Today is Jareds 2nd birthday! Normally time flies, but not with this guy lol. He has for sure been the one to see how far he can take things. He is stubborn, fiesty, sweet, cuddly and so wonderful! He is a handful, but such a love. I dont think our life would quite be the same without him.
So for you moms of boys I have a story, I'm sure you can relate to it. So on the way home yesterday Patrick and Josh were in the back seat and Patrick would NOT leave Josh alone, he kept bugging him, so Josh picks his nose, gets a booger on his finger and starts waving it at Patricks face, well let me tell you Patrick quit bugging him lol. So I handed back a kleenex and he did what he was suppose to and the rest of the ride was peaceful! Our weekend over there was good, short but good. We went to Jordys game on saturday, although it was freaking cold, it was fun. Got to visit with Amanda, Ryan, Tara and Jennifer. then we went to Jareds birthday party at my dad and joyces house. That was fun. Good food, great people, yummy cake, it doesnt get any better than that! Karen came, it was nice to visit with her, missed Caitie though, but I hope she enjoyed the cake =) Don did his list of chores while I was gone, he did good too. Love that man! This week I'm just cleaning for our company (Tina and the kids) and thats about it. Patrick has a game tomorrow and thursday, then Rangers on wednesday. Well I hope everyone has a great Monday!!
It was good to see you guys too. Caitie must have liked the cake, I didn't hardly get in the door and she took it.
I will talk to you tomorrow.
That was really good cake.. the same as my birthday!!! nummy! And it showed on the scale this week! :(
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