Friday, September 14, 2007

I know its been a while, and I also know I have not put pictures of Patrick up yet. His first game is tomorrow so you'll have to be patient! Its been a very weird week. I have been sleeping alot and I couldn't figure out why. My Dr called and said my iron is SO low, so now I'm on iron pills 3 times a day. I also had to get more blood taken to make sure I was producing iron. Who knows! So I've been taking naps everyday =( Parker started royal rangers this week, he was SO excited! On the way home we had a great conversation...NOT!

Me: Parker are you ignoring me?
Parker: Only when I need to
Me: You better watch it or I'm going to ignore you
Parker: Works for me

He is lucky I love him lol!! Patrick is loving football. The assistant coach said Patrick is the best catcher so he wanted Don to make up a play for patrick. So he did. Patrick tackled a kid last night and made him cry, not that I was happy, but Patrick is a head smaller than all the other kids on the team =) We are going to a bbq after the game tomorrow. I'm going to make smores bars, yumm-o! Parker is loving school! He now wants to be an Oregon Beaver when he gradutates in 7 years =( They have one of the best Vet schools around, so as of this week thats where he wants to go. He has wanted to be Vet for 6 years now. He has such a big heart and would be great as a Vet.

Well thats about it for now. Don and I are going to Deutesfest in Odessa tonight. Were going to go watch the big football game and head down to the beer garden. Most of his class is going to be there also his sister, so it will be good to see her!! Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had so much fun with the boys last should ask them about their hair cuts they were giving each other...what a riot they are....Jared even got in on the act....Odessa was fun today. Glad we all got to go, course we didn't get the yard work done we wanted or the air conditioner out of the spare room, but oh well...tomorrow is another day. I'm making dinner tomorrow night so don't plan on cooking, course you could make a salad if you wanted...."hint hint"...kiss them boys for us....