Sunday, March 4, 2007


Well Jared had a fever yesterday, not sure if its cause he is getting 2 more teeth, or becauase of this little flu going around. He is doing great today! Were suppose to go to little Ethans birthday party today, the boys are excited about that. We went bowling with them yesterday and had a lot of fun. I love getting to know new people. After we came home and I went to Wal Mart and the Movie Gallery and rented the movie with Leo, I'm completly blank on it, oh well. Have not watched it yet. Talked to Don this am and he is not feeling well =(

You know I learned something today. Its weird how people talk about you even when you have nothing to do with them or dont even talk about them. I sometimes wonder when people are going to grow up and just live their own lives. Its sad how people live in the past and cant move on. I think I have done a great job moving on, remembering the past, because its how I got here, but certainly not dwell on it or make hideous remarks about other people, although I could, it would be SO easy, but then I would be no better than them!

Well I think we may take Don a mocha before the birthday party, that always makes him feel better!! Have a super Sunday!!


Joyce said... your insight. I could have told you that....welcome to my world. It will never end. You either have to ignore it or get used to it. Sorry it is happening to you. It is tough. It would be nice if people would grow up and live their own lives. I agree. You can't control what other people say, only how you react to it. This is from both me & Amanda.

Anonymous said...

You know my feelings about that. Life is way to short to waste time worring about what others are doing or saying.
I try so hard to mind my own business, but my big mouth gets me in trouble. I have never been accused of keeping my feelings bottled up inside. :)k~

Karla said...


If you let what other people think and say about you dictate who you are and what you do, you let them take over your lives. The best reaction is no reaction at all. Fire will eventually burn itself out if ignored.