Saturday, April 26, 2008
Feels like sunday
I think it feels like sunday because Don is working today and normally he has saturdays off, but he has to go to Bellevue tomorrow for work so he had to work today. Tina and the kids came over this weekend, well they came thursday night. We had SO much fun with them, I hated to see her go, but we'll see them again. We had the final party for Jared last night. It was such a full house, mainly kids lol. He got some great gifts, now I'm using today to clean and re-organize toys and stuff. We had 12 kids here last night =() When Don gets home were taking the 3 older boys to my mom and johns for the night, they need the boys' help outside, so they will keep them until tomorrow. We'll pick up some of our outside toys today since its SOO beautiful out, and suppose to be warmer tomorrow!! Patricks walk a thon is tomorrow, if anyone wants to sponser him, let me know! When Tina gets home she is going to email me the pics of this weekend, she has a GREAT camera, so she took all the pics, I will post and email them out. Oh I almost forgot, so at Patricks game on thursday HE PITCHED!! He did completly awesome! The first 3 batters he got them out, it was amazing!! Besides being SO damn cold, he loved it!! They won again, they are undefeated so far =)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Baseball fever
Last night Patrick did AWESOME!! He caught a ball, it was so great! He hit and got on base everytime up to bat, he is such a ball player!! Our week has been pretty boring. Just cleaning and stuff. Tomorrow tina and the kids are coming over, so that will be fun! Its been a really emotional week, I have a lot to sort out and I hate it!! Oh well, tonight is Rangers and grocery shopping!
Monday, April 21, 2008

Today is Jareds 2nd birthday! Normally time flies, but not with this guy lol. He has for sure been the one to see how far he can take things. He is stubborn, fiesty, sweet, cuddly and so wonderful! He is a handful, but such a love. I dont think our life would quite be the same without him.
So for you moms of boys I have a story, I'm sure you can relate to it. So on the way home yesterday Patrick and Josh were in the back seat and Patrick would NOT leave Josh alone, he kept bugging him, so Josh picks his nose, gets a booger on his finger and starts waving it at Patricks face, well let me tell you Patrick quit bugging him lol. So I handed back a kleenex and he did what he was suppose to and the rest of the ride was peaceful! Our weekend over there was good, short but good. We went to Jordys game on saturday, although it was freaking cold, it was fun. Got to visit with Amanda, Ryan, Tara and Jennifer. then we went to Jareds birthday party at my dad and joyces house. That was fun. Good food, great people, yummy cake, it doesnt get any better than that! Karen came, it was nice to visit with her, missed Caitie though, but I hope she enjoyed the cake =) Don did his list of chores while I was gone, he did good too. Love that man! This week I'm just cleaning for our company (Tina and the kids) and thats about it. Patrick has a game tomorrow and thursday, then Rangers on wednesday. Well I hope everyone has a great Monday!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Take me out to the ballgame
So Patricks team kicked BUTT last night! He did so awesome! He hit every single time he got up and even made it home a few times. He is not the smallest on his team this year if you can believe that one lol.
Today we are packing up to head to the West side for Jareds birthday party. He is going to be 2 on Monday, which is the anniversary of Don and My first date 6 years ago! Time is going so fast its crazy! The weather has been beautiful, nice and sunny, but SO windy. They are of course calling for snow here this weekend, I'm confused isnt it almost May? 2 weeks until my retreat, I am SO excited about that! Next week Tina and the kiddos are coming over for a couple days, they get to see Patricks game next thursday! Well just a quick update, I have to go fill up and get things packed. Have a great weekend!!
Today we are packing up to head to the West side for Jareds birthday party. He is going to be 2 on Monday, which is the anniversary of Don and My first date 6 years ago! Time is going so fast its crazy! The weather has been beautiful, nice and sunny, but SO windy. They are of course calling for snow here this weekend, I'm confused isnt it almost May? 2 weeks until my retreat, I am SO excited about that! Next week Tina and the kiddos are coming over for a couple days, they get to see Patricks game next thursday! Well just a quick update, I have to go fill up and get things packed. Have a great weekend!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Beautiful weather!
So this weekend was the most beautiful weather since last summer, it got to 80 here yesterday, it was heaven on earth! Saturday was a good day, Don had to work for a few hours so the boys and i walked down to the park, it is a nice park here in our nice town. When Dad got home they did an oil change on the dirt bike while Jared and I walked down to the post office. Don, Patrick and Josh went to the track and rode the dirt bike for hours, they all got burnt, but had SO much fun. Sunday we met Don in Moses after work so we could get Patricks baseball pants, we stopped by Subway and got some sandwiches and headed to the park to play. The boys of course had fun and I had fun visiting with Don, seems like I have not seen alot of him this weekend. We did make a huge decision that I'm still weary of, but Patrick wants Josh to share a room with him..DOWNSTAIRS. So we agreed to it after talking about it. He showed me where we can put Josh's bed and Josh is beyond excited to be a "big" boy. So Jared will his own room. I cant believe Josh is going to be 4, but he is so independent that I'm not to worried about him moving on down. Its raining here of course today. Wish we could of gone to the West side for Joyces birthday party this last weekend, but we cant come 2 weeks in a row and this weekend if Patrick doesn't have a game then we'll be going over for Jareds birthday party. He is going to be 2! I cannot believe it, although I'm so happy about that lol! I started taking my iron pills again today, I just cannot stay awake, not sure if its because I'm so low on iron or what, but I am beyond tired and I hate that, so I will take a nap today when the boys do, I hate that even more because I could be doing stuff, but oh well, better than a crabby mom!! Thats about it for now, hope everyone stays dry!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
I'm back
Well we got back sunday from Oklahoma. It was a perfect trip, well except for the thunder and lightning. I am not use to thunder that shakes your whole house, it freaked me out, so the first night I didn't sleep. But Dad took us to a couple places he loves, Sonic and Braums, yum-o!! We went to Lake Texoma and got some pictures, but mostly we visited with grandma, aunt rita and becky. IT was SO wonderful to just sit down there and visit. My grandma is thin, but personality wise she is exactly the same. I loved going in and talking with uncle mike, he has such a wonderfully big heart, i miss him. It was hard to say goodbye, but I know that one day I will see her again up in Heaven so thats what I hold onto to. I did really good the whole time, didn't lose it one time, after I dropped Tara and Dad off at the ferry, I cried on my way home, I just wanted to go back and hold her hand. The boys were so happy to see me, I got home to late on sunday to see them, so Monday morning Patrick almost knocked me down, he was the most excited to see me. I missed them all so much. Patrick started baseball, he had a practice game last night, its hard for him to get use to a pitcher, he is use to a pitching machine, he'll get it though, he was born to play ball. Joshuas new saying is "Bear Bears my best friend" it is SOOO cute! Dons truck is in getting fix'd, some tail pipe thinger, who knows, but it will be nice to have it fix'd, we have too many plans this summer to not have a truck!! Suppose to hit 70 tomorrow, not sure yet what were going to do, we will have to do something, who knows how long this weather is going to last lol. Well I hope everyone has a good weekend!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I'm outta here!

As you can tell Patrick got his braces off yesterday, he looks so handsome! We have had a busy week. Dewey and Karen came over and stayed the weekend with us, it was a lot of fun. They took the 3 older boys to see Horton Hears a Hoo, everyone loved it! I made a couple awesome dinners thank you Rachael Ray! First one was steak stroggie hoggies, yum=o and then chicken parm with roasted fire red sauce. They were both really good. The boys played games with them and went to the park. Today is Karens birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I've just been doing laundry, packing and cleaning the house before I leave, which is TODAY!! I am going to Taras tonight and were leaving first thing in the morning. I talked with grandma yesterday and I just cannot wait to talk to her in person! The boys have been playing with andrew and lauren this week. Right now they are at their friends house spending the night but will be at my moms today until Don picks them all up tomorrow after work! Well I best get in the shower, I am having a hard time sleeping! Oh yes, I did lose 3 more pounds this week! I'm pretty sure our team one, yay team!!!
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