Damn cookies lol

Joshua and Macey!

I love that Jared looks just like Don!
Oh I love the sunshine! It does make me happy! Last night Parker and Patrick went to Rock and Worship Roadshow in Spokane last night with their youth group. They had an awesome time! Patrick won drum sticks and Parker bought a cd. I love that they love Jesus! Saturday we went to Spokane so Parker could hang out with Alexy and so I could go to the mall and get Lois's birthday gift. Joshua went over to my bff jennifers house to play with Macey. And did he have SO much fun!! He wants to be a rancher/farmer so badly. Him and Macey have been best friends since preschool. She told him "your my boyfriend because I said so" HAHAHA!! Love it! So on Saturday it was Don, me and Jared that went to Red Robin for lunch and then onto grocery shopping. I wanted to go to Winco to see if its cheaper than Walmart and safeway. I dont think it was, so I will just continue to do the same thing I do every week. Yesterday I taught sunday school and then went and had lunch with my mom and john after church. When I got home I made Dr. Seuss cookies for the boys partys today, oh my gosh those sucked! I followed the pinterest recipe and I had to google a new technique lol I found one that was SO much easier! I dont work today! Lois is in Denver until tonight, so I only have 5 more days of work and her transplant is next tuesday! Holy cow! I contacted the lady in charge of the CNA program, so hopefully I will get to do that program so I can work and make some money until school starts next fall! So today I get to go to Moses Lake and get new tires again, ugh! But my mom is going to pick me up and were going to have lunch and go to the bread store and walmart! Fun day!! Tomorrow I am starting to go swimming at the Harrington pool with some other ladies. They go tue, wed and thurs to do lap swim, I'm very excited!! Well I'm off! Have a good Monday!
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