Here is the much anticipated video of Joshua. He did SOO much better this time, didn't even cry. It was short, but he held onto the rope this time! His next one is in 2 weeks in Moses Lake. We got him some chaps and gloves and then ordered him a vest. We are going to borrow The Lish's helmet and they can borrow our vest, then neither of us have to buy both. Works out good!
I am now only working Thursdays and fridays. I was going to stop all together, but some things came up and so I'm going to keep working. Which actually works out really well, I still get a paycheck and still get out of the house a couple days a week.
Jared has a twin size bed now. He looks so little in it, but he is in love with it.
Since my last post my sweet Patrick has turned 10! Something that went entirely too fast! He is such a joy to us and at the same time can frustrate us. He is my twin in so many ways! He acts like me, looks like me, he is a mini me! Thank you God for allowing us to be his parents!
Well it was the big day! He did it, holding on very tightly to daddys shirt, but Joshua rode the sheep! It was absolutly adorable and heart breaking. He has talked about this for months, and he cried, all the kids back there were crying so I'm sure that didn't help. But we were SO freakin proud of him! He does want to do it again, so we'll see what happens!
Its been a really crazy month, which is why I have not posted since then. We did make it over to the West side and had a wonderful time. This weekend is graduation! My Micah Rae is graduating, doesn't seem possible. I remember whe she was born, when we went to San Diego, when she pooped in the pool lol! She has turned out to be such a beautiful young woman! The fam is coming over this weekend, we get Ryan and Amanda and the kids at our house yay!!
Softball is going good, we have only lost 1 game, the other games we dont just win we spank some major booty! Its a fun group of ladies!
Work is going good, just really getting into the busy time with preschool out and school out in less than 2 weeks, going to be crazy!! The boys CANT wait for school to get out! Finally have reached warm temps, today is the coolest day in a while, its only 82, its gotten up to the 100's already!
Well here is some pics of all the boys!