Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Adoption Day!

So, it was 3 years ago that Don adopted the boys. Seems like just last year. Time has flown by so fast. I was pregnant with Joshua at the time. I remember the boys were just waiting for the judge to say it was final. Instantly Patrick started calling Don dad, but Parker took a little longer, he waited until him and Don had a father/son day, I guess to feel comfortable enough and make sure Don wasn't going anywhere. I couldn't of picked a greater dad to those boys, all 4 of them. Isn't it crazy how sometimes in life we think nothing will ever get better, but God has a perfect plan for us if we just wait on him. He is so wonderful!! So on this day, our adoption day I want to say I love you sweetie!!


Unknown said...

You got yourself a good man there honey....we are proud of all of you!!!! Missing you all....

Charisma said...

THat is so beautiful, Heather! God is Great!