Sunday, August 12, 2007

Rather be boating

I love love love highspeed internet! Well today was a very long day. Crying kids, not so clean house, stress, stress, stress! As soon as Amanda got here we took off to wal mart and DK's for some ice cream. Ice Cream seems to help everything! They are leaving in the morning to go back home =( I dont like that much. Next time I see Andrew he will be in 7th grade, oh my gosh! And Lauren will be in kindergarten!! Crazy! My Murphy dog is going to take some getting use to. Anyone want a really cute golden retriever? We've been debating on wether we should keep him of give him away. He is just such a handful cause he is a puppy, but he is so darn cute. I just dont have the time and energy, we'll see I guess! Well I am so tired, Jared decided to not sleep again last night, stinker! While I was at Wal Mart, Don put all the clothes away and did the dishes and picked up the living room. he is so darn sweet! I think I'll keep him. Well I am going to go to bed!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry things are going so rough! Things can only get better!
Poor Murph. Our puppy who is just over a year is improving a lot. It takes time and lots of patients but they are such sweet dogs.
I hope they have a good trip home.
I hope you get some much needed sleep.