Thursday, April 4, 2013

Feels like Sunday!

Spring break always throws me off, I think everyday is Sunday ha! This spring break has been awesome! The weather, the family time, all great! We headed over to Bellingham on monday and stayed a couple days. We love going over there, so peaceful and fun! The boys were excited to get home so they could ride. The big desert 100 is this weekend in Odessa, we get a lot of people from the west side that come over, its a lot of fun! This year Don, Patrick and Josh are doing the poker run. Today it started raining which works out perfect because we fertalized this morning! So this afternoon I had my interview to get into the CNA program! I will know monday after my background check comes back, I passed my drug test haha! Thank goodness I was stressing about that one, ok not really ha! It starts next Thursday, it goes for 15 days and then I'm officially a CNA! So I am pretty excited! It feels weird not being on the west side all spring break visiting family :( but we are getting a bunch of stuff done outside and we need to so we can get ready to plant the garden and the other half of the grass! Tomorrow I have to go grocery shopping. My throat has been hurting a couple weeks, darn Don got me sick! I am tired and ready for bed and its only 5:45 pm! I am SO obsessed with Breaking Dawn 2. I am serious about this ha! I always seem to go to bed earlier than Don so after he tucks me in I watch it, almost every night lol! Wow, I am sure there is a group for these kind of people!

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