The picture in my pink shirt is when I hit 100 pounds! Can you believe it? I am down a total of 107 pounds so far, 149 size 10! I never was a size 10 in school. My life is the same but so different if that makes sense lol My confidence is so much more my self hate is almost gone ha! It was a busy busy summer! Both boys were lifegaurds all summer, Patrick got his license, Parker started his senior year of high school which I am slowly accepting. We order his cap and gown next month and get his senior pictures done after that, ok who am I kidding I have not dealt with it. Patrick is playing football and doing AMAZING! He said he takes after his dad cause Don was a great football player too. The littles just finished up flag football, glad that's done starting to get cold and we all know how I feel about the cold ha! I am hoping for the Farmers sake we get snow. Our puppy is getting so big! She is huge and just huge lpl we love her so much! I have had 3 aunts die from Cancer and it killed me! Especially my Aunt Rhonda from Forks, oh I miss her. My Elsa (car) is almost a year old! I still love her headed seats and heated steering wheel :) I am aware that I am very spoiled. I turned 39 last week, for my 40th I will be in Vegas with my man and our friends! Work is good and even better that its part time! Well thats all for now!!
I never saw that 107lbs before... All I saw was Beautiful Heather! A woman of God who loves her husband, boys, family, & friends! You look AMAZING Heather, you are "ROCK It girl"!!❤️
** "Rockin it girl!!"
You are so sweet my friend! Thank you!
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