Thursday, August 30, 2012

Much on my mind!

I'm not even sure where to start! My brain is full of stuff and not all of is useful! Ok most of it is not useful! Its been about 10 months since my respect for a fellow family member left.To this day I wish I knew what I did, but alas I'm clueless! Last time I blogged was hard for me. My boys were going through a hard patch about C. He had just had twin boys and my sweet angels didn't understand why he would do that when he didn't want them. Well naturally I wanted to commit a crime against him but I restrained ha! I so know that was the best thing he ever did for them was to sign them over but it kills my heart that they have to feel saddness about this he is not worthy of their tears! I can only pray that they learn from this and never do it to their children! They have such a great example now so I doubt they will! My boys do stress me out often, but boy am I crazy about them! I know this post is all over the place but it really suits my mind...all over! I often wonder why Don is so crazy about me ha! Probably because he doesn't know what goes on in my head!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Holy Longtime!!

Ok, so it has been FOREVER since I updated!! I dont even know where to begin! Today was the first day of school. I had 3 happy boys, one freshman not so happy ha!I cant believe I have a freshman in highschool! Where did the time go? I remember him as a baby who always laughed and smiled and now he is this man! Makes me a little sad if Im being honest! Its been a great summer! Not a whole lot of fighting with the boys! Yesterday was the first day I actually said "I cant wait for school" so I would say SUCCESS!! We went camping on the west side, went to the pool a bunch had family and friends over and a rodeo and fair! This weekend is Silverwood in Idaho with a hotel, we SOO cant wait for that! Work is going good! Right now we are on Season 8 of Friends, lol its what we do when were done with words and facebook! We pretty much rock! Don got promoted so he is the Electrical Supervisor, he is so fantastic! Patrick started 7th, Joshua started 2nd and Jared is in 1st. This summer we hydro-seeded half the yard, we are doing the other half next month. LOVE having green grass, so pretty!! This year our goal is to get the outside done, minus the siding of course, but hopefully my wrap around porch :) The weeds KILL us out here! Don is constantly using the tractor to get the weeds up in the dirt bike track, but they are taking over! Its been a busy year! Will write more soon!!