Its no secret I have always been insecure. My first marriage damaged me...a lot, more than I even knew. I know it wasnt all my 1st marriage, but myself, I have always been an insecure person, I think a lot has to do with my weight and how I feel about myself, I dont like myself, I dont know if I ever have. Don has been SO patient with me through these last 11 years. Me constintly asking if he is going to leave me, if he loves me, am I enough for him, and he answers each with a smile, a yes and a hug. I wish I didnt feel this way, and I am slowly getting better, I think losing 30 pounds so far has helped my self esteem. I am glad I dont have girls, because I would hate to have to try and teach them to love themselves when I cant love myself. But on the other hand, I have boys, so we have to teach them to love their women the way she is and make her feel important, beautiful, loved and adored, that is so much easier for me! Is our marriage perfect? No, but we love, respect and adore each other, so thats all that matters. He is patient with me, loves me and I'm all he wants, thats enough for me!
Wow...girl you just told my story! I think you are a beautiful & fun girly! You are an Amazing mama & a great caretaker with the people for your job. You "ROCK" Heather!!! Don't listen to satana's lies anymore. You are a daughter to our Heavenly Father who loves you so much & made you BEAUTIFUL in his imagine. I stuggle with liking myself too! God knew what we needed giving us such AMAZING husbands. I have a patient husband too! Love ya girly!
Boy, I couldn't agree more with Debra! She said it perfect. You already know how great I think you are! Pretty, sweet, and our Heath. We love you so much!!!! Way to speak your heart! xoxoxo
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