Sunday, October 26, 2014

This man!

So, my husband has always supported me and made sure I knew how beautiful and amazing I feel. Every morning I get a text that says how beautiful and sexy I am and how lucky he is to have me as his wife. Even when we first got married and I was SO insecure and asked him every day if he was going to leave me, for about 4 years I did this! He never got frustrated with me just hugged me and told me he loved me. So when I decided to get this surgery he was very supportive and although he was scared out of his mind he let me go, and now that I actually am liking myself and the way I look I cant even tell you what that has done for our marriage. I never really realized that my insecurity and self hating was such a big part of our marriage. We have always had such a great marriage but this was always looming over my head. So now, its a whole new level for me, for us I guess! He is such an amazing man and I am SO lucky to call him MY husband!!!!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

You never realize how much damage the other person has done to you and how much baggage you brought into this relationship. I know because I did the same thing. Don is a wonderful man. Don't ever worry about him leaving. He is faithful, loyal, loving and God knew what He was doing when He hooked you two up! xoxoxo