Monday, March 26, 2007


Well the weekend is over now =( The boys had a great time at dinner and a movie. They loved the movie, then they went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Josh, Jared and I went up to Wal Mart and got Josh a new wheelbarrow and then we went to McDonalds for dinner.

Sunday, we went to Church, it was really good. I am SO excited for the womens retreat in May, the mens retreat is the weekend after and Dave Roever is the speaker. I really think Don is going to go, I told him that Dave is amazing, I'm pretty sure he will get a big blessing going. After Church we took Don some lunch, the boys always enjoy going to see dad at work. After that we came home and the fun started......NOT! Parker and Patrick were fighting ALL day long. I was SO frustrated. I told them I was going in my room and not to follow me. I came in cried, prayed and sat for a few minutes, then I was better. John came up and watched the 3 oldest while I went with my friend Trish to get her kids from their dad. I took Jared with me, he didn't make a peep the whole time! Last night was Dons late night, well not too late, he got home at 8:15pm, so we put all the kids in bed and we'll leave it at that lol!!

Today I mopped and am doing laundry. The boys and I went grocery shopping. I got Josh some new shoes yay!! He picked out Thomas the Tank! Kids and choochoos!!

So Parker was talking about when we go to The Grand Canyon, he told us he hopes he sees "Mule People" I said um what?? He said people on Mules taking mail to the secret town at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, that will for sure be a sight to see lol!!! That's about it for now!!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Your dad would love to see Dave again. He is a great speaker!