening and whining, good thing Don is home now. No clue what is for dinner, I'm in my room all by myself trying to settle down a bit, its been an emotional afternoon. I miss Parker and Patrick and just want to go grab them, but I cant =( pity party is over!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Joshua's poor toe
So tuesday I took Josh and Jared over to my moms so I could take Jordy and the older two boys to the Sound, and I get all the way over there and my mom calls, Josh dropped a brick on his toe. So I called Don at work to see if he could get off early to take him in, just to make sure it wasn't broke, so he did, its not broke, but the nail is going to fall off, its getting pretty close, talk about totally gross! I dont handle stuff like that, I couldn't clean the umbilicial cord when they were born cause it grossed me out! Anyway, so yesterday we were in Walmart and he dropped a package of batteries on his toe, so the screaming started. I picked him up and took him to the van to watch his new Spongebob movie, that worked like a charm! He went to bed with Don last night at like 6:30pm (don had to work at 3am), he didnt get up until almost 8am this morning!
So the boys are having a blast over with their cousins and mam and papa. I think they will be there for a couple weeks, they wanted to go longer but they have swimming lessons so they cant be gone that long. While I was over for my quick trip, Tara, Amanda and I went to Red Robin for dinner, yum freakin o!! I woke up and left Taras house about 8:20am to get home and see my injured boy.
Today we went to the park, met Rochelle and Jessi down there, then we went to the Odessa Inn for lunch and then over to Jessis for the afternoon. The kids had fun, new toys to play with. Tonight is my walk with Jessi and some tv with my sweetie when the boys go down! Thats about it, tomorrow night we are going on a double date with Adam and Trish, I wish they would hook up already =) Were going to dinner and to see Dark Knight, I hope its good, I normally dont like the Batman/Robin movies, so we'll see. The little ones are going to my mom and johns for the night, no bricks mom lol!! Saturday were not sure what were going to do yet until we grab the boys!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sunday, Monday Happy Days!
Its a warm one today. So far its reached 95. Yesterday was a nice day, it was only in the high 80's with a little breeze. Me and my Mom took Jordy out to lunch and then we went to Fashion bug and bought her a really cute outfit and hoodie, then off to walmart to get milk of course. Got back to moms and the guys were almost done putting together the new swingset, the kids were busy playing the Wii that mom and john bought, now they are never going to want to leave their house. After we got home we went to a bbq at Jessi and Leos house, it was alot of fun, they are so wonderful! Then Jordy got hit with a rock on her collar bone and so we went home after that cause she wanted too, poor sweetie, but she is going to make it!!Today we went swimming at the pool again, and again Jared was a turd. He frustrated me SOO badly! Then we went out for ice cream after so I could "cool" off. Don is going to take the boys and girl to ride the 4 wheeler and motorcycle, they are all SO excited!! Tomorrow we are really not doing anything except laundry and packing if were meeting Tara on tuesday. Well thats it for right now!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Whew, what a week so far. We went to the Circus on Wednesday night, it was ok, some things were really cool, others not so much, the kids had fun though. We also finally went to the Odessa pool, we were actually forced by Jessi to go lol, but it was so much fun, the kids loved it, I loved it, well worth the wait =) Yesterday we went to Moses and went to a new park with Tami and her kiddos, and a few extra, then back to her house to visit. Last night was the Orthodontist swim party from 8pm-10pm, hello cold! It was really cold towards the end. So far today we've cleaned and I've mowed half the lawn before I broke the mower, oh Don will be so excited...NOT! We had to go to the store, so I told the boys..and girl since they have helped today we would go back to the pool this afternoon, so off to the pool we go. Tami, Matt and the kids are coming for dinner tonight, it will be fun, I love spending time with them, they are the first friends I made when I moved here over 6 years ago. Tomorrow we are going to the dump, then Don is taking my mom to walmart cause she bought a new swingset, its huge so they need a truck. Then us girls are off to Moses for our girls day! woohoo! Anyway, thats about it. Please pray for Helen, who is my moms bestest friend in the whole wide world, she has already had 2 brain anurisms (sp) and they said she is going to have another one so she is going to have to go back in for surgery, its a rough time for all involved so PLEASE pray!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So we woke up early this morning so we could get ready to go to North Bend. Got gas, dropped some shoes off for Rochelle and headed to Ephrata to get my mom. So far all the boys are good, get to North Bend and Jared had leaked SO badly that I had to change his clothes, but oh yes, I only had shorts for him, so I had to tuck his piss shirt into his shorts so my hand wouldn't get wet everytime I touched him. We went in and ate then got Jordy girl and headed home. For being in the car for like almost 5 hours the boys and girl were amazing! When we got to my moms they played and had a popsickle, then we left to go to the PO and the store then finally home. They were downstairs almost the whole time playing. I went for my walk after dinner, Rochelle was able to join us tonight so that was fun. Tomorrow night is the big circus in Odessa, the kids are SO excited about that. I am almost done with laundry, now I just have to fold about 5 loads, but its all washed, well until tomorrow night lol. So I'm going to go and fold my towels and go to bed!! Tomorrow I think we'll take Jordy to the park so she can see it and introduce her to some other girls that she might like to play with, if Parker lets her out of his sight lol! So today is the 1 year anniversary of my dads heart attack, how crazy is that that its been a year. Thank you Lord that you were not ready to take my daddy home, life wouldn't be the same. It is also a year ago we were in New Mexico, fun times!! Anyway, thats all for tonight, give your loved ones an extra hug tonight!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Well we went camping and it was alot of fun! The drive down was stressful b/c we stopped at 4 towns to eat lunch and none had resturants, oh I take that back, 1 place did but they are closed every thursday. We finally ate at a grocery store that made sandwiches. So we get there and its beautiful and not crowded at all. Get everything set up and head to the beach, which could use some help, they say they are fixing it up, but there is a lot of branches and logs and stuff, but the boys had fun. So we get to the first nights sleep, which sucked, but to make it worse Patrick threw up and Jared had a rough time sleeping. The morning was better, well not for Don, he didnt have coffee so we headed to Colfax to get a coffee maker, and he ended up getting instant coffee, which he liked. We came back and the boys rode bikes almost the whole time, Joshua learned to ride with no training wheels on, so now he is a biking fool! We went to WSU so the boys could see where the Cougs play. they were so excited! We went to the gift shop and they all got a little souvinier (sp). By saturday I was ready to come home, that was the hottest day there, it was so freakin hot! But the great thing was at night it really cooled down alot, so it was nice to just sit by the camp fire with Don and talk after the boys went to bed. We rented horse shoes and played some games, Patrick kicked all of our butts. Mona had a blast swimming and she was taken for SO many walks, she was in heaven! The morning we were going to come home Jared cried the entire time until he fell asleep in the truck, talk about stressful! He is a homebody and being gone for so long started to wear on him, and he started to wear on us lol! So were home, and doing so much laundry! We went to the park today and tomorrow were going to North Bend to pick up my Jordy girl! I'm so excited she is coming to stay with us for a while! I need a girl around!! Well thats it for now!!
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