Sunday, March 22, 2015

I am already exhausted from the upcoming months lol Work is crazy and racing starts this next weekend. School board stuff,baseball and everything in between that. My baby boy turns 9 next month and I am trying to remember where those 9 years have gone. I just have no idea! I got my hair cut and I do like it but I do miss my long hair already! My hair grows so fast plus I am on prenatal vits so no worries. My weight loss has been a bit slow this month, still at 89 pounds which is amazing but it ddoesn't help I haven't been to the gym in the last month. I got a double ear infection and strep throat then because I am a woman a nice little bonus along with the antibiotics lol I am finally feeling human again! We are interviewing for a new Superintendent at school, its going good we should reach a decision tomorrow night at our meeting. Josh had an ear infection last week ugh. Suppose to be 72 this next weekend, to say I am excited is an understatement! Our Sophie is getting so big! 34 pounds already! She got fixed and all done with her shots for the year. We started going on walks to train her on the leash, she isn't a fan yet ha! Well here is to a week I hope goes fast!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Wow! First of all....that dog is getting so big! Second...those boys are getting so big!! Third... you are getting so small!!! I do like your hair but I don't recall seeing it short since you were small! It's cute! Your dad is getting his done tomorrow. Love you! <3