Thursday, February 28, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Life is good!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
My heart!
How can your heart be so filled with joy and also filled with such saddness? Let me explain. I started a journey 20 months ago with Lois. We spent an entire month together in Spokane and 5 days a week ever since. I have worked every holiday except Christmas day, sick or not sick. I am pretty sure I know everything about her, and she with me. I share everything with her, even female problems and bowel issues haha! She has never once ever said "why me" or felt sorry for herself, that is just not her. She is strong and I admire her more than she will ever know! Our days are spent visiting, laughing, talking, some crying and just relaxing. And now she is getting a new kidney and I am over the moon excited. She is going to start life, live without doing dialysis everyday. Then there is me who will miss her SO much. It will be so weird not spending everyday with her. They have made me a part of their family and trust me with everything they have. I am so excited to be able to be there on her big day, when her life will forever change.
Monday, February 18, 2013
My kitchen
Sunday, February 17, 2013
The weekend!
Well we have had a good quiet weekend! Don is SO close to finishing the bathroom upstairs. Friday night he painted and yesterday was putting the toilet and sink in, but missing a hose for the darn toilet! So today we will pick one up when were in Moses Lake for a birthday party. We are going to Dons favorite pizza place, Chicos for a party. I hate their pizza lol to greasy and the crust is SO thin. The sun has been so lovely! Our snow is MELTING! So next month we can finally finish our yard! We did half the hydro seeding last year and this year is the other half! Get rid of the mud! Today was Church, my last day teaching Sunday school with the Jr highers. I enjoy them so much! But I'm still doing childrens church so thats good! The boys dont have school tomorrow, but we both work, we tried to tell them thats what happens when your adults, you work lol! Patricks first game he gets to play in is Tuesday! He is beyond excited! I cant wait to watch him in action!!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Blast from the past
The Sun!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
My funny Valentines
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Pinewood Derby
It was a good year for the Valverdes! The last 2 years the boys have come in dead last lol! This year Jared got 2nd and Josh got 5th, woohoo SO much better! Don always stresses out about it cause it reflects on him haha! I cant believe its only tuesday, ugh! This week is dragging on and on! Tomorrow for work we head to Spokane to get the declot meds, so that always makes for a long day. Well I am going to bed, I am still so tired but it is getting better but I'm still exhausted!!
Friday, February 8, 2013
33 pounds is what I am holding, which is how much I have lost so far! It weighs a ton, I cannot believe I have been carrying that 33 pounds around for so long. It makes me really excited to lose the rest, but I dont think I will be able to hold 80 pounds when all is said and done lol! Today was a perfect day! The boys went to school and it was just Don and I. I had the day off and he took the day off so it worked out wonderfully! We got ready and headed to Moses Lake. We had lunch at a new spot, it was good, I had a taco salad and Don had a big burger. Then we parked on 3rd and walked around town to get some excersize, then off to walmart to get a few things and lastly to the dirt bike shop so we can give them the go ahead to fix Patricks dirt bike. Ugh, 400.00 later. of course we forgot sheetrock for my bathroom upstairs and pellets, darn! So back we go tomorrow!! Sunday is Church and laundry in there of course! The Pinewood derby is sunday for cub scouts, the boys get so excited for this! I will post pics of their cars Sunday.
I really am obsessed with this man. He is pretty fantastic!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Only Wednesday??
Isnt that true? Then I wonder why we think we have it so badly when things dont go our way? I am guilty of this time after time, but it does make you stop and think doesnt it?
This week seems like its taking forever lol and its only Wednesday! It has been a good week so far, just busy, busy, busy. Patrick had a game Monday, 1 more week til his cast comes off! Parker is at FBLA winter conference today and FFA tomorrow. He applied for his first job!! He will make $1000.00 for 3 weeks if he gets it, which will help with gas and stuff since he will be driving then. Its the job corp road crew, so basically picking up garbage!! Not to shabby for a first job! They are growing up so fast! Prom is next month so we have to get Parker fitted for his tux! What a fun night that will be for him!
Neither Don or I work Friday! I am so excited! A day with my sweetie. Whatever shall we do? :) Besides Church on Sunday this weekend is pretty low key, which I love!!
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