Saturday, April 21, 2007

Jareds 1st birthday!

Today was a good day. Jared woke up SO cranky. He must of known today was about him. We went to walmart to get some stuff and so I could get his gift, almost forgot it again! I swear my brain isnt working. Went and got the cake at Safeway, oh yea the entire cake, except decoration was wrong, wrong, wrong! I could of screamed! It was suppose to be a cupcake cake, with chocolate cake and white frosting. So we got a normal cake with half choc/half vanilla cake with fresh strawberries, I was so angy, so they gave me my next cake free. He loved ALL his gifts. Well, I must say Josh loves them a little more than Jared right now. He is hiding Jareds riding toy next to his bed lol! All the kids were so extra good. As you can tell Jared loved his cake! He was SO messy! After they all went to bed Tara and I went shopping at walmart, I had to go grocery shopping, it was alot of fun! It was raining when we got outside. I am about ready for bed, but wanted to post a couple pictures of my sweet boy! He is truly a wonderful little guy. He for sure has been a bit harder than the others, but that smile can melt anyones heart!!


KACragerud said...

Ok, I tried to send this once, and I had to have an account....grrr.
Loved the pictures of Jarods first birthday! Doesn't look like he was too upset about the cake not being cupcakes! LOL
So cute! You have the best looking little fellows!!
Love you! "Mom"

Joyce said...

Your dad & I laughed so much at the pictures of our sweet grandson! How cute is he!!!! Thanks for sharing! Give him a kiss for us and the others too!

amanda said...

what a cutie-pa-tootie!!! i love that boy!

Lois said...

hi Heather he sure looks cute seems like he had no problem with the cake love to all Aunt Lois

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pictures --- looks like he figured out the cake was just for him. Hugs to you all. Aunt Sherry