My Dad and Joyce came over to watch the last rodeo, Joyce took some great pictures so I thought I would put some up here to share. It was a really wonderful visit! I love it when people come to visit us! I forgot to mention in my last blog that it was fathers day. I was so lucky because I got to spend Fathers day with my daddy, my Don and John. Who could ask for anything more? I'm so lucky to be married to Don. I know I always brag about him, but really he is an amazing man. He isnt perfect by any means, but for some reason I think he is =) He is truly the best dad in the whole world! All of our boys love him so much! He is sent straight from above!

Your dad says" I love you, miss you, had a GREAT time, give the boys a kiss for us."
We had a really nice time at your side of the world! Thanks again for having us! It really was great. I'm glad you liked the pictures. That is why I take so many... for those few good ones I get. Loved the video. Your mom did much better than I did. lol! I almost missed it altogether! Enjoy having your boys back. They are precious. Love you all!
The picture of the boys against the fence looked like Jared is a one legged boy! I was cracking up!
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