Sunday, January 25, 2009

Old blogs and stuff!

He shoots he scores! Patrick making a basket!

Parker running

Patrick blocking

Both boys

So yesterday the boys had their basketball games. They both did amazing!! Patricks team finally won 14-6 and Patrick even scored 2 baskets! Parkers team did really really good, they lost, but not by much, it was 8-26, now mind you last weeks game was 4-62 so they did awesome! Patrick was a sub in Parkers game cause they didn't have enough players, they look so cute out there playing together! We went out for lunch after with some friends and came home to start the downstairs. We totally cleaned the game room out to make room for our weight set we bought from Brad. Its big, so we had to make room, the boys are SO excited to get it and start lifting weights with dad.
So I came across my old blog last night, the one on MSN. Oh my gosh! It was when Jared was a couple months old =( It made me so sad to read it, where has time gone? I was actually a really good blogger back then lol! I think I will print them and keep them, it was a really stressful time in our lives b/c Jared was colic, but when I read them, it doesnt seem so bad. How crazy is that? On one of my blogs it was the 2nd anniversary of Don adopting the boys, now were coming up on 5 years!
Well I downloaded a few pics of the last few days and basketball. Not sure what were doing today, we got invited to a bday party but I dont know if were going to make it, Parker has a sore throat now and Jared just isnt on his A game yet, so laundry is in the future I see!!


Joyce said...

Love the pictures! Such handsome boys!!! It's fun to read past blogs... some times. Love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the boys had such a good time at their games. Just wish I could of been there....hope they are feeling better now. ttys, love you

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are so sweet. What handsome boys.Hope everyone is feeling better.