Monday, January 26, 2009

Manic Monday

What a day! My poor boss has the flu, so I went in at my normal time of 715 and stayed until 445pm, it was actually a really good day, the kids were good. Parker was sick with a sore throat, he is feeling better, but not so good today. He didn't make bball practice, Patrick did though. Don had to go to bed early b/c he has to get up at 12:30am to go to work =( His last time doing it for a few weeks, so I'm glad about that. I dont know how people can work full time, get home, put dinner on the table, clean up, bathe kids, get them ready for bed, all within 3 hours! I'm so thankful I dont have to work full time, I dont know if I could do it! With my boys growing up so fast, I would miss out on so much and emotionally I dont think I could handle that. Tomorrow I dont have to go in until 8:30, my wonderful Kim is going in early for me since I have to work until 3pm. I told her I would bring her a mocha before I came in =) Josh went to bed at 545 tonight, guess he was tired lol! He is trying to fight off this cold that he is starting to get, so I think he was really needing some sleep! Well I'm going to bed, I'm really tired, but I do get to sleep in until 6:45 tomorrow!! I know, you wish you were me =)


Anonymous said...

You don't know how strong you are until you're put to the test. You handle things as they come and you do it well....just keep telling yourself, "well, yes I can" and it will happen. Trust yourself. We love

Jo said...

Just wanted to say hi, I worked with Karla at Dr. Duggal's. We now live in Republic. It's cold here on the east side huh?
Jo Erickson

Heather said...

HI JO! Long time no talk! It is way too cold over here! What are you doing in Republic?