Thursday, March 22, 2007

Guess whos crawling......

You guessed it..JARED! He did it a little last night and then did it this am, I was able to catch it on video! About darn stinkin time!!

I started recording survivor on the WRONG channel last night =( I called Don on the way home and asked him if it was on the right channel, he said no so he fix'd it for me, I missed the first 15 mnutes, I know the most important time.

My mom and Lois left on their trip to CO. I am sad, but I know Amanda and Ryan are excited, so its ok. They came over for dinner last night, wasn't that good, I need to make dinners for us before I make them for other people lol!

I woke up and Don had emptied the dishwasher for me. Oh he is so sweet. I HATE unloading the dishwasher, I don't mind loading. So that was a nice suprise for me!!

It is starting to rain today =( So not much going on today, just laundry! Happy Thursday!


amanda said...

YAY bear-bear!!! congrats!!! MUAH!

Joyce said...

Yea Jared!!!! Knew he would do it sooner or later. They all do. There will be no stopping him now!