Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Buy a Chevy!

Ok, so last night I was making dinner, I had already talked with Don a few times b/c his truck wouldn't start. So finally about 5:30 he asks me to come get him. So dinner goes off, load up the boys and head to Warden, where there is NO snow at all and the roads are fine! They suck, anyway, so we sit there forever he jumps his truck with MY CHEVY VAN and it starts! Aaahh the gloating starts! It was so cold that his truck wouldn't start, so he is plugging it in at work now so he doesn't have this problem again. But of course he did have to take us out for dinner!

Today when I left for work it was -4, yes that would be NEGATIVE FOUR! It was pretty damn cold outside today, its up to 10 now, which is good cause I have to get the boys early and head to Ephrata for dentist appt, hair appt and shopping. We leave in 3 days and I'm really excited to start our christmas!

Ok, well I'm on the hunt for a cute basket so gotta jet!!


Joyce said...

good girl!!! you're on a roll!

Anonymous said...

We have had to plug our truck in with the really cold weather lately. If you don't plug it in, it takes forever to get started.