I love me a good relaxing saturday morning. Josh is gone at his friends house, Parker is dogsitting at my moms, Jared is playing ball with the kitties and Patrick is playing his dirt bike video game and I am on pinterest and fb. Ahhh the life! Don drove to Portland yesterday to get Patricks dirt bike. An 85 KTM. Now before anyone in my family starts judging as they have before, Don has worked his ass off doing an addition to a friends house, about 700 square feet, he has saved that money so he could buy Patrick this bike! So now, Joshua gets Patricks old bike and Jared gets Joshuas old bike, love hand me downs! Racing season starts soon so the boys are chomping at the bit to get out there. Racing is the only sport Patrick doesnt injure himself lol, he has ran into a tree, our porch and a tractor, and nothing has happened, but he jumps 2 feet in a uhaul and brakes his ankle and toe lol! Go figure! Its been very cold here the last few days, windy and just bone chilling cold, I hate it. But today the sun is out and I'm hopeful it will warm up past 35 degrees! We got snow last week, thank you Lord it didnt stick or stay around very long. I am so wanting to go on a date with my man, but alas I will wait until Prom, which is only a couple weeks away, were going to go to a movie during prom, and of course the kids want to eat at Olive Garden, doesnt hurt my feelings to eat there :) We have a van full for Prom, I love that the kids want to go with us! Well my boss is at 2 weeks from her new kidney! Holy cow, how amazing is that? I am so excited to be a part of it!!
No judging here! lol! I am sooo excited for Patrick!!! And the trickle effect it has on Josh and Jared! Everyone benefits! We will be over this summer to watch them ride. I may have to get drunk first to watch them. lol! Love you! I am glad you are enjoying your Saturday!
Hahaha!! I want to see ^ drunk =)hehe! Wish we were closer sounds like we would have fun w all our crazy boys! Matthew wants a dirt bike now that he can ride a regular bike LOL!! <3
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