Sunday, September 5, 2010

school has started!

this summer has gone by so fast! rodeo season went great! josh is done with sheep and onto calves :o im not excited about this! we spent alot of time at the pool and did manage to go camping up north with some great friends. we went huckleberry picking and swimming in the river, we all had a great time. of course the day we were to leave the boys found barn kittys, 1 was dead and the other 2 were close, so don got kitten replacement milk and the 4 hour feedings started...yes we brought them camp!ng with us. the 1 kitten died in my hands the next day but the runt is still going strong and now our house pet :) we love our coffee bean! the boys are so far loving school...amen!! parker is in 7th, patrick is in 5th, josh is in k, and jared is in preschool! where has the time gone :( we had a fire across the street from our house..thank the lord the wind wasnt blowing that would not of turned out good! we have worked so hard on this house that you would have to committ me if something happened to our house! so all in all we had a great summer! now onto fall!